At this moment, there was a shrill sound from the sky, and then, the high-pitched poem was like thunder.

"Six paths fall together, thousands of calamities, extradition... Tathagata!"

In the sound of the poetry trumpet, the dazzling golden brilliance shone all over the earth, and the hot wind blowing through the sleeves blew, sweeping away the last atmosphere.

Everyone around the "Baijian Villa" raised their heads to the sky, and saw a golden giant eagle of several meters, coming through the sky, and a stalwart figure standing proudly above the giant eagle.


The golden giant eagle was extremely fast, and in just a few breaths, it approached the sky above the "Baijian Villa". The giant eagle fell down, setting off a fierce wind. At the same time, the Buddha in black robes on the eagle's back floated down. .

0 ......

With a single step, Hongli shocked the world, and his spirit shocked the world.

The one-page book of Baishijinglun is amazing!

One Page Book, also known as "Brahma", nicknamed "Bai Shi Jing Lun" and "Evil Heart Demon Buddha", is the main character in the Pili Puppet Show.With profound meditation and martial arts cultivation, he is solemn, selfless, and upright. Since his debut, he has helped Su Huanzhen many times or worked together to calm down the martial arts, turn the tide and resolve the crisis.

Of course, this is not the real body of a book, but a magical one-page book transformed by Qiluosheng's "demon soul", but this secret is in addition to Qiluosheng, Ye Wushang and the current demonized page Outside the book, no one knows.

A page of the book fell to the ground, and the "power of the holy devil" on his body was turbulent, like a saint, like a devil, and a worldly cultivation base (the strength displayed is in the early stage of innate astral qi, which is equal to the strength of Wuming), and all the heroes looked at him.

"What an amazing cultivation base, why have never heard of such a strong man?" The surrounding heroes looked at the page of the domineering appearance in doubt, and turned over all the famous masters, but they did not find anything that matched him. figure.


Thank you "j**" for the demolition vote. I planned to add a new chapter last night, but I fell asleep when I wrote it! In addition, thank you for your great support of flowers, and you can leave a message if you have any good suggestions. .

167 Life is like a play [Subscribe]

"Six paths fall together, there are thousands of calamities, extradite the Tathagata!"

With the high-pitched poem number, a page of the book suddenly came to the world. I saw him with black hair like a waterfall, his body like a motionless King Ming, wearing a darker red Buddha bead around his neck, holding a golden whisk, and Sanskrit characters are engraved on his forehead and the back of his right hand. , In addition to her beauty, she also has the domineering arrogance to look down on all beings in the world.

Zun Wushang saw the appearance of a page of book Lafeng, and said to Qiluosheng through the sound transmission of his mind: "I didn't expect the demon soul to be transformed into a book, but with his arrogant character, it is not the same as the demonized page. The books are somewhat similar."

Qi Luosheng replied with his mind: "Yes! I haven't contacted him for a few months, I didn't expect him to turn into a "magic book", and even the mount "Yangyi" is ready! The aura is so strong , isn't it stealing my limelight! "Two One Three""

Fan Qinghui and Shi Wuzun were also secretly suspicious. One page of the book was dressed in black Sanskrit costumes, with a solemn appearance, black hair with white hair, like highlights, and a six-character Great Ming mantra on the forehead. The first word of Om is written in Sanskrit, which belongs to the high standard in Sanskrit, indicating that it has the meaning of taking refuge, and the word "Om (Om)" is read, which represents the origin of all things, the origin of the holy law, at first glance, a page The book is like a Buddhist monk, but his noble and pure sage is mixed with evil and demonic energy, his eyes are domineering, and he is incompatible with the Buddhist monks.


Qiluosheng pretended not to know a page of the book, stepped forward and clasped his fists and asked, "Qiluosheng is selling wine in white clothes, dare to ask the master's name, what's your purpose here?"

Yiyishu was also like the first time he saw Qiluosheng, and said in a particularly high tone: "I, the one-page book of 'Bai Shijing Lun', came here today to ask for the divine soldier who is about to be born."

"Yeah!" Qiluosheng pondered for a while, and then said: "Master, I'm sorry, this magical weapon was forged by the hundreds of years of hard work of "Baijian Mountain Villa", I can't say it lightly."

"Oh!" Yi Ying Shu's face turned cold, and he said aggressively: "If I am in a position to take it, I will take it!" Brahma arrogantly picked the Lord of the "World Sealing Saber" with a strong urging.

Qi Luosheng also seemed to be provoked by anger, and also said coldly: "Sacred soldiers, those who have the ability can get it, Master, you can do this."

One page of the book is arrogant and domineering, and Qi Luosheng is strong and cold to Brahma.

Outside of the Sword Pond, the world's two great masters, Wei Ran, faced off against each other, as if competing for each other.

"Looking at this posture, this person is going to fight with the Lord of the "World Sealing Knife"!"

"The momentum of these two people is so strong, I'm afraid they have exceeded the scope of the master, it's really scary!"

"Oh! The mysterious Buddhist master, who is stronger and who is weaker than Qiluosheng?"

"Fight! Fight! It's better to die together, so that I have a better chance of grabbing the magic weapon!"

The heroes who came around saw that the two were fighting with each other, and their minds were different.

Wuming originally wanted to step forward to dissuade him, but after thinking about it, he gave up the idea again!First, because he is an outsider after all, and it is inconvenient to intervene, and second, because he also wants to see how far the two of them have cultivated.

There is no need to say more about Xiongba, Yu Wenhua and their likes, I'm just afraid that in their hearts, two peerless masters who do not know the depths of their lives will fight to the death, so as to profit from it.

One page of writing was not good, and he said aggressively: "I will say it again, hand over the magic weapon."

Qiluosheng responded coldly and said coldly: "First, 'Baijian Villa' is not where you are arrogant! Second, if you speak, do I have to do it?"


The words were not speculative, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a gust of wind and rain. I saw the madness in the eyes of a page. With a loud voice, he raised his hand and swept towards Qiluosheng with the power of thunder.

The words were not speculative, and in the blink of an eye, it turned into a gust of wind and rain. I saw the madness in the eyes of a page. With a loud voice, he raised his hand and swept towards Qiluosheng with the power of thunder.


Qi Luosheng snorted coldly, and his figure moved instantly, turning into a streamer of white shadows, turning between his sleeves and raising his palms in response.

The two sides slammed their palms, and there were a few silences, and then, the palms were like two tornadoes, rolling up the snow all over the ground, and going straight into the sky, like a miracle of natural disasters, shocking the minds of everyone present.

Those with weaker foundations will be swept away by the wind, and it will be difficult for them to stand on the left and the right.

"Wow Kaka! A single palm can take over the creation of heaven and earth. The cultivation of these two people is simply incredible."

"Brother! Did I drink too much just now and have hallucinations?"

"Gudu! It's too exaggerated! Can this be done by humans?"

People who do not have the innate realm can swing left and right under the two palm winds, and it is difficult for quasi-first-class masters such as Xiang Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun to stabilize their bodies. Where did you fly!


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