The palms fell, Qiluosheng and Yiyishu each took a few steps back...  

Qiluosheng took the last step and stepped on the underground rock, "Jiangshan Yandao" suddenly started, and said with a cold smile: "A page of a book, not bad, how about taking me a knife?"

A page of the book also stopped walking at the same time, with a whisk of dust in his hand, full of energy, he said proudly: "The strong are not afraid, and you will use your failure to prove that I am a hero with a smile!"

Just when the two were about to fight again.

Wuming and the first evil emperor stepped forward at the same time: "Stop!"

"Yeah!" Yi Ying Shu looked coldly at Wuming and the First Evil Emperor who were inserted into the battle group, as if they were dissatisfied with the mess between them.

"Senior Wuming, Senior Evil Emperor!" Qi Luosheng looked at the two of them modestly.

"The strength of the two is shocking to the world. If you continue to fight, I am afraid that the victory and defeat will not be determined, and this place will be razed to the ground. Now that the magic weapon has not been born, success and failure are still between the two. Why should you rush to compete for God? Soldiers belong!" Seeing that the two of them were in good hands, they knew that if they continued to fight, the innocent would be harmed, so the good old man Wuming finally stepped forward to persuade them.

The First Evil Emperor Fu Xiu, 5.7 said: "What Wuming said is good, the old man also thinks that there is no need to argue at this time, it is better to wait for the gods to be born, and then discuss it." Although the first evil emperor is strange, but his heart is full of There is a trace of kindness, and I don't want to see unnecessary casualties.

Yiyishu and Qiluosheng looked at each other, borrowed the donkey, and stopped at the same time.

As the "demon soul" among the three souls, Yi Ying Shu naturally won't really put a heavy hand on Qi Luosheng's body. What he did just now was to accompany the body to act! Even if there is no nameless, the first evil emperor to stop it , they will also find an opportunity to end, and now there is the intervention of Wuming, the first evil emperor, and it is just the rest of their efforts.


Thanks to "dingaian", "zq**" for monthly passes and rewards. .

168 God Soldier was born [for a reward]

Seeing Qiluosheng and Yiyishu’s astonishing cultivation base, many of the people present were gloomy and their strength reached a certain level. The number of ordinary people’s naval battles would not work at all, and ordinary congenital warriors could make thousands of troops easy to change ( Ordinary army), and if the master-level warrior is not restrained by the same-level powerhouse, even an army of tens of thousands cannot surround and kill him. People like Qiluosheng and the others who change the sky with one palm can be called a myth.

Even Fan Qinghui, Zhu Yuyan and the like couldn't help being dazzled by it, and they were dumbfounded, thinking to themselves: such a person, I am afraid that only the amazing and brilliant people like Wuming and the First Evil Emperor are comparable to him. Come on!

"How can a golden lin be a thing in a pool, and a dragon will change when it meets the wind and clouds! I am the man of destiny approved by the mud bodhisattva, destined to dominate the world, and no one can hinder my dominance!" , The first evil emperor and the four people on the page, the hands behind Xiongba's back are constantly rubbing, seeing that they are almost narrowed into a slit, thinking about how to solve these stumbling blocks that block his domination of the world. !

The strength that Qiluosheng and others have just shown has already aroused Xiongba's murderous intention. The strength they showed is too powerful. If they conquer the world, Xiongba has no confidence to be able to win a few people head-on. How can this result not let him shock?How to not make him angry?How not to make him afraid?As a hero of a generation, Xiongba will never allow anyone stronger than him to exist in the world. If there is, he must do everything possible to get rid of him.

The wood is beautiful in the forest, and the wind will destroy it, nothing more than that!

There are several people who have the same idea as Xiongba, but after seeing the strength of Qiluosheng and others, more people think about how to win over or join them.After all, there are not many people who are willing to compete for the world and have the ability to compete for the world. After all, there are not many people, but more people are just seeking fame and fortune! It is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree, and one of these towering trees will walk in the future. Confident!


After the coordination between Wuming and the first evil emperor, Qiluosheng and Yiyueshu Zhanshi put down their "prejudice", and then under the leadership of Qiluosheng, the heroes entered the entrance to Jianchi one after another.

Jianchi, built under Baijian Villa, is home to many good swords and famous swords that can be named, that is, many famous swords circulating in the rivers and lakes, which are basically made by Baijian Villa.

In the sword pool, there are countless peerless swords with the same shape and shape. These are all inferior products. The real "peerless sword" has long been recast and has changed beyond recognition.

Everyone entered the passage leading to Jianchi, only to feel that the further they went in, the higher the temperature, as if they were walking into a huge furnace.

"Meet Your Honorable Master!" Seeing that Qiluosheng brought many martial artists into Jianchi, the casting master Zhong Mei, who was in charge of the casting, hurriedly greeted him.

"Don't be too polite, how about the casting of 'Tears of the Black Moon' and 'Or Heaven Halberd'?" Kirasheng asked.

Zhong Mei respectfully said: "Returning to the lord, the magic weapon has entered the final stage, but the blood of the three poisons is still lacking to complete the final step." Said, Zhong Mei eagerly looked at the "Tears of the Black Moon" and "Or Heavenly Halberd", although he regretted that he did not have a "peerless sword", Zhong Mei was still very excited to be able to create two truly peerless weapons.

"Yeah!" Qi Luosheng nodded and said, "There is no need to look for the blood of the three poisons! I will handle this matter myself, and lead Jiannu and others out!"

"This... Yes, Your Honor." Zhong Mei hesitated. Although he really wanted to witness the birth of the Divine Soldier with his own eyes, seeing so many masters around him, he knew that a fierce battle would be inevitable. Honoring the Lord did this for the sake of They thought about it and didn't want them to sacrifice in vain. After thinking about it, Zhong Mei took Jiannu and others out of Jianchi unwillingly.

"This... Yes, Your Honor." Zhong Mei hesitated. Although he really wanted to witness the birth of the Divine Soldier with his own eyes, seeing so many masters around him, he knew that a fierce battle would be inevitable. Honoring the Lord did this for the sake of They thought about it and didn't want them to sacrifice in vain. After thinking about it, Zhong Mei took Jiannu and others out of Jianchi unwillingly.

And many top masters finally got their wish to see the true face of the magic weapon.

The scorching air was surging, and one sword, one halberd, and two rare divine weapons (bdbc) stood in the lava in the center of the sword pool, scorched by the flames of the earth's core. The strange thing was that these two divine weapons seemed to be attacked by an invisible force. Hold it up and float in mid-air, looking very mysterious.

"This is the peerless magic weapon, I didn't expect there would be two!"

"How can it be a knife and a halberd! Isn't this Sword Worship Villa always focused on making swords?"

"It's so amazing, it's worthy of being a peerless weapon, this halberd is extremely domineering and won my heart."

Everyone was shocked when they saw the "Tears of the Black Moon" and "Or Tianji" standing in the void. At the same time, some strange thoughts began to be exposed, but due to Qi Luosheng's strength, no one dared to act rashly.

After seeing the two magic weapons, many sword masters felt a little disappointed. In martial arts, swordsmen are the mainstream, followed by swordsmen, and there are really few masters with halberds!

When the swordsman saw the floating magic weapon, a trace of disappointment flashed in his eyes. The swordsman's life pursuit was the pinnacle of kendo. Although these two magic weapons were rare, they were of no use to the swordsman.

"Heavenly Sword" Song Que, the first evil emperor, Yu Wenhua and other master swordsmen couldn't help but look at "Tears of the Black Moon", the sharp-edged, stern aura made countless swordsmen fascinated by it. As far as the person concerned, having a satisfactory magic weapon will definitely increase the combat power by a lot.

On the other hand, Li Yuan, Xiongba and the others valued the "Or Tian Ji" at first glance. Although they were not masters of using halberds, it did not hinder their appreciation of the "Or Tian Ji", especially the domineering, graceful and noble charm. , very much to their taste.

Just when everyone was amazed, Qiluosheng and Ning Wushang slashed their fingertips at the same time, and some bloodstains spilled from the wound, and they shook into the sword pool with a certain pattern.

The "Blood of the Holy Demon" gathered, and there was a sudden change in the sword pool. Countless weapons trembled and vibrated in unison, as if they were worshipping the master of the soldiers. The pressure fills the entire mountainside, and everyone can feel the extraordinary.

After the "Tears of the Black Moon" and "Or Heaven Halberd" absorbed the "Blood of the Holy Demon", they vibrated in unison, and the blade and the halberd radiated dazzling brilliance.

Among the people who worshiped the Sword Villa, Zhong Mei looked at the vision of Jianchi, and suddenly exclaimed: "The Peerless Divine Soldier is about to be born!"

After Zhongmei said this, everyone's eyes turned to Jianchi, and they saw that there was a lot of splendor, and a mighty aura suddenly rose up, and many people's weapons trembled and whined involuntarily, one after another. Pointing to that position, even the famous weapons such as the "Hero Sword", "Sek Kong Sword", and "Devil Blade" are no exception. .

 169 Divine Soldier Tribulation [Subscribe]

God soldiers are born, thousands of soldiers worship!


When the blood containing the "Blood of the Holy Demon" completely merged into the "Tears of the Black Moon" and "Or Tianji", suddenly, there was a sound of air tearing around, followed by a dazzling red-golden light~ Come over.

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