In the face of the dazzling light with boundless and sharp aura, everyone just felt the sting of their own eyes and could hardly open their eyes! It seemed that the entire void was covered with a golden luster, and the two magical weapons shot violently. The strange light penetrated the mountain wall, shot straight into the sky, and penetrated the sky, even in the daytime, it was still extremely dazzling-.

Everyone felt that the "Tears of the Black Moon" and "Or Tianji" were extremely sharp and domineering, as if they could cut off everything. stand up!

God soldier!Peerless Divine Soldier!As long as you get these two magic weapons, from now on, the magic weapon is in hand, I have it in the world, unify the martial arts, dominate the world, sit on the throne of the martial arts alliance leader, marry the fairy of "Cihang Jingzhai", and go to the pinnacle of life!

Just as some people were having sex, there was a change in the sky. The sky that had been clear for thousands of miles was instantly covered with overcast clouds, the thunder was rolling, and the pressure of destruction suddenly descended.

Wuming, Xiehuang, Qiluosheng and other peerless masters all looked up into the sky subconsciously. Although there were many rocks blocking them, they still felt a majestic force condensing in the sky.

The two divine soldiers seemed to have a feeling, trembled for a while, broke through the mountain wall in an instant, and flew high into the sky.

"What's the matter, how did the magic soldier fly out!"

"Ask a fart! Hurry up and chase!"

Seeing the Divine Soldier flying high into the sky, whether it was out of greed, or out of curiosity, everyone ran out of the Sword Pond.


At this moment, the aura emanating from the robbery clouds in the sky is condensing and growing almost at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The black robbery cloud exudes a vast coercion, and a terrifying thunder force circulates in the robbery cloud endlessly.

Every moment, the pressure of the breath emanating from the cloud of robbery will be a little thicker, and it looks extremely terrifying, black and pressed, bringing out an endless aura of repression. People with a slightly weaker martial arts will stand under the cloud of robbery, and in a blink of an eye The pressure emanating from the robbery cloud will make his limbs weak and slumped to the ground.

The power of heaven and earth is so vast. In the face of this pressure, even a master of the innate realm standing on the ground will tremble and tremble!

A page looked at the two divine weapons in the sky, and said solemnly, "I didn't expect that the birth of these two divine weapons would attract the envy of the heavens and bring down the divine weapons."

"Divine Armament Tribulation?" The people around were puzzled for a while, and all looked at a page of the book. This plane is only the plane of middle martial arts. Immortals, gods, Buddhas and demons have long since disappeared. There is no world, except for a few ancient forces, ordinary people have only heard of the story of the storyteller.

Wuming also looked at the cloudy sky, with a cautious look in his eyes. As a descendant of Jianzong, he knew more or less about Divine Armament Jie.According to legend, in ancient times, the spiritual energy of heaven and earth was very strong, and there were countless treasures in heaven and earth. There were often powerful people flying into the heavens, or the birth of heaven-defying artifacts. Whenever this time, the heavens would bring down a catastrophe. Wuming thought it was just a myth and legend, but I didn’t expect it. One day I will see it with my own eyes.

The heroes of "Baijian Mountain Villa" marveled at the grand scene of the birth of the gods, and at the same time they were also amazed at the power of the forging skills of "Baijian Mountain Villa". It is not an exaggeration to say that they can forge such a masterpiece. what!

Click! !

One after another silver-white electric light was constantly shuttled in the robbery cloud, like terrifying snakes swimming, constantly colliding with each other, and a fierce thunder broke out, as if it was the roar of the gods, shocking the mind.

"Boom!" The voice of a page of the book did not fall, and suddenly a thunderbolt came from the endless void, and the wind was violent in an instant, and countless silver-white lightnings rushed out of the dark clouds, and suddenly merged into two big legs. Thick lightning, like a long dragon, blasted towards the location of the "Tear of the Black Moon" and the "Or Celestial Halberd".

The people in "Baijian Villa" were all stunned by the vision that happened at this moment, all of them opened their mouths wide, looking up at the sky in stunned eyes, watching the two sturdy electric dragons, and suddenly slashed towards "Baijian". The two divine soldiers in the sky above the Villa.

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As for the people who were blocked from the "Baijian Villa", all of them were so frightened that they fled in all directions like lost dogs, rushing to escape into the distance, lest they run too slowly, be struck by lightning, and suffer the disaster of Chiyu.


Thousands of miles away from the "Heaven's Gate", Di Shitian, wearing a mysterious ice mask, was practicing cross-legged in the Tiangong under the ice. Feeling the change in the void, he couldn't help but suddenly change his color, and quickly opened the "Heavenly Gate". , suspended in the void, looking in the direction of "Baijian Villa" from afar, the old face under the mask immediately became unpredictable, and he muttered: "What is the magic weapon, it can actually trigger the magic weapon robbery that has not been encountered in a thousand years!" , As soon as his body moved, Emperor Shitian flew towards the direction of "Baijian Villa".


In Shenzhou, there are several places where the same similar situation happened. These people are all powerful people. When they discovered the vision of heaven and earth in "Baijian Villa", they flew at full speed immediately, wanting to see what kind of god it was. The appearance of the soldiers can attract such a rare magical calamity.

For a time, there were several black dots in the sky above Shenzhou, each of which represented a peerless powerhouse. Their goals were the same, and they were all where the "Baijian Mountain Villa" was located.

Although these people have the same goal, their goals are completely different. Some people come with the mentality of watching the fun, while some people have the mentality of robbing the magic weapon, and they all start at full speed, lest they be one step behind, the magic weapon taken by others.


"Shenbing Jie?" Regarding the suffocating robbery cloud in the sky, Qi Luosheng pretended to be puzzled and turned to a book not far away.

Under the great power of the sky, a page of writing said without changing its color: "Yes, the robbery of the gods, as the name suggests, is the catastrophe that appeared when the gods appeared! As far as I know, this catastrophe has not been seen in the world for thousands of years. I didn't expect that these two magic weapons could induce a magic weapon calamity today, it's really extraordinary!"

At the same time, the tribulation thunder turned into two long white dragons, which arrived in an instant, mixed with majestic and tyrannical energy, and slashed toward the "Tear of the Black Moon" and the "Or Heaven Halberd". .

 170 Emperor Shitian【Subscribe】

The tribulation thunder turned into two long white dragons, which arrived in an instant, mixed with majestic and tyrannical energy, and slashed towards the "Tears of the Black Moon" and the "Or Heaven Halberd".


The thunder dragon rolled, shaking the sky and the earth, the "Tears of the Black Moon" and the "Or Heaven Halberd" were like living creatures.


The tribulation thunder directly bombarded the two divine weapons, and suddenly there was a terrifying sound. The silver snakes in the void danced wildly, and the flames blazed. During the dance of the "Tears of the Black Moon" and the "Or Heavenly Halberd", two tribulation thunders were thrown into the air. They were smashed, some of their abilities were absorbed by them, and the other part turned into thousands of thunderbolts, which were unprecedentedly brilliant.

The first wave of tribulation thunder passed, the sky was surging again, and countless dark clouds swept in like a tide, all covering the top of the "Baijian Mountain Villa". The pitch-black robbery cloud, like hot boiling water, began to tumble violently, as if countless thunders were entangled. The roaring sound was as intense and dense as fried beans.

Within a few dozen miles of the "Baijian Villa", it suddenly fell into darkness. Only the electric light emitted from time to time in the dense dark clouds in the sky can give some short-term light to the people below.

After the muffled thunder, the center of the robbery cloud suddenly collapsed, quickly forming a dark red terrifying vortex. The vortex revolved at an incredible speed, bringing bursts of white electric sparks frantically scurrying, like a huge upside-down.

In less than half a minute, countless electric sparks quickly merged into one, turning into a tribulation thunder twice as thick as before.

"Boom Rumble" was accompanied by a thunderous explosion, and the thick robbery thunder rushed out from the dark cloud vortex like a mad dragon going out to sea, and suddenly fell towards the two divine weapons.

The speed of the robbery was unimaginable.

In the blink of an eye, this tribulation thunder directly covered the two divine weapons. The mighty thunderbolt power frantically ravaged every subtle part of the divine weapons, and the impurities that were originally contained in them were wispy. All were forced out, and finally turned into a piece of flying ashes. The "Tears of the Black Moon" and "Or Tianji" made a terrible "squeak" golden sound, as if countless glass were being rubbed and cut. The sound was extremely loud. Terribly harsh.

After the two divine soldiers absorbed all the robbery thunder, along with the sound of countless rumbling explosions, the robbery clouds in the sky slowly dissipated, everything was silent, and the bright sunlight illuminated the earth again. And the still burning trees, and the feeling in their hands, everyone thought that they were in a dream, and they all felt like a world away.

After the "Tears of the Black Moon" and "Or Tianji" were baptized by the tribulation thunder, the dazzling brilliance gradually restrained, and then fell rapidly downwards.

"The magic weapon has fallen! Hurry up and grab it!"

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