I don't know who in the crowd shouted, and then began to riot, everyone looked at the power of the two magic weapons, who didn't want to take it as their own! After hearing the shouting, their eyes flashed quickly. A hint of complex color, shock, envy, and a hint of greed. Greed! Except for a few people who can keep calm, the rest are rushing to the direction where the magic weapon fell, it seems Whoever runs fast is the same as the magic soldier.

Qiluo's eyes were like lightning, and he glanced at these people coldly. He couldn't help but let out a sneer.

After [Tears of the Black Moon] and [Or Tianji] absorbed the blood of the Holy Demon, they were already connected to Qiluosheng's blood.

At this moment, there was a sound of "swoosh" from outside the sky, and I saw a person wearing a mysterious grimace mask, flying from the distant sky and approaching quickly.

 Qi Luosheng's eyes flashed, seeing that this person's strength had reached the early stage of the Innate Extreme Yuan, and he quickly understood who was coming!

The deputy body was harmless and Yiyishu was also aware of it at the same time, and began to communicate with Qiluo business.

Zun Wushang said: "It's Emperor Shitian, I didn't expect to lead this old thing out!"

One page of the book said: "What a big move, I would be surprised if he didn't come out."

Zun Wushang ignored One Page's raising bar, and asked Qiluosheng, "My deity, what should I do now, do you want the three souls to be one?"

Qi Luosheng thought about it for a while, and said, "No need, Demon Soul (one page book) you are just a "soul body" now, I will transfer the "magic body" to you later, and at the same time, I will share with the Holy Spirit (no injury) All the skills are transferred to the 『Demon Body』, and it is up to you to fight against Emperor Shitian!”

A page of the book doesn't matter: "Okay! I also want to try the feeling of single-handedly fighting a boss."

Qiluosheng said: "That's it! However, after all, Di Shitian is an old monster who has lived for thousands of years, with a profound background, don't be careless..."

One page of the book eagerly said: "I'm doing business, don't worry, I just happened to steal this old guy's [Sacred Heart Decision]."

The minds changed, and the three souls quickly reached a consensus, and then the inexhaustible power of the holy devil silently switched between Qiluosheng, Zhe Wushang, and a page of books.

This is the brilliance of the "Holy Devil Primordial Embryo". Because there are three souls, each body has its own consciousness and thoughts.Qiluosheng, who was harmless, one page of a book, three Lin Feng who were put together to form a complete state, but now divided into three parts, each body only has the ability to immortality, and only one-third of the skill, if he is seriously injured The reply will also be much slower, but as long as you want, no matter how far you are, you can transfer your power and change your body!

It is also interesting to say that Qi Luosheng, who has seen the situation, also knows Di Shitian relatively well.

Emperor Shitian, formerly known as Xu Fu, was a famous alchemist in the Qin Dynasty. He was a famous alchemist in the Qin Dynasty. He served as the imperial doctor of Qin Shihuang. Because Qin Shihuang wanted to live forever, he entrusted him to find the elixir of immortality. Xu Fu studied numerology and found that the divine beast Phoenix exists in the world. In the end, through hard work, he captured the phoenix and practiced the medicine of immortality. In order to prevent Qin Shihuang from continuing to harm the world, he swallowed it himself and became immortal. He lied that Dongdu went to Japan to look for elixir. Hundreds of years after the death of Qin Shihuang, Xu Fu had to secretly escape back to the Central Plains because of the strength of the Dongying Hidden Sword Stream.

Because of immortality and feeling bored, he joined the major martial arts schools as a non-1.1, and spent thousands of years to learn the strengths of thousands of martial arts, and finally accumulated a thousand years of wisdom and skills, but because of his martial arts qualifications are really inferior, and the thousand years of Taoism are also Not as good as Wu Wudi's more than ten years of cultivation, and then met countless women, and his descendants are all over China. Struggle, intent to play all beings.

Because he believes that he is the god who rules the world, and cannot tolerate other people in the world as immortal as him, so he gathered seven weapons to slay the dragon on Jingrui Day and obtained the dragon yuan.

Later, in the battle of Tianmen, he was caught in Fengyun's strategy, and his thousand-year-old skills were destroyed in one fell swoop.

It can be said that it is a sad reminder that if you don't die, you won't die. .

171 Battle of Treasures 【Subscription】

Di Shitian's life is also a wonderful one. He has possessed all the beauties in the country, and he can live forever. The skills and wisdom accumulated over thousands of years have crushed many strong people and arrogance. Unfortunately, his temperament is too bad, and he often commits two deaths, otherwise he will die. The strength of , will not end up in the end of death.

But there is one thing, Qi Luosheng coincides with Di Shitian, that is, he also likes to use different identities to do things everywhere.


The "Tears of the Black Moon" and "Or Tianji" with the power of thunder fell on a huge platform at the same time, only a loud bang was heard, and in an instant, rocks were flying, and smoke and dust filled the air.

Hundreds of heroes rushed to their place, leaving dozens of others, such as Wei Wei, Shi Feixuan, Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, Jian Chen, etc., to stay in the same place. Knowing that you are not strong enough, going up rashly will only be harmful and unhelpful.

The magic weapon is dazzling, but the powerhouses onlookers did not act rashly. Few idiots who can cultivate to the innate realm know that they will definitely become the target of public criticism at this time, and naturally they will not be the first bird! But one However, he is secretly gathering momentum, waiting for an opportunity, and once he finds the right moment, he will snatch the magic weapon.

Two miles away from the "Baijian Villa", Di Shitian stopped on a cliff, and the old face under the mysterious ice mask also showed a hint of playfulness, staring at the "Baijian Villa" below, also secretly gaining momentum , ready to take action at any time.

Everyone was alert and ready to go. Few people could resist the temptation and temptation of the peerless divine soldier. The strange tranquility only lasted for a moment. After exchanging physical skills, Qi Luosheng and Zou Wushang walked towards "Tears of the Black Moon". , "or halberd".

"You can't let him get close to the magic weapon, otherwise we will have no hope."

"Do it."

"The magic weapon is mine!"

"Kill it!"

The wages of avarice is death.

Even though Qiluosheng's strength is amazing, now this kind of scene has no choice but to take action, everyone is tempted by the peerless magic weapon too deeply, and they are ready to snatch it.

The five congenital warriors who were wandering in the north looked at each other, took the lead, unsheathed their swords, and flew to Qiluosheng. When they saw that someone was going to be the first bird, some chose to continue watching, while others were ready to follow.

"Beijian Mountain Villa, how can you be arrogant!" Zun Wushang snorted coldly and waved his hands and turned between his sleeves, and several black sword qi shot out. The strange turn suddenly turned in the void, and the five of them were unexpectedly chopped into the air. They were shocked for a moment, sword qi penetrated their body, and "chi" bright red blood splattered, and the five were killed instantly.

Wuming, who originally wanted to stop it, was a step too late.

"Hi~" The onlookers saw that the white-haired swordsman in front of him had killed the five innate realm powerhouses so easily, and they all gasped in fright. , if not, the one who died just now is probably himself.

"What a strange sword energy, what a terrifying swordsman!"

"These five people are also innate masters who have been famous for a long time. I didn't expect that they could not stop a single move. This white-haired swordsman is at least a master-level powerhouse!"

Although Zhuang Wushang and Qi Luosheng passed most of their skills to a page of books, their realm did not drop, but their skills dropped to the early stage of Innate Astral Qi! It's more than enough to deal with these ordinary Innate True Qi realm warriors.

Killing the chicken to warn the monkey, when others saw it, they didn't dare to act rashly.

Zou Wushang glanced at the people around him indifferently, and said coldly: "If you want to get the magic weapon, then show your strength. I, Zou Wushang, ask to kill with a sword, and invite people to fight, who will come?"

Today's "Baijian Villa" is not the "free manufacturer of magic weapons" in the original Fengyun drama, and Qiluosheng is not a modern living Lei Feng, who makes a wedding dress for others.

"The young man's slaughter heart is too heavy, and it is not beneficial to others or himself, so why not take it lightly." Wuming Jianying Wushang killed several people as soon as he shot, and now he is inviting everyone to fight, and he stepped forward to persuade him at the right time.

Wu Wushang said indifferently: "If this world can solve problems with reason, why should I practice martial arts hard? This is a world where power is paramount, and you have been in the world for decades. Don't you understand the meaning of the rules? "

Hearing this, Wuming sighed and continued: "Even so, but if you have to forgive people and forgive them, and make less murders, this river and lake will be more peaceful!"


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