"You, let my ink sword whine!" Jianming trembled, and the murderous intent suddenly rose...  

Qiluosheng turned around and patted Wuming's shoulder, and said to Wuming: "Senior Wuming, if you didn't have the greatest strength, in this sinister world, a moral saint like you would have been buried in the sand long ago. Come on! It's a matter of the rivers and lakes, the rivers and lakes, why do you need to say more, I said earlier, the magician who has the ability can get it, and he has no ability to spy on the magician. Who can blame it if you die! Unknown senior, you'd better do this. Don't worry too much, otherwise don't blame me for being ruthless under the knife."

"I'm going, are the recent white-haired boys so good? How dare you say that to Wuming Wuming myth!"

"In my opinion, from the perspective of momentum, the strength of these two may not be lower than Wuming, and the one called the first evil emperor and a page of books, both give me a terrible pressure, it seems that we are magic soldiers. It's hopeless!"


At this moment, several figures flew in the distance. These people were extremely strong, and even Wuming and the first evil emperor didn't find it, but they couldn't hide it from Emperor Shitian, who arrived first, and the fusion of the evil spirits. A one-page book with most of the skills of Wushang and Qiluosheng.

After discovering the abnormality, a page of books passed on 3.7 voices to Qiluosheng: "This deity, there are a few more troublesome guys, the strength is almost the same as that of Emperor Shitian, two of them should be twelve with a panic and three smiles, and " The god of "Searching the Shrine", and two others who can't guess the details."

Qiluosheng's expression remained the same, but he began to calculate the gains and losses in his heart. This plot change is too pitiful!Everyone else is slowly upgrading their equipment to fight bosses in teams. How did they come to me, so they became bosses and teamed up to grab equipment!

On the other side, Di Shitian on the cliff also sensed a cryptic and powerful aura coming from a distance. The old face under the mask of Xuan Bing changed, no longer calm and confident. He was not watching the play at the moment, so he flew towards "Black". Tears of the Moon" and "Or Tianji".


Thanks to "Amber", "Twelve", "Taiyuan", "Liu Ming" and others for their flowers and tickets. .

172 The Battle of the Treasures 2 [for a reward]

"Hahaha, it's a good saying that those who are capable of divine weapons can obtain them. If this is the case, then you are welcome!" Di Shitian was afraid that things would change later, and immediately flew down, wanting to capture the divine weapons first.

The speed of Di Shitian's explosion was extremely fast, and it was almost instantaneous. The voice had not yet come, and people were less than a few meters away from the two divine weapons. I didn't expect someone in the world to be so fast, and there's nothing I can do to stop it!

It's you who are waiting. One page book has been prepared for a long time, and he has been focusing most of his energy on Di Shitian. How can Di Shitian be satisfied? Although Tian's cultivation base is higher than him, Di Shitian is not a warrior in the pure sense, and he can't exert his full strength at all. In addition, the spiritual energy of this plane is not abundant, and the gap between levels is not as good as that of Xianxia. The face is so obvious, he is proficient in countless secret techniques, and he is a one-page book of immortality, and he is not afraid of Emperor Shitian at all.

"Before Brahma, there was no room for treacherous and maddening." With a loud shout, he raised his palms and attacked with a single page of the book, using the unique Buddhist skills learned from the plane of golden light.

13 "Sacred Seal. Lotus!"

The holy Buddha's power is dazzling, turned into a swastika Buddha seal, and directly attacked the gate of life behind Emperor Shitian.

Feeling the powerful energy fluctuations coming from behind, Di Shitian was immediately frightened and furious. He didn't expect such a master to be hidden in this group of "ants". The magic weapon that was about to arrive, turned around and counterattacked.

"Looking for death, Xuexuejiao!"

The first shot was Di Shitian's usual unique technique, and his strange claws full of icy cold and blood volleyed into the air to hit the swastika Buddha seal.


The strong moves met, and each showed its power. The blood-red giant claws collided with the golden Buddha seal, and then it exploded. The earth at the center of the explosion instantly collapsed, and the air seemed to be overwhelming. With countless rubble swept across all directions, the strong men like Qiluosheng, Zhuang Wushang, Wuming, and the First Evil Emperor tried their best to resist, while the masters and strong masters like Xiongba, Song Que, Fan Qinghui, and Zhu Yuyan were all shocked. Taking a few steps back, the martial artist who had just entered the innate was directly blasted out by the aftermath of Qi Jin.


Feeling the power coming from the palm of your hand, and domineering in your heart, all kinds of emotions such as shock, surprise, fear, and disbelief revolve around your heart. Today's events are too mysterious, martial arts myths, mysterious Buddhas, thunder tribulations from the sky, and the sudden appearance of the belt. The mysterious people with masks are far beyond his control, especially the Buddha who claims to be a one-page book and the mysterious people who have just appeared. The power of a palm can push back nearly a hundred innate masters, which is comparable to ghosts and gods. , If such a person wants to kill him, what can he resist?

Song Que, Fan Qinghui, Zhu Yuyan, Yu Wenhua, and other masters were also shocked. They are all powerful figures in the arena today, and they have a high regard for Xiangyuan, even in the face of Wuming, Juggernaut, and the first evil emperor. , and only maintained some respect, but Yi Ying Shu and Di Shitian told them with practical actions, what is it?


After one move, it turned out to be evenly divided, Di Shitian looked gloomy, stared at a page of the book, and said with a weird smile: "Hahaha, Brahma! Hahaha, dare to call the sky in front of my seat, and I'm not ashamed. The bald donkey, uh, no, you have hair, it's a donkey, damn you!"

As Di Shitian spoke, he made a mark with both hands.In an instant, the temperature in the field dropped suddenly, and a chill that pierced his heart radiated from around him. At the same time, an iceberg as big as a palace appeared directly in front of him, and was thrown by him violently. A page of the book galloped away.

"The people who hide their heads and show their tails, are full of evil spirits, Brahma will not tolerate it, die! Great Brahma, Holy Palm!"

A page of book Wei Ran stood, watching the iceberg attack, his face did not change, the Buddha dust swept away, the palm moved away, the Buddhist holy move, followed the sound, only to see the golden giant palm of several feet suddenly swept out, fiercely towards Iceberg smashed.

"Bang! Clap~"

The two behemoths finally collided, and there was a loud rumbling sound in the sky, rolling around.

In Di Shitian's horrified eyes.The iceberg he was proud of, as soon as it collided, countless cracks were struck by the giant palm, and then it burst into pieces!

"How is this possible?" Di Shitian was so horrified that he could hardly believe it.He has been practicing for nearly two thousand years. When it comes to skill, almost no one in the world is his opponent. Why can the person in front of him break his [Xuan Bing Jue] head-on?


"It's not good, everyone quickly retreat a hundred feet!" Seeing that Yi Yeshu and Di Shitian made another move, Wuming, No. [-] Evil Emperor, and Qi Luosheng took the lead in reacting, and hurriedly dismissed the crowd.

Among them, the old good man Wuming and the first evil emperor really care about everyone, while Qiluosheng is pretending, and he has no good feelings for these people who want to take advantage of the fire.

The iceberg shattered and turned into countless ice cubes the size of a grinding disc. After trying to break it, the heroes scattered and fled. If the ordinary ice cubes were ten times larger, these innate masters would not be afraid. Shi Tian's thousand-year-old skill is not easy, the Xuan Bing transformed by [Xuan Bing Jue] is not only hard and extremely hard, but also has a very strong cold air. Ordinary people will die if touched, even if it is a congenital master. .

"Famous in the world!"

"The devil is ruthless!"

"One sword is endless!"

533 "Sword Ten. Celestial Burial!"

In order to avoid harm to Chiyu, everyone left quickly, Wuming, the first evil emperor, Qiluosheng, Zhan Wushang and others showed their unique skills, and shot the black ice that attacked everyone into the air to buy time for others.

Among the people who fled, many people looked at the page of the book and Di Shitian who had been fighting together, with an inexplicable light flashing in their eyes. Why have they never heard of such a powerful Buddhist? Where are they sacred? Why are their strengths so terrifying? Too many doubts linger in their hearts, and everyone feels heavy, no longer as dashing as they were when they came!


On the cliff in the distance, four figures appeared at some unknown time.

The four stood side by side, all tacitly maintaining a distance, and looked at the battlefield below with interest.

One of the amiable looking old men stroked his beard and sighed: "I didn't expect that I haven't been born for a long time, and there is another superpower in this world who can actually compete with Di Shitian without falling behind. It's not simple. !"

The long-haired man who looks like a young man said coldly: "Old guy, you are not simple, and the gods can't see the origin of your cultivation base until now."

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