The old man snorted coldly: "You rude boy, who has lived for hundreds of years, don't you know what it means to respect the old and love the young?".

173 Battle of the Treasures 3 [Subscribe]

The old man snorted coldly: "You rude boy, who has lived for hundreds of years, don't you know what it means to respect the old and love the young?"

A cold light flashed in the eyes of the mysterious long-haired man, his eyes that were rarely opened suddenly opened, and he said coldly: "Old guy, don't rely on the old and sell the old in front of the god, no matter who you are, dare to block the way of the god, Be ready to die." The long-haired man who claimed to be a god made a blurred and dreamy voice.

At the same time, an invincible aura suddenly rose up, as if the gods were furious and wanted to drive this daring madman who did not respect the gods into boundless hell.

In the ancient martial arts, there is only a saying of Jinke Yujin:

"The winner is the king, the loser is the bandit!"

This golden rule not only clarifies the eternal truth of "the superior wins the inferior and the inferior", but also shows that the heroes who are rolling in the rivers and lakes must have real materials before they can reach the recognized noble status.

In the martial arts, there are many people who can be called "emperor", "respect" and "sacred". However, how many are the most outstanding people who are unanimously praised as "God" by the heroes of the world?

I am afraid that there is not one in a million people.

This long-haired man named him "God", which shows how conceited he was.

Under this powerful pressure that can make thousands of people in the world have no choice but to bow down, the old man didn't take it seriously, instead he laughed and said: "To even pretend to be a god, to be so sharp, you are still too young, old man, I have lived long ago. I'm impatient! I'm afraid that your wrecked body doesn't have the ability!" When the words fell, a monstrous storm suddenly erupted from the old man's body, sweeping away overwhelmingly.

Only a loud bang was heard, and two invincible auras erupted in the air!

In an instant, it was like a gust of wind sweeping away the leaves. Wherever it passed, the rocks crumbled, the grass and trees flew ashes, and the countless birds and beasts in the mountains and forests instantly turned into blood and corpses were scattered everywhere!

"Yeah! With such strength, it's not bad ¨〃!" "God" finally knew the power of the old man in front of him, and made a deep voice.Immediately, he turned to look at the other two, and "God" asked, "Who are you, and why are you here?"

The two were a man and a woman, and the masked woman standing on the far right was silent, just quietly watching the battle below.

And the burly-looking man pouted and said, "It's none of your business." His voice was extremely rough, as if he didn't take the so-called "God" in his eyes at all.

"God" was contradicted again and again, and said angrily, "You dare to be disrespectful to God."

"God, your uncle." The burly man looked disdainful and asked the old man and the masked woman not far away: "You two, are you interested in killing this self-righteous idiot first?"


In Baijian Villa, the heroes had retreated a mile away from the battlefield and looked at the two people in the battlefield in horror.

Di Shitian was in the blood of the phoenix, accumulated hundreds of families, accumulated thousands of years of work, and started to break through the mountains and crack the earth.

One page of pure demon body, combined with the power of three souls, the style is majestic and powerful, and the power is unparalleled.

The two of them fought in close quarters, with endless tricks and tricks emerging, punching and kicking, swept away in all directions, and fought hundreds of tricks in the blink of an eye. Compared with the current Heavenly Swords and Sword Saints on the table, the strength of a page book is much higher, and the gap with himself is not too far, you must know that he has a thousand years of skill and blood, and it is unexpectedly temporary. Banhui couldn't control the page of the book that popped out from nowhere, and even after the battle, he still couldn't gain the upper hand.

This was very unpleasant for Di Shitian, who claimed to be a god, and when he became angry, the angel Di Shi developed a unique technique [Four Calamities of the Sacred Heart], killing his heart suddenly and forgetting his original purpose.

All of a sudden, I saw Di Shitian's eyes blue light shining brightly, cold and ruthless, exuding a strange power fluctuation, piercing the eyes of a page of the book, it is the [Shocking Tribulation] in [Sacred Heart Four Tribulations]. ], in the original work, this is the peerless cold light that once could kill the Ice Emperor with a single glance.

One page of the book is someone who has read the script and knew about Di Shitian's [Four Tribulations of the Sacred Heart]. Naturally, he will not be unprepared. Therefore, Di Shitian's [Shocking Jie] had little effect on him, and even one page of the book used [Sacred Demon's Eye] to stealthily learn this trick while Di Shitian was running [Shocking Jie].

The [Eye of the Holy Demon] can see through all things. When Di Shitian runs the [Shocking Tribulation], his meridians, bones, blood, and the way of luck are all seen by a page of books.

Unaware of Di Shitian, seeing that the [Shocking Eye Tribulation] was useless, he screamed strangely, his heart was shocked in the evening, and he used his own heart to attract the enemy's heart. The book burst to death.

[Heavenly Heart Tribulation] This move is really powerful. Within the scope of Emperor Shitian's artistic conception, as long as it is a human being, he will be attacked and restrained by the [Heavenly Heart Art].

In "Baijian Villa", whether it is a top expert or an ordinary maid, after Di Shitian launched the [Sacred Heart Tribulation], the position of the heart's mouth trembled from a distance. It seemed to break apart from the body.


For a time, "Baijian Villa" screamed and fell down.

Even if the martial arts myth is nameless, at this time, his brows are tightly covering his heart, and his eyes are full of inconceivable. This kind of move has been out of the scope of martial arts, and it is not an exaggeration to call it supernatural power.

The only one who was not affected was Qiluosheng. Because of his soul body, Di Shitian's [Sacred Heart Tribulation] had no effect on him, but it would arouse suspicion from others, and Qiluosheng also covered his heart. , pretending to be a happy model (the king's good).

"Donkey, aren't you very good? Come on! Get up and fight with this seat! Hahaha!" Di Shitian immediately laughed proudly when he saw a page of tricks.

"Conspiracy and strange habits, strange talents, and strange talents are all calamities in the world. If you don't get rid of you today, I will laugh at all heroes in vain!" Yi Ying Shu angrily drank, and Mu Di stretched out his palm and slapped his heart.

Di Shitian's [Heavenly Heart Tribulation] is to bring the enemy's heart with one's own heart, and the two hearts are together in shock, so if you want to break this trick, you can only beat your heart like Bu Jingyun in the original book, and break this connection.

A page of the book spared no effort, and the male palm slapped on his heart, and his heart quivered and spurted blood.

At the same time, Di Shitian also felt heart-piercing pain, a stream of blood rushed out of his throat and overflowed from the corner of his mouth. [Heavenly Heart Tribulation] Can make Di Shitian control the enemy's heart, but the two hearts are shaken together, as long as the enemy's heart is injured, he will also be injured. .

 174 Battle of the Treasures 4 [Subscribe]


Heavenly Heart Tribulation was broken, and his heart was torn apart. Di Shitian couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. If it wasn't for the phoenix blood in his body, his resilience was strong, I'm afraid that Di Shitian would also die at this time!

"Cough cough... What a stubborn donkey, in order to break my "Sacred Heart Tribulation", he did not hesitate to destroy his heart! But so what, I am a god, I have an immortal body, you can't kill me! As the second in the world A person who makes this seat feel pain, a reward, I will smash you into tens of thousands of pieces!"

Breaking the heart can indeed get rid of the control of the "Sacred Heart Tribulation", but ordinary people can't survive without the heart, and Di Shitian has the blood of the phoenix, and the flesh is endless. kill!

In Di Shitian's view, a page of a book is already heartbreaking, and it is not far from death, but he still does not intend to let a page of books die too happily.

I secretly used the "Nahai Sacred Heart Mantra" that I haven't used for a long time. This mind method is based on the internal power of "Sacred Heart Decision". Whether it is other internal skills of my own or the internal power absorbed from others, it can be transformed into my own heart. It is a part of the law, similar to the "Bei Ming Shen Gong" of the Xiaoyao School, but it is not the same.

The essence of "Nahai Sacred Heart Mantra" lies in devouring, but its method is not devouring, but assimilation. To be more careful, this heart method will first convert part of the internal power of "Sacred Heart Determination" into a real energy similar to the target. Qi, integrated into it, then controlled from the inside, and finally transformed into a part of "Sacred Heart Decision" together with the goal, while still maintaining the essence of the original infuriating.

As long as he absorbs the power of the person in front of him, his power will be raised to an unimaginable level. At that time, his Emperor Shitian will have nothing to fear!

Di Shitian slapped a page of the book that was half-kneeling and bowed his head, trying to absorb all the power of a page of the book while it was still completely "dead".

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