Unexpectedly, at this moment, dozens of Qi Jin suddenly attacked.

"Sword twenty-one!"

"Unexplainable grief!"

"One sword. Silent!"

"The devil is rampant!"

"Sword Ten. Celestial Burial!"


Seeing Yi Ye Shu's heart breaking with a palm and "sacrifice for righteousness", the rescued people both admired and regretted it. At this time, seeing that Emperor Shitian still wanted to kill Yi Yi Shu Tian's "remains", everyone immediately felt the same as the enemy. Juggernaut, Wuming, Qiluosheng, the first evil emperor, Zhu Wushang and other dozens of masters in the world attacked in succession, boxing style and sword gang, as dense as a net, all the way to seal the emperor.

"Mortals who are beyond their own means, dare to block the way of God, there is only one way to die." A slightly strange and extremely insolent voice came from under the ice sculpture mask.

"Ditian Crazy Thunder!"

The anger arises from the heart, and the palm movement is very good. An extraordinary cold emanates from the palm of Emperor Shitian. Wherever it passes, not only all the air is frozen into liquid and solid, but also a large amount of air is continuously absorbed and compressed to a point. .

In an instant, the blue spheres formed in the void, and the spheres turned sharply, showing an infinite thunderbolt thunder light, and the space where they passed was distorted and deformed, as if it was torn apart by a giant thunder.


The qi burst into flames, and in an instant, the heaven and the earth shook, and the wind and clouds changed color.

The platform of "Baijian Villa" was overwhelmed and collapsed, splitting the ground ten feet.

The powerful force attacked his body, and the group of heroes suddenly vomited and flew back, each injured!

The powerful force attacked his body, and the group of heroes suddenly vomited and flew back, each injured!

After the two forces collided, after all, Emperor Shitian prevailed.Although Di Shitian was still injured and could not exert all his skills, how pure his thousand-year-old skills were. Although the power gathered by everyone was huge, it was too scattered. After all, Emperor Shitian saw the flaws. Trick to win.


At the same time, Di Shitian was not feeling well. He spat out a mouthful of blood again. A blood opening several inches long was cut open in his heart. His internal organs were faintly visible. There were also three blood holes in his abdomen, but only a few wounds had just appeared When it came out, it immediately recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, but the bdcf hole was gone!

"Cough cough... You mortals dare to oppose this seat. You really don't know whether to live or die. No one can defeat me. I am the god in the sky. If you dare to offend the majesty of God, the only way is death!"

At this time, Wuming and the others truly realized the terror of Di Shitian.

Such a coquettish strength! Sure enough, it is not human beings that can resist.

"I'll go to hell for this seat... um! No... ah!" Di Shitian wanted to kill all those who offended him. , I wanted to turn back and fight back but thought it was too late!

"Reincarnation Tribulation!"

"Wolf King Seal!"


The original "heartbroken and dead" page suddenly burst into flames, and the [Emperor's Book of Heaven's Book] three unique skills, a series of attacks, punching to the flesh, every style is fatal!

"Bang bang bang bang..."

After the sudden change, Di Shitian didn't have time to react, and he was beaten by a page of the book for a while. The one-step [Overlord's Death] fell, only to hear a dull loud "bang", Di Shitian's heart collapsed suddenly, and the whole person flew up to a hundred meters like a cannonball, hitting the opposite mountain wall.


"Whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Di Shitian was knocked flying by a page of books, knocking the stone cliff into a big hole. Di Shitian fell directly into the stone wall, blood gushing like a spring, and his five internal organs were shattered. With such injuries, even Di Shitian, who was carrying the blood of the phoenix It is difficult to recover from time to time.

"Di Shitian... actually lost! He actually... lost!" Luo Xian looked at the blood-stained cliff with disbelief. She could never have imagined that such a god-like master would one day meet. Being beaten so violently, and at the same time wondering why a page of books can still exert such combat power when the heart is broken?

"Cough cough! Poof!"

Di Shitian came out of the big pit, and couldn't help spitting out a mouthful of blood. Although his injuries were recovering quickly, his aura had dropped by more than half. His hair was disheveled and his clothes were ragged. There is no difference between a child and a street beggar.

"How is it possible, your heart is broken, how can you still be alive?" Di Shitian didn't take any more shots. He wasn't sure how much means a page could have, and at the same time he took advantage of the time to speak to regain his vitality.

One page of the book said disdainfully: "A broken heart is a broken heart, and death is death, this is a matter of the two societies, don't you also live if your five internal organs are broken!"


Thanks to "The Prodigal Son", "Wu Jun Luohu", "So Boring", "kevin7412" and others for their monthly flower passes.Thank you all for your support! .

 175 Battle of the Treasures 5 [Subscribe]

One page of the book said disdainfully: "A broken heart is a broken heart, and death is death, this is a matter of the two societies, don't you also live if your five internal organs are broken!"

"This throne is the god of the world, I have immortality...you are immortal too? Ahem...Damn donkey, you are so treacherous!" Di Shitian suddenly roared loudly, although he did not want to believe that the world was other than him There are also people who have an immortal body, but a page of the book's heart is broken, but now standing in front of him alive and well, Di Shitian still doesn't know that he has been fooled.

In fact, this is not to blame for Di Shitian's carelessness. The so-called "knowing yourself and knowing your enemy, and winning a hundred battles", Di Shitian doesn't understand a single page of the book at all, but a page of the book knows the bottom of the book. Weird.

"Humph! Use treachery to tame treachery, and deceit to deceive. Fools think that they have a plan, but those who calculate will eventually be calculated! Swapping injuries for injuries is not your patent, don't try to delay time, just wake up!" Breathing, he stepped forward, raised his palms high, and was about to beat Di Shitian again. Yes, it was a violent beating. From the very beginning, One Page had no plans to kill Di Shitian, otherwise, when he just hit the combo, he would be beaten. The page book will not only attack Di Shitian physically. Before finding the dragon, Di Shitian is also very useful.

The soaring voice of a page of books echoed in the air in the "Baijian Mountain Villa". Emperor Shitian didn't know the thoughts of a page of books. When he saw a page of books forcing him to kill him, he immediately panicked. What's more, now that the source has been damaged and his strength has dropped by more than half, he has no chance of winning against the previous page.

"Impossible! This seat is the god of the world. No one can kill me, and I will never be defeated!" Di Shitian's mind changed drastically, and he was ready to go all out! Shot, he still has a hole card to turn over!

That is the most fierce and domineering in "Sacred Heart Art" - "Shen Shen Jie".

"Shen Shen Jie" can use the primordial spirit as a weapon to directly overflow the primordial spirit to kill.

At this moment, it is obvious that Di Shitian has planned to use the strongest ultimate move to defeat the enemy to survive!

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