
"What's the situation? Not only did the master who led the cultivation practice not die, but he also seriously injured Di Shitian!"

"Is there really an immortal body in this world? The heart is broken, the body is shattered, and they can recover in an instant. These two are terrible!"

Seeing this scene, whether it was the members of "Bounding Swords of the World" or the martial arts heroes who came, they couldn't help but take a deep breath!

The methods of Yi Ying Shu and Di Shi Tian were beyond their imagination. Their unrivaled combat power, bizarre and unpredictable tricks, coupled with their divine immortality, were simply terrifying to the extreme!


On the other hand, the mysterious man who was far above the cliff finally couldn't sit still!

The four figures flew over, and their speed was not weaker than that of Emperor Shitian, and they came to the sky above the "Baijian Mountain Villa" in an instant. Ideas that are not for me, and must never be for others.They can all feel the power of the two peerless weapons, and they will never allow such a weapon to fall into the hands of others and pose a threat to themselves.

"Sure enough, there are demons and evil ways that can't be punished, and mundane people who can't laugh, it's sad! It's hateful!!"

Noticing the movements of the people watching the battle in the distance, Yi Ying Shu immediately put down the plan to repair Emperor Shitian, shouted angrily, and rushed towards the "Or Tian Ji" and "Tears of the Black Moon". The next series of black afterimages.

One page of the book is the closest to the two magic weapons, and the speed is not much better than that of the four. Naturally, they arrived at the first time.

"court death!!"

"Ask the sky to shoot!"

"Tianji Maha!"

Seeing that a page of books had grasped the "or halberd", Wu Wudi shot instantly, boundless power poured out of his hands, turned into a world-destroying spear, and attacked a page of books.

At the same time, an invisible and ferocious wind burst out from the eyes of the "God" that seemed to be hiding a demon, which contained the most masculine and mighty power between heaven and earth, killing the page in front of him!

The old man and the mysterious girl didn't seem to have any plans to take action for the time being, they just stood in the air and continued to watch the battle.

"Yeah!" Yi Ying Shu snorted coldly, not being careless in the face of the unique moves of the two great powerhouses, and instantly forming the twelve Buddhist seals of "Bodhi", "Vajra" and "Maha" with both hands, which is precisely from the "Golden Light" The supreme and ultimate Buddhist art learned from the plane:

""Crossing the Five Desires, Fixing the Four Righteousness, Returning to the Three Enlightenments" The twelve evils of Satan are all empty!"

Both Wu Wudi and "God" attacked a page of the book at the same time, and just as the two attacks were about to approach, a huge holy lotus exploded in the ground, protecting the page in the center.


"Satan's Twelve Evils Are Empty" is the strongest defensive martial art in the Buddhist sect of the "Golden Light" plane. Although it is much worse than the "Reverse Demon Source" of the "Thunderbolt" plane, it also has its own uniqueness. , there are three volumes in total, the first volume "Three Enlightenments of Bodhi", the second volume "Vajra Four Righteousness", and the third volume "Maha Five".

The Three Enlightenments of Bodhi: The mirror of Bodhi, no tree or stand, where did he come from?

Vajra Four Righteousness: Vajra-like 413 Ruo, anger is deep, sees all dharmas, and contemplates the sky freely.

The Five Desires of Maha: people return to old age, the sword is suffering from illness, the blood is full of death, the fire is practiced, and the heavens respect the living beings.

Combining the three volumes into one, you can transform into the Buddha's most precious golden lotus bodyguard. Unless the foundation is too different, there is absolutely no way to break it!



The strong move was absolutely absolute, and suddenly an energy storm of dozens of meters was set off. The ground of "Baijian Villa" began to crack again, spreading like a spider web. From this, the entire "Baijian Villa" would be completely collapsed.

However, Wu Wudi and the "God" who were standing in the air didn't care, and looked at the center of the explosion, the storm dissipated, and the holy lotus was still shining brightly.

"How is this possible!"

"What a powerful defense!"

The combined forces of the two powerful forces failed to break the Brahma line of defense, and immediately ushered in the most violent counterattack.

The holy lotus Buddha's light shone, turned into pieces of golden lotus leaves, and slowly dissipated, and the page of the book standing in front of the divine weapon brazenly pulled out the "or halberd" that was deep in the stone.

As soon as the magic weapon came out, in an instant, the wind was surging, the thunder was gone, and the power of countless purple thunderbolts was added to it, and the power of a page suddenly increased several times!

"Wrongful actions for no reason, blocking my way forward, so - I will cut!".

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"Wrongful actions, blocking my way forward, if so - I will kill!"

One page of the book shouted angrily, the dust in his hand was collected into the space, and the "Or Tianji" waved in the room, taking full account of the situation in the world, powerful and powerful, shocking everyone.

"Waste, heaven, god, annihilation, bleed and kill! 'Eight dragons go against the road. The world is ruined' drink!"

"Or Heavenly Halberd" is drawn together with qi, and the divine power of the "Bingjia Wujing" reappears.In an instant, the wind moved nine heavens, thousands of miles of dust rolled up, and eight purple thunder dragons ripped apart the sky and the ground, madly attacking Wu Wudi and "God".

"Invincible in all directions!"

"Tianji Maha!"

Wu Wudi and "God" are both arrogant and arrogant, but in the face of such a majestic and domineering blow from a page of books, they did not dare to relax at all.

"Invincible in the Ten Directions" is divided into three types: defensive, advanced, and ultimate.The most powerful is the ultimate move - "Slaying All Ten Directions". Once you use this move, you will also bear great risks, and you must have decades of profound skills to activate it. Wu Wudi is conceited. At this time, it is natural It will not take defensive moves, but will use the ultimate move "All Killing in Ten Directions" to attack and attack with all their strength.

"Tianji Maha" is a unique learning that "God" realized from Bodhidharma's "Yuanji Maha", wind, shape, shadow and trace; The biggest feature of "Tianji Maha" is to mobilize the power of heaven and earth, without the need to shoot, leg, palm or even exit, even just "out of the eye" can trigger this shocking power.

"Bingjia Wujing" is the top martial arts of the "Thunderbolt" plane. The four volumes are combined into one, and it is even more amazing. With the power of thunder and calamity remaining on the "Or Tianji", one page of the book is one halberd. After being cut off, eight thundering angry dragons circling and roaring, stirring up the situation, and Wu Wudi's "Top Ten Martial Arts", "God"'s "Tianji Maha", paved a contact, three indomitable forces are constantly entangled. In the middle, the eight dragons circled, killing all the ten directions, the wind and clouds exploded, and then it exploded with a bang, shattering hundreds of miles of clouds.

"Crack! Boom!...々~..."

In mid-air, the three of them faced each other extremely, and their true energy burst into the wild. Under the destructive force of the riot, the house and hall of the "Baijian Villa" collapsed countlessly, and even the landscape changed accordingly.

Wu Wudi and "God" have extraordinary talents, but in terms of foundation, they are far worse than Emperor Shitian. The power of the body's carrying capacity is far lower than that of a book with a demon body. Whether it is the speed of qi return, the storage capacity of infuriating qi, or the self-recovery power, they are all far from each other. Advantage!

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