


In the world-shattering explosion, the three of them each threw up and flew back. At this moment, they suddenly changed. They saw two remnant purple thunder dragons showing their teeth and dancing claws, breaking through the sky and attacking the wounded Wu Wudi and "God". Astonished, he was hit again.


For the first time, the two people who saw the bad situation raised their infuriating body to protect their bodies, but the power of thunder was not easy. The defensive cover formed by the two infuriating only resisted for a moment, and then they were broken through the line of defense. Thunder attacked, Wu Wudi. Yu "God" was paralyzed at first, and then he was hit by a powerful impact and flew above the cliff, submerging into the mountainside.

And a page of the book was also shaken back to the ground under the huge impact, and the feet touched the bottom, only to hear the explosion, the ground subsided and cracked, and was stepped out of a large pit several meters wide.

After the extreme trick, the smoke and dust are long, and all sounds are silent, only the shock that goes deep into the heart!

Strong! Unbelievably strong!

powerful!Strong enough to make people disheartened!

The heroes who are afraid of being affected by the battle will retreat again and again, and they are already five miles away, looking at the devastated earth, awe, depression, burning, powerlessness, envy, jealousy, hatred! All kinds of emotions are eroding the hearts of everyone, subverting them. their three views.

The high-rise building under his feet collapsed, Wuming, Juggernaut, the First Evil Emperor and other top masters flew down, and a few ups and downs jumped to the roof of another still intact building to continue watching the battle.

It is not easy to watch the battles of Yi Ying Shu and others. Without a solid foundation, if you get too close, you may be strangled by the aftermath of the battle, but in the face of this once-in-a-century battle, as a martial artist, you will not be able to do it. A few are willing to miss out.

"This place is nearly three miles away from the center of the battlefield. I didn't expect it to be affected. The performance of these people is really amazing!" Wuming stood on the roof with his hands on his back, watching the surrounding houses and trees that were constantly collapsing and rushing to and fro The escaped martial artist showed a faint smile on the corner of his mouth.

I originally thought that I had reached the "realm of the Heavenly Sword", and that no one in the world could surpass it, and sometimes I sighed with emotion alone.

But today's battle with Yi Ying Shu and others has made him understand that there are people outside people, but there are heavens! This sentence is not groundless, and his own "realm of the sword" has no room to intervene!

Whether it is the previous Emperor Shitian or the current mysterious person, they can easily suppress themselves with the combat power they show. The feeling of powerlessness, even the nameless, who has always been indifferent, can't help but feel a little depressed, martial arts mythology , Now it seems, maybe in the eyes of these people, it's just a joke!

The First Evil Sovereign also sighed: ". 々 Indeed! The old man thinks that he can control the magic sword, and he will be able to run the world. Only now did I know that this is just wishful thinking! If they go all out, I am afraid I can't hold on to three moves!" The first evil emperor strives for the first place in everything, but in the face of these people who are turning the world upside down, he has no heart to win!

No comparison, no harm!


Under the cliff, the old face under the mask of Di Shitian was uncertain. Just now he planned to use "Shen Shen Jie" to attack a page of the book with (Wang Haozhao) Primordial Spirit, but when he saw a page of the book cast with thunder. After Zhili's "Scrap Word Scroll. Eight Dragons Reverse Road. The World Is Abolished", he immediately gave up this plan!

The more powerful the move, the more restrictions it usually has. The same is true for "Shen Shen Jie". Although the Primordial Spirit attack can directly attack the opponent's soul, it is very dangerous for the Primordial Spirit to come out of the body.

First of all, after the primordial spirit comes out of the body, the body completely loses the ability to resist, and it is easily destroyed by others (just like the juggernaut who uses the sword twenty-three, he is about to kill the tyrant! Jingyun palm slaps to death)!

Secondly, the power of the Yuanshen is very strong. It can be immune to physical attacks and directly attack the opponent's soul. As long as the opponent's soul is not as strong as his own, he will surely die.However, the primordial spirit is easily damaged by elemental attacks, especially yang elemental attacks like fire and thunder. If one is not good, the soul will be dissipated, and there will be no supernatural life!

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Because it is a collision between souls, once "Shen Shen Jie" is used, no matter whether it is successful or not, it will have an impact on the primordial spirit. Therefore, unless it is a last resort, Di Shitian will not easily use this trick.

Now, seeing the power of a page of thunder, Di Shitian couldn't help but secretly rejoice that he didn't act impulsively, otherwise, if his primordial spirit was attacked, it would be a moth to the fire.

Di Shitian is a man who is greedy for life and fears death. He has been able to live since the pre-Qin days, not only because of the power of Fengxue, but also because of his cautiousness.

As long as he is always cautious and careful, even if there are people in the world who are stronger than him in martial arts, he is not afraid. With a long lifespan and a cautious personality, for thousands of years, Di Shitian has forcibly killed countless peerless geniuses!

No matter how powerful you are in the world, you are still a genius in the sky, and after a hundred years, you are just a pile of bones!

Time is Di Shitian's best weapon! Caution is his best way to save his life.


Looking at the two people who were blown away by a page of a book, Di Shitian said in his heart, "This 'black donkey' magic weapon is in hand, and its strength has doubled. Wu Wudi and that little pervert have all suffered a loss. My vitality is severely damaged, and I am surrounded by strong enemies, so I have to leave quickly."

Di Shitian glanced at the audience, and remembered the page of the book still standing in the ruins and the mysterious old man and mysterious girl standing in the void. He could feel that these people who didn't know the details had the same strength as him. It is almost the same, or even stronger, and will be the object of his attention and eradication in the future.

The intention to retreat was born, and he didn't stop there too much, as a blizzard of snow swept past, and when he looked again, the figure of Di Shitian was no longer there.


On the other hand, the mysterious girl saw that "God" was severely damaged by a page of books, and wanted to take the opportunity to take a shot, but because of the mysterious old man whose depth was not far away, she suppressed the idea again, and she hesitated, and the opportunity was lost.



With two shocks, the mountain wall banged (bdcd) suddenly shattered, the rocks fell like rain, and Wu Wudi and "God" suddenly appeared. The electricity became a curly hair explosion, and there were black marks all over his body, but Wu Wudi was still majestic and full of pride! He showed white teeth and laughed: "Hahaha! Happy, happy, Wu has not been so happy for a long time. Yes! Sure enough, only life is exciting!"

Wu Wudi's eyes were burning with the flames of war, and such a feeling of fervor was only seen when he fought against Emperor Shi Tian more than ten years ago.

Wu Wudi's "Xuanwu Zhen Gong", although the recovery power is not as good as the "God"'s "Moving the Heavens", but the defensive power is even better, although the residual power of thunder has caused him some injuries, but There was no fatal injury.

The "God" on the side was full of rage, his "phantom body" had been broken, revealing his old face with a dry face. This face is already very old, with layers of wrinkles on his face. , like the wheel marks left by a pile of mud that has been run over by a carriage. "God" is already old, although "Transfer the Gods" can make people immortal, but immortality does not mean that "God" will not grow old. After more than two hundred years, "God" has become too old to see people. , too old to be mentally distorted!

"Damn you!"

The anger attacked his heart, and the face of "God" like a ghost became even more terrifying.

Immediately, he appeared in front of a page of books silently, leaving only his skinny right palm, condensing ten layers of skill, and slammed into the heart of a page of books.

Immediately, he appeared in front of a page of books silently, leaving only his skinny right palm, condensing ten layers of skill, and slammed into the heart of a page of books.

This palm is the peerless palm technique that is matched with "God's" "God Shifting the Heavens" - "God Shifting the Heavens".

After hundreds of years of tempering, this set of palm techniques has been deduced by the "God" to the point of timelessness.

Under one palm, it is enough to open up mountains and seas.

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