"Back to nothing!"

In the face of the sudden palm, a page of books and halberds stood there, raised the palm in response, and at the same time secretly transported "Rebel Devil's Origin" to absorb all the power of "God Shifting God's Palm". The function of "Reverse Devil's Origin" is to rebound and absorb The enemy's infuriating energy, after absorbing the opponent's infuriating energy, mixes his own infuriating energy to strengthen the counterattack, which can be said to be an extremely heaven-defying move!

As soon as Fu made contact, the "God" suddenly felt that the true power in his palm was like a mud cow entering the sea, dissipating invisible.

"Not good!" Knowing that something was wrong, the "God" hurriedly retreated, but it was too late! After a page of books absorbed the "God Shifting Palm", it immediately mixed the natural skills, and the two were compatible, and they exploded instantly.


One page of the book absorbed all the power of the "God-shifting Palm", and then raised his hand to counterattack. "God" is not easy to match. Seeing that one page of the book was attacking, he knew that it was impossible to escape, and he decided to use "Tianji Maha". resistance!

Unexpectedly, at this moment, a strange stool suddenly occurred.

"Qiankun Wuji, Fenglei is ordered, ten places are sealed, and the law is forbidden!"

"Qiankun Wuji, Fenglei is ordered, Qi and spirit are blocked, sealed!"

The three souls have the same mind, and when the "God" shot, Qi Luosheng and Su Wushang also shot at the same time.

The French seal knot, the formation of the formation, suddenly the wind and thunder whistled, and the sky was low and the earth sang! The two sacrificed the two big formations of "Fiefdom" and "Fengling", isolating the spiritual energy of the ten directions and the way out, forming a huge enchantment without spiritual energy.

But seeing "God" shouting angrily, he was about to use "Tianji Maha", but he was stunned to find that he had long been unable to feel the vitality of the outside world, and he was suddenly shocked and angry.

The strength of innate masters lies in that they can use their unique martial arts to communicate the power of heaven and earth, so that their attack power or defense power can be doubled. .

But now that he is restricted by the magic circle and isolated from the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, he has lost the most powerful means, and his strength is naturally greatly reduced, but after all, "God" is a terrifying existence that has lived for two hundred years, even if he is cut off from the vitality of heaven and earth. Contact, he still has nearly two hundred years of pure cultivation in his body, only to hear the "God" shout: "Move the Heavenly God's Palm!"

At the moment of desperation, the "God" tried his best to turn his world-shattering cultivation into a giant palm, attacking the "Reunification" of a page of the book.


Thanks to "db1231db", "Penglai for death", "a-555842", "Wujun Luohu" and others for their flower support! .

178 Killing God 2 【Subscription】

About two hundred years ago, a mysterious man who was extremely intelligent appeared in the world. Anyone who competed with him would definitely lose.

This mysterious man is not only smart and unparalleled in the world, but also born with unparalleled talent, and his aptitude for martial arts can be said to be timeless.Before the age of [-], he was perfect in all martial arts, and in terms of palm technique alone, it is reported that he had reached the highest level at that time.

He is not only well-qualified in both civil and military, but also because of his supreme intelligence, so he has read all over the world in his early years, and is more proficient in Buddhism, Taoism, Confucianism, and even the learning of various schools.What's more, he doesn't know everything from astronomy and geography to Qimen Dunjia, so the question arises...

He not only has the talent and wisdom to learn the essence of all the wise, but also has outstanding martial arts.Over time, his arrogance also grew with knowledge and strength.When he was thirty years old, he began to feel that he was the only person in the world who was the most special and most qualified to control the fate of the world. In his eyes, those tyrants and emperors were all vulgar and unbearable mortals.He didn't even care about the title of 'Emperor', he simply abandoned his name and called himself... 'God'!

He believes that only the word "God" in the world can match it, and he believes that most of the world's people are vulgar and low, and must be ruled by his "God", so he travels around to find strange people and scholars, and secretly established a mysterious sect...-" Search the Shrine"!

The main purpose of his establishment of "Sou Shen Gong" was to gather a group of elites to first occupy the martial arts in the Central Plains, and then occupy thousands of miles of Shenzhou, and then countries other than Shenzhou.In the end, of course, he is the "god" who rules the entire vast land...

When the "Sou Shen Gong" was just established and fledgling, the heroes of the Central Plains learned of this.Of course, everyone wouldn't let the "Soujin Palace" continue to grow, and they all rallied to attack it.It is said that the largest and most tragic battle was the encirclement and suppression of the "Sou Shengong" by fifty sects in the Central Plains. More than [-] disciples fought bloody battles for ten days and ten nights.

In the end, "God" defeated fifty unfathomable leaders of martial arts with the power of one person, and the five hundred elites of "Sou Shen Gong" also fought back the tens of thousands of disciples under the Fifty Sect...

However, although "God" won this battle, his vitality was also severely damaged, and the elite of "Soujingu" was even killed.In order to prevent the heroes of the Central Plains from destroying the "Soujin Palace" with a series of tactics, the "God" led a group of people to wipe out the rivers and lakes.The head of the Fifty Factions and their descendants, who failed miserably, also took it as a humiliating shame that they joined forces and lost to one person, and never mentioned the battle.So two hundred years later, almost no one remembers that there was a "Soujin Palace" in the world.

And the reason why "God" has survived until now is because during the period when "God" was recuperating, a very absurd idea suddenly arose.And it was this very absurd idea that made him achieve immortality.

"God" thought, "Searching the Shrine" in front of him has been severely damaged. Even if he attacks and occupies the martial arts again, it will take ten or eight years, not to mention the domination of China and the domination of the world. I believe it will take forty or fifty years of hard work. ...

However, life is too short. "God" was already in his thirties at that time, and in another forty or fifty years, he will be seventy or eighty years old. At that time, even if he can rule the world, how long can he live?How long can you sit still?

So he put aside his ambition to rule the world for the time being, spent day and night thinking and studying hard, reflecting on the essence of the ten thousand schools he had learned in his life, and finally, ten years later, he gathered the great achievements of ten thousand schools for him, and realized two sets of superior invincibility. Martial arts... "Moving the Heavens" and "Destroying the Demon Body", as long as you practice according to one of these two sets of martial arts, you will definitely be able to... immortal!

Only immortality can give him enough time to implement his plan to dominate the world.Only after he can gain the dominion of this world, he can look down on the mortal beings with the supreme identity of "God" for eternity...

All the tyrannical tyrants in the world have lived their entire lives, and their ambitions only stop at the dozens of cold and heat.

Only this "God" is delusional about continuing his growing ambitions, forever in charge of the fate of everyone in the world, and weaving nightmares for them.

This is "God", and there is nothing in the world that can stumped him, even immortality!A madman even crazier than Di Shitian, and the first pseudo-god-level master Qiluosheng planned to kill!


The harmless "Fiefdom Formation" formed a huge defensive barrier several hundred meters in length, isolating the ten directions of retreat.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??

Qi Luosheng's "Spiritual Sealing Formation" blocks the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, suppressing "God" to use the power of heaven and earth.

In addition, a page of books absorbs the fake "Return to Nothing. Return to One" of "Transferring God's Palm" with "Reverse Devil Origin". With such a luxurious cooperation, even a thousand-year-old eccentric smiles three times, and the emperor Shitian has to kneel. How could it be something that a hero who has cultivated for less than two hundred years, "God", can bear it.

At the moment of desperation, the "God" tried his best to turn his world-shattering cultivation into a giant palm, attacking the "Reunification" of a page of the book.

However, the ending was already doomed after "God" used three unique tricks, "Tianji Maha", "Moving the Heavens", and "Indestructible Demon Body"!


Comparing moves, in terms of cultivation, "God" is not comparable to a page of today's book, plus "God"'s rotten body, the moment he chooses to shoot, his destiny is doomed.

The operation methods of the strongest martial arts of "God" have been recorded in one page using "Eye of the Holy Demon", and naturally they have no value for use. For the existence of "God", Qi Luosheng is still full of enthusiasm. The fear, although "God" has passed the peak period, and his current strength is even worse than Wu Wudi, but "God" is most frightening not his own strength, but his almost enchanting wisdom. , To put it bluntly, if this incident hadn't happened suddenly, and "God" was extremely conceited and unprepared, Qi Luosheng might not have been able to play "God".

It is precisely because of this that Qiluosheng released Di Shitian, but used the means of lore to deal with "God".

The talent and wisdom of "God" can be said to be timeless. If "God" was not born in this plane with low spiritual energy, but in the plane of high-level cultivation of immortals, with his aptitude, as long as he does not die in the middle, he will become successful. Don't take it too easy.

Unfortunately, there is no such thing as an ascension in this plane, and there is no higher-level "immortal world". Therefore, even gods, demons, three smiles, Wu Wudi and other amazing and brilliant existences can only live in this world. Stuck and can't go any further!


Thanks for the flowers and rewards from "The Prodigal Son", "Amber", "It was flashy at that time", "Knife madness vs man madness" and others, thank you for your support! .

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