179 Twelve panic 【Subscribe】

"Qiankun Wuji, Fenglei is ordered, ten places are sealed, and the law is forbidden!"

"Qiankun Wuji, Fenglei is ordered, Qi and spirit are blocked, sealed!"


Qiluosheng, Su Wushang, one page book, cooperating with each other, attacking and defending as one, killing the "God"-heart, resolutely.

"Moving the palm of the sky!"

The strong enemy is in front, unyielding and stretching back, "God" will use true power again, and the skill of "Moving the Heavens and Gods" will reach a new level! The old face, sparsely radiating and flying, looks like a madman, trying his best to fight against this ultimate move, but out of nowhere. With a loud bang, the wind ripped apart the earth and rolled up the sky-dust and snow.

A sure-kill style, a fatal blow, extreme moves against each other, strong wins and defeats.

In an instant, the giant palm disappeared, and the shattered air waves were layered on top of each other, forming countless circular air blades, bombarding the square, and then a blood-colored figure traversed the sky in the smoke and dust, and with a "bang", it crashed into the "Fiefdom Formation". above the boundary.

After all, "God" was one move short of chess, and even if he tried his best, in the face of absolute strength, it was difficult to save the defeat. The fake "Reunification" in one page directly smashed the entire right half of "God", with a devastating palm. Destroying the meridians of his body, even if the "God" possesses the "Moving Heavens God", it is difficult to recover.

"Moving the Heavens" can make people immortal.And as long as there is no damage that makes one's body incomplete, consuming the True Essence of "Moving the Heavens" can repair the damage like the blood of a dragon and a phoenix, making it immortal.

However, the true essence of "God"'s "Moving the Heavens" is very low. Under such circumstances, "God" can't use "Moving the Gods" to repair his injuries at all.

"In my entire life, no one has ever forced me to such a state. You can be called the person I admire most in my entire life!"

I have to say that the life force of "God" is extremely powerful. Even though most of the body was broken, he still did not die immediately. If it wasn't for the spiritual energy of heaven and earth being isolated in the "Spiritual Sealing Formation", the "God's Art of Shifting the Heavens" in the body of "God" would really There is not much Yuan left, so he can't use "Moving the Heavens" to recover, I'm afraid that this kind of injury can't help "God"!

It is a pity that there is no "god" in the world, if the internal organs are completely broken, the meridians are broken, the blood is like a spring, the destructive force destroys the whole body, and the old and powerless "God" has only one way to die.

"Longevity is useless, immortality is foolish! Hahaha...Boom!"

"God" fought a blow, but unfortunately it was still defeated in the hands of a page of books. Although Qiluosheng and Ye Wushang's formations were suppressed, defeat means defeat. "God" was convinced by defeat and gave up to continue Suppressing the internal energy in the body, it suddenly exploded, turning into a blood mist all over the sky.

Did he see through immortality, or did he see through the battle with Yi Ying Shu? The master of "Sou Shen Gong", the "God" who once made people in the martial arts fear and fear, has now ended up with a dead body.


The field fell into silence for a while.

From Qiluosheng and Ning Wushang's sudden attack, to "God" being killed by a page of books, in just a moment, an unimaginable ending happened in the field.

After a long time, the mysterious girl muttered: "God... actually... dead!"

Wu Wudi rushed to the edge of the barrier and looked at the fragmented "God", and a trace of fear flashed in his eyes. "God" is not as strong as him, and even stronger in some aspects, but now he has ended up like this, if he changed it. be yourself, that...

"It turned out to be a formation barrier! Why do they understand this ancient thaumaturgy? I wonder if they can resist "Wandao Senluo"? If so, maybe..." The mysterious old man who spoke was already as white as snow, and his appearance was as white as snow. It seems that I don't know how old I am, but it is Xiaosanxiao known as the "Twelve Panic".

And "Wandao Senluo" is a martial art created by him with three smiles.

This martial arts can freely absorb the secrets of various types of martial arts and even mutually exclusive, and contains eight major ways: "heaven, earth, odd, positive, yin, yang, birth, and death".

"Wandao Senluo" embraces the power of heaven and earth, and can be integrated into a force that destroys the world. It uses thought as a blade and drives people's hearts. It is ten percent of the evil martial arts.

His son Xiao Ao Shi practiced, and his temperament became more and more evil. After he became the head of the Xuanhua account, he was even more dedicated to promoting the great calamity of the future and the way to destroy the world.

And the source of all this is only because of the three smiles that created this terrifying divine art.

Xiaosanxiao himself has always been very regretful, and has been planning for many years, thinking about how to prevent Qianqiu's catastrophe.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????

In addition, Xiao Sanxiao uses the illusion of Soul Dream Heart Sutra in the hearts of the world every hundred years, claiming that he can satisfy the wishes of some people, but in fact it is to get rid of some ambitious and greedy people for the martial arts or the human world. lest they cause harm to the world.

Xiaosanxiao, also known as "Twelve Panic", the exact age is unknown, and he appeared in the rivers and lakes for the first time. Fulfill "One Wish" for that person!

Just like Tie Yidao, the overlord of the martial arts more than a thousand years ago, although he has dominated the martial arts, he is still not satisfied.


Tie Yidao thought that this wish of his own could stumped the other party, but he agreed without hesitation.

It is even more necessary to prepare Tie Yi Dao well. After seven days, he will definitely get his wish and taste the taste of the Ninety-five Zun.

Sure enough, an incredible iron sword, put on a yellow robe and slept on the dragon bed in the early morning of the seventh day.

This surprise is really no small matter!Tie Yidao never thought that "Twelve Panic" could actually make him the emperor, but it was too late to be happy. At this time, the door of the bedroom had been broken open from the outside, and there were countless large internal guards and countless arrows. The hands have already surrounded him, and it is said that if he commits the following crimes, he deserves ten thousand deaths. It can't help but say that everyone has swarmed up!

Tie Yidao can climb to the position of the overlord of the martial arts. He is tall and deep in the martial arts. He immediately uses his whole body and wants to use his own cultivation to break out of the tight encirclement. Who knows, only after he is lucky, he finds that his air valve has already been controlled, and he can't use it all over his body. Come out half the strength.

Poor Tie Yidao still didn't know what happened, and he died tragically under countless swords and arrows.

"Twelve Panic" finally did not renege on his promise, and finally did as he wished to let him "taste" Emperor Zhongyuan, but the price of this "taste" of adding a yellow robe was too great...


Thanks to "Free Yourself", "j1025638", "Dragon Eye" and others for their flowers and rewards! .

 180 Demon Lord 【Subscribe】

The flowers are blooming brilliantly.

If you don't watch it, if you don't appreciate it,

If not picked, if not folded,

The flowers wither,

Helpless hurt the spring to die...

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