A person does not take advantage of his youth to enjoy flowers and cherish flowers, but only care about fame and fortune, spend his years in vain, and look back to be a hundred years old, what a pity?

In the end, although "God" can enjoy eternal life, he can't get rid of this increasingly old face. It's really the God's condemnation of the creator to those who violate nature!

You can live forever, but you can't live forever!One word difference, misunderstood "God" for more than a hundred years!

After all, "God" is just a "pseudo-god"!


"God" is dead, and together with his great cause, the "two-five-zero" disappears!

The "God" of "Soujingu" died in the hands of a page of books.

If you are an ordinary martial artist, you may not know what "God" means at all.

But this Shenzhou has never been more than the few martial arts people who are like frogs at the bottom of the well. Behind Shenzhou, there are still several immortal beings that are even more terrifying than "Gods".

Among them, there is the "Tianmen" Emperor Shitian, the "Twelve Horrors" who appear once in a hundred years - smiles and three smiles, and the "Top Ten Martial Artists" - Wu Wudi, who is enough to be known as the number one master in the world!

In the end, there is one more terrifying than "God" - "Demon"!

"Magic" can be said to be the strongest woman in China since the extinction of gods and demons [-] years ago!

"Devil" is the wife of "God". She was originally the eldest young lady of an aristocratic family. Her real name is Bai Suzhen.

However, not long after the establishment of "Soujingu", "Magic" had a disagreement with "God" because of the concept of "God", "God" planned to kill him for his ambition to dominate the world, but "God" still underestimated With the wisdom of "Devil", "God" poisoned the wife of "Devil" with poisonous wine mixed with thousands of strange poisons, but he did not expect that "Devil"'s "Destroying Demon Body" has reached a level beyond "God"'s imagination. Realm, the poison did not completely kill the "demon", twenty years later, the "demon" was finally resurrected from the ice tomb.

However, in order to defuse the huge poison in the body, the "Indestructible Demon Body" is almost dead, and its body has aged to the extreme, and it is only one step away from death!

 In this situation, ordinary people are naturally dead and have no life, but the "devil" is a person who is as intelligent as the "god", and she agrees to have a wisdom that surpasses all mortals in the world!

On the verge of death, "Devil" spent ten days to realize "Earth Extreme Maha", which runs counter to "God"'s "Tianji Maha".

Then, in the last seven days of his life, he created "He Shengdu", which leveraged the gap of reincarnation, and transferred all his beliefs and strengths to another young human body, in the form of reincarnation, forever in Shenzhou .

The mysterious girl was the reincarnated "Demon Lord" Bai Suzhen. Looking at the "God" who had turned into a blood mist, she sighed faintly: "He died after all! Just like that..."


Not only did the "God" disappear in the flesh, but even the soul could not escape, and was destroyed together.

After dealing with the "God", Kirasheng found the "Tear of the Black Moon" under the boulder in the ruins, hung it around his waist, and then canceled the enchantment with Su Wushang.

Qi Luosheng glanced around, the ground was cracked, houses and trees collapsed, and the eyes were full of devastation. The entire "Baijian Villa" was mostly destroyed.

However, Qiluosheng is not dissatisfied, these costs in exchange for the death of "God" are still very worthwhile. Originally, Qiluosheng didn't plan to take action against "God" so soon, and only "God" can be blamed for his own death. Immortal delivered to your door!

Qiluosheng looked at the three people who could pose a threat to him on the field. From the time they appeared, Qiluosheng had roughly guessed their identities.

The big man who was turned into curls by a page of books and was still smoking was the "Top Ten Martial Artists" - Wu Wudi, who could beat the existence of Emperor Shitian more than ten years ago. "Top Ten Martial Arts" is also very powerful. In the original work, Nie Feng used "Oracle Dragon Claw" in "Top Ten Martial Arts" to tear the dual-core breaking waves into pieces, which shows its power.

The old man who smiled slyly in the air was the "Twelve Panic"——smiled three times, an old guy who has lived for four thousand years, with the blood of Xuanwu in his body, old and not dead, his strength is unfathomable, at least In terms of power, it is definitely the best in the world. . . .

And the woman with the black veil is the "Demon Lord" - Bai Suzhen. In this plane, there can be such a capable woman, and only Bai Suzhen is the only one in Qiluosheng's image. No exaggeration! Compared with her, Xiang Zhu Yuyan, Fan Qinghui and these outstanding contemporary women really can't even see their backs!

Among the three, Xiaosanxiao had the deepest foundation, Bai Suzhen was next, and Wu Wudi was the weakest. Of course, this was just the foundation. In the real fight, it was hard to say who was stronger and who was weaker.

After putting away the "Tears of the Black Moon", Qi Luosheng said loudly to the three of them: "Xiao Sanxiao, Bai Suzhen, Wu Wudi, all three are martial arts seniors, I don't know what you are doing here?"

When Qi Luosheng revealed their identities, the three of them were also very surprised. The identities and whereabouts of the three of them were extremely secretive, not to mention Xiao Sanxiao and Bai Suzhen. The youngest Wu Wudi was in his [-]s, and because of the blood curse The relationship between them has long since withdrawn from the arena, but Qiluosheng can confirm their identities at a glance, obviously paying attention to them for a long time, which has to arouse their vigilance.

"It turns out that this old man is Twelve Panic. Smiles three times. No wonder she has such a strong strength. Is that woman named Bai Suzhen the legendary Lady Bai 5.2?"

Hearing this, Wu Wudi was amazed at Qiluosheng's intelligence ability, and at the same time he looked at the void and stood up two people in doubt. Wu Wudi has heard about these two legendary characters. If the "Twelve Panic" is In the legends on the rivers and lakes, the "White Lady" is a well-known love allusion, but Wu Wudi didn't know that this Bai Suzhen was not the Bai Suzhen in the story of "White Lady", although they were mother and son, and their encounters were very similar.

Wu Wudi glanced at the few people present, his eyes were full of fighting spirit, his body was full of vigor and blood, he was a true warrior, and challenging the strong was his greatest pleasure. Only in the battle of life and death can he become stronger, however, Today, there are not many people left who can make Wu Wudi fight with all his strength!

181 Qiluosheng vs Wu Wudi【Subscribe】

The current situation is very delicate, if Wu Wudi, Xiaosanxiao, and Bai Suzhen all attack together, Qiluosheng and the others may not be able to handle it after dividing the three souls!

However, Qi Luosheng was worried that these three people were different from Emperor Shitian and "God". In some respects, they should also be considered decent people.

snort! "

With a cold snort, there was a sudden explosion of thunder in the field. Wu Wudi, who was eight feet tall, exuded an astonishing aura, and shouted: "Why do you have to be hypocritical, boy, I'm robbing magic soldiers. Sooner or later, I have to fight. Bar!"

"Do it?" Qiluosheng whispered these two words, looked at Wu Wudi, Bai Suzhen and Xiao Sanxiao, nodded and said, "Alright, I don't know if the three seniors are going to go together! Or are they coming one-on-one and taking turns? "Going together is very different from one-on-one. If Wu Wudi and the three of them go together, then Qiluosheng can only combine the three souls, and the odds of winning are not high.But if it is a one-on-one mode, then the three souls can convert their powers to each other, whether it is against Shangxiao Sanxiao, Wu Wudi and Bai Suzhen, they all have a chance of winning.

Xiaosan smiled, touched his white beard, and said, "Old man, I won't join in the fun when I'm old. You can fight if you want. I'll just watch it and cheer for you!"

Xiaosan said with a smile, his body flashed, and he was next to Wuming, who was hundreds of meters away, indicating that he had quit, how do you love it!

"I will also withdraw from this battle." Bai Suzhen thought about it and felt that the "God" had already been lost, and there was no need to do a pointless battle, and she also stepped back hundreds of feet.

Watching the two retreat, Qi Luosheng fixed his gaze on Wu Wudi, and said loudly, "I heard that Senior Wu created the "Top Ten Martial Arts" by himself. Today Qimou wants to ask for a lesson or two, and I hope that Senior Wu will give me some advice."

"Humph! Just because you are not worthy to fight with Lao Tzu, if you want to fight, ask that fake monk with a halberd to come out and fight!" Wu Wudi is a conceited person. Come.

I'm so mad, I dare to look down on me, if it weren't for my lack of skill, I would have shot you to death with a single "Hand of God". Believe it or not.Qi Luosheng's brows jumped, and he completed the physical transformation with Yi Ying Shu in secret, and then provocatively said to Wu Wudi: "Senior Wu is so confident, why don't we make a bet~' ?"

"Yeah!" Wu Wudi looked at Qiluosheng, whose momentum was rising steadily, his face gradually became solemn, and then he said with interest: "I missed it, I didn't expect you to hide such strength, not bad, you want to bet what?"

"You and I fight, if Senior Wu wins, I will not only offer you two magical weapons, but also remove the blood curse for you." Qi Luosheng smiled and said a condition Wu Wudi couldn't refuse.

"What, boy, what you said is true, you can really lift the blood curse on me!" Hearing this, Wu Wudi asked hurriedly. The blood curse of the Wu family has troubled Wu Wudi for a long time. The curse has almost become his obsession.

Qiluosheng said: "Of course it is true, the blood curse is a very troublesome thing for you, but for me, it is a piece of cake!"

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