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 184 Night Talk【For Collection】

The cold wind is howling.

At the end of the fierce battle, Wu Wudi failed to defeat Qiluosheng in the end, but there was no dissatisfaction in his heart. To be able to lift the blood curse of the Wu family was the biggest gain of this trip, and this battle also gave him A lot of inspiration, given time, his martial arts will certainly be able to go to a higher level.

After Wu Wudi was settled, Qi Luosheng turned his eyes to Xiao Sanxiao and Bai Suzhen. These two were not fuel-efficient lamps. For future plans, they had to be persuaded. Of course, if necessary, Qi Luosheng would not Mind playing another game.


"If such a terrifying strength is evil, how can I and other people of the righteous way stop it?" Looking at the devastated "Wai Jian Mountain Villa", Fan Qinghui's hands were sweating coldly. "Cihang Jingzhai" has always been the leader of the righteous way. , As the master of "Cihang Jingzhai", Fan Qinghui also has the world in his heart.

But today's Di Shitian, Yiyishu, "God", Qiluosheng, Wu Wudi, and the ignorant smiles and three smiles, Bai Suzhen, and others have shown their strengths far beyond her imagination! In front of her strength, for the first time, she felt such powerless heart palpitations!

 "Five Seven Zero" and her nemesis, Zhu Yuyan, the Yin Queen of the "Yin Kui Sect", felt similar to her. When the door is shot, how can I resist? After thinking about it, Zhu Yuyan sadly found that the gap between them is like a cloud and mud. The Evil Emperor's resurrection cannot be the opponent of Emperor Shitian and others!

"It seems that you have to find a way to make these people stand on your side. Even if you can't be friends, you can't be enemies. But these people are very powerful. How can you make them stand on your side?" Zhu Yuyan turned her eyes. Looking at a page of books, Xiaosanxiao, Qiluosheng and others, thinking about how to have a relationship with them.

The strong have the pride of the strong, and their strength has reached such a level that ordinary fame and fortune cannot impress them, and they also have to consider their position. For a righteous and awe-inspiring Buddha like Yi Ye Shu, Zhu Yuyan would not dare to provoke them at all, otherwise one would not be able to provoke them. Well, people want to eliminate demons and guard the road, and they can't even run!

After observing for a while, Zhu Yuyan finally turned the first target to win over Qiluosheng, who was dressed like snow. The reason why he chose Qiluosheng was because Qiluosheng's identity was the clearest among these people, and she was also her. The one that knows best.And from the situation of the meeting, Qiluosheng didn't have much ill will towards their "Holy Gate", and among these people, they were most likely to be attracted.

There are not a few people who have the same idea as Zhu Yuyan. After the battle just now, the world view of everyone present has undergone earth-shaking changes, and at the same time, they have begun to make plans for the future.


After Qi Luosheng lifted Wu Wudi's blood curse, he strode to the front of a page of writing, clasped his fists and said, "Thank you for your help, Qi Luosheng."

A page of books put the "Or Tian Ji" into the space, took out the whisk and put it on his shoulder, and said loudly: "My friend, why did you say this, the "Or Tian Ji" was originally created by me, but now the younger generation peeps, I I should share it with you! It's really unfortunate that my friend "Baijian Villa" has been destroyed so badly."

Qiluosheng said: "Buddhist friends are serious! I didn't expect such a master to appear. Fortunately, Buddhist friends came to help, otherwise the consequences would be disastrous."

Qiluosheng and Yiyishu treat each other politely, and in the eyes of outsiders, they are like good brothers who are sincere to each other!


However, in the sea of ​​knowledge of Qiluosheng, the three souls held a small meeting, and said without hurting the lazy sheep: "You two prodigal sons, it's a pity that you don't go to the demolition! The good "Baijian Villa" was You are so tossed like this, it looks like you are going to change places to spend the night tonight!"

"Cut! We call this a complete set of dramas! As I said, I will fight quickly, defeat Emperor Shitian, and kill the "God". In total, the three floors of "Baijian Villa" will be destroyed, and the rest is all about This deity was destroyed during the battle with Wu Wudi." Yi Ying Shu said unhappily.

Although they are the same three souls, the one-page book transformed by the "Demon Soul" and the one transformed by the "Holy Soul" are harmless, just like the good and evil sides of human beings, and they always like to work against each other without endangering the body.

Qiluosheng said: "Blame me? Can't the two of you stop for a while! The 'Baijian Villa' will be destroyed if it's destroyed! It's okay to rebuild one, what's the big deal! The most urgent thing is Xiaosanxiao and Bai Suzhen, these two People are not weak, although there is no intention to do it, it is always a hidden danger, and there will be a lot of variables in our follow-up plans."

Zun Wushang asked: "Then what is the plan of this deity, is it to take the opportunity to join Wu Wudi to solve them, or to find opportunities to defeat them individually in the future?"

"Well! With the current strength, if they want to leave, we can't keep it, especially the old guy Xiaosanxiao, whose skill is still higher than ours. If we really fight, it will only be the result of losing both sides. When it’s not a showdown, I’ll find an opportunity to chat with them and see if we can get them to side with us.” Qi Luosheng then said to another page of the book, “You leave first, Demon Soul, find an opportunity to enter Shaolin, and put the " "Yuanji Maha" to learn hands."

One page of the book doesn't matter: ""Yuanji Maha"? No problem."


The three souls of Qiluosheng communicated in consciousness, but the outside world was only a short moment.

Exiting a page of the book of Consciousness Sea, he said loudly, "It's time for me to say goodbye!"

Qiluosheng clasped his fists and said, "Buddhist friend, please!"

"The world is like chess, the universe is unpredictable, and the heroes are all laughing!"

In the high-pitched poem number, a page of the book swept the dust, turned around and stepped on it, turning into a golden light and rising into the sky.


At the same time, the golden giant eagle approached at high speed, lifted a page of a book in mid-air, flapped its giant wings, and disappeared into the vast sky in a blink of an eye.


The longer one lives, the more one tends to fear death.

Di Shitian has lived for more than a thousand years. Although he no longer regards himself as a human being, and calls himself a god, his fear of death has long been deeply imprinted in his primordial spirit.

After being beaten in a few pages, Di Shitian did not care about the face of the strong, and the first thing that came to his mind was to escape.

He was a warlock, even if he took the blood of the phoenix and had an endless lifespan, it would not change his roots. Once he encountered a stronger opponent than him, Di Shitian's nature of greed for life and fear of death would be exposed. This is an advantage, but also a disadvantage. …

Di Shitian's entire body glides flatly over the mountains and forests, which is a very bright light work "Zhongyi Ascendant Steps".

From a distance, the leisurely court walks like a fairy, and it is impossible to tell how fast it is, and it is almost indistinguishable from shrinking into an inch.

Xu Fu crossed the mountains and ridges all the way, and quickly swept to the southeast.

There, there is one of his forces - "Phoenix Island".In "Phoenix Island", his identity is not Emperor Shitian, but a mysterious righteous man - Xu Fu.

Although he didn't feel that a page of the book was chasing him, Xu Fu still fled for hundreds of miles just in case, and finally removed his disguise in an inaccessible jungle, dressed up and returned to his original appearance. After many setbacks, he rushed back " "Phoenix Island", after reaching the destination, Xu Fu's skills were so strong that he couldn't help but sweat and rain.

Xu Fu took a few breaths in a row, mixed his breath, and finally let out a long whistle, and instructed loudly, "From today onwards, I have to retreat for a period of time. If you have anything to do in the future, please ask me when I go out. During this period, everyone You are not allowed to leave Phoenix Island for half a step."

Xu Fu's voice reverberated, and everyone in the entire "Phoenix Island" could hear him. All his disciples and disciples worshiped the heart of the island, and their faces were full of admiration.


Jingzhou City, Bo Qing Museum.

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