In the brightly lit waste room, four people sat.

However, these four people are deciding the future trend of the world.

"Twelve Panic" laughed three times, "Top Ten Martial Artists" Wu Wudi, "Demon Lord" Bai Suzhen, and "World Sealing Sword" Qi Luosheng.

After the war, "Baijian Villa" has been completely scrapped, and it can't be rebuilt for a while, and the forces of all parties who have seen Qiluosheng's strength have also dispelled the idea of ​​​​snatching the magic weapon and retreated.

Qiluosheng invited Xiaosanxiao and others to "Bo Qingguan" as guests, and casually inquired about their thoughts.

And Xiaosanxiao 3.8, Bai Suzhen, Wu Wudi also had their own plans, so after being invited by Qiluosheng, they readily agreed.

"I invited the three to come here to ask you what you think of today's Shenzhou!"

The night was bright and quiet, the wind was very light, three men and one woman were sitting at the table, and Qi Luosheng, the host, was the first to speak.

"Why is my little friend asking such a question? Could it be that he is also interested in the world." He smiled and said with a smile, his eyes were as calm as water, making it difficult to see through his true thoughts.

Wu Wudi was silent, like a stuffy gourd. He didn't care much about the so-called world affairs. What he cared about now was how to become stronger.

And Bai Suzhen did not answer directly, but asked instead, "I wonder what Mr. Qi's opinion is?"

Seeing these people, one was more calm than the other, Qiluosheng didn't want to make senseless trials, and said straight to the point: "Shenzhou deploys martial arts, and the world seals the sword!"

"Shenzhou deploys martial arts, and the world seals the sword?" Hearing this, they laughed three times, Bai Suzhen and Wu Wudi's eyes lit up.


Happy New Year's Eve everyone!Hereby add another chapter. .

 185 Magic Crossing Sentient Beings 【For Collection】

Shenzhou Buwu, the world seals the sword!

Although these eight characters are short, if you want to implement them, you will inevitably encounter many obstacles.

People’s hearts are unpredictable, greed is endless, where there are people, there are grievances and grievances. For the sake of fame, there are always countless conflicts between grievances and grievances. Bai Suzhen also wanted to build a world where the monarchy is abolished and everyone is equal and democratic. However, this will inevitably be counterattacked by countless powerful people. For this ideal, she and "God" jointly established "Soujin Palace", but unfortunately she eventually became a victim of "God"'s ambition.

For more than a hundred years, Bai Suzhen has been dormant in the labyrinth and hell of "Songshan Shaolin".However, he sometimes travels abroad, and he will make Hei Tong and Xue Da Mo pay attention to the changes in the world situation in China.

Naturally, he also pays attention to the "World Sealed Sword" that has risen rapidly in recent years. Although he knows that the "World Sealed Sword" established by Qiluosheng has been fighting for righteousness everywhere and eliminating harm for the people! But people's hearts are unpredictable. Bai Suzhen, who is betrayed by people, can't be sure whether Qi Luosheng is sincere for the people, or is like a "god", a hero with great ambitions in his heart?

Bai Suzhen looked at Qiluosheng, as if she was interrogating the other party's heart, and asked: "The world is sealed, and you want to stop fighting. I really want to know, what is your plan?"

Qi Luosheng smiled, but did not answer, and said: "I know that the 'Demon Lord' has always had a great ideal, and that is to achieve fairness and democracy in this world, which is a good ideal. It's a pity, Your ideal 13 is too naive and too empty! It is impossible to achieve in this world!"

"Humph!" Rao is Bai Suzhen's natural gentleness, and being accused of "lofty" ideals, she couldn't help but feel a little sullen.Bai Suzhen said angrily: "Why do you know the ideal of this seat, and why do you think that the ideal of this seat cannot be realized?"

Qiluosheng said: "How do I know the ideal of the devil, I will talk about it later, let's talk about the feasibility of fairness and democracy first!"

"Distribute all the money, grain and land in the world to all the people in the world, so that the power of the ruling class will be disintegrated, and the people will decide their own lives. There are no restrictions here, everyone is equal, it sounds very good! But everyone has desires. , to get to Longwang to Shu, and to be greedy enough, unless everyone in the world is a saint, they can’t do this at all.”

"Humph! Do you think this seat can't think of this? For the past two hundred years, this seat has been thinking about this problem, and finally came up with a trick, that is, 'Demon crossing all beings'!" Speaking of this, Bai Suzhen's eyes were full of brilliance , excitedly said: "All living beings have selfish desires, but this seat does not. As long as this seat uses its own supreme spiritual power to plant spiritual seeds in their minds, then they will eventually be subtly influenced by this seat's spiritual will and become One selfless person, the ideal of this seat will also be realized!"

Hearing this, even smiling three times, Wu Wudi couldn't help feeling a little shudder. Using this method to achieve his ideals is different from directly turning everyone into his own puppets. Domineering and weird!

"Ha!" Qiluosheng smiled inexplicably and said, "The reason why people are human is that they have emotions and desires, understand joys and sorrows, and human desires, in essence, are the driving force that supports the continuous development of human beings. If you follow your The point of view has wiped out the most instinctive desires of people, so what is the difference between that person and the salted fish?"

"What's more, your plan will never succeed! I have met a person just like you in another world. His name is "Great Wisdom", and he was the mind of one hundred and eight Buddhist monks who have attained Taoism. The collective can send out brainwashing sound waves to check and modify other people's memories and personalities. He delusionally thinks that he can use this method to wash all the nine worlds and create a world of equality for all living beings! More senseless killings are coming!"

"Another world? 'Great Wisdom'? The Nine Realms?" Xiao Sanxiao and Wu Wudi, Bai Suzhen and the others were a little surprised when they heard the words, Xiao Sanxiao asked, "Could it be that you are someone from outside the world?"

"People from outside the sky!" Qiluosheng nodded and said, "You can also understand this. Although I am not a person in this world, I can see things in this world better than anyone else."

"It turns out that you were the one who stirred up fate a few years ago! I should have thought of that!" He got Qiluosheng's answer, and with three smiles he tentatively took out the "Mirror of the Heart" from his arms and handed it to Qiluosheng!

"This is?" The moment Qiluosheng took over the "Mirror of the Heart", the mirror that illuminated the cause and effect of the future suddenly developed dense cracks and smashed to the ground.

"Hahaha! The Mirror of the Heart is broken, you really are not from this world!"

Seeing that the "Mirror of the Heart" was broken, the three smiles were first stunned, then shocked, and finally ecstatic!

Smiling three times still remembers the emperor's desperate efforts: "A sword shakes the state, and the world is easily startled."

Xiao Sanxiao is also a person who is proficient in numerology. Since feeling the fate entangled in his two sons, Xiao Sanxiao has been under a deep sense of oppression for many years and feels that the future is bleak.

Over the years, Xiao Sanxiao has been painstakingly planning, but the Qianqiu catastrophe is still slowly developing in the direction of fate, which makes him very distressed. Until four years ago, the sense of oppression suddenly eased a little, and the fate between heaven and earth happened. This subtle change made Xiao Sanxiao see a glimmer of hope, and now he has finally found the key to changing his life against the sky, how can Xiao Sanxiao not be excited!

 Over the years, Xiao Sanxiao has been painstakingly planning, but the Qianqiu catastrophe is still slowly developing in the direction of fate, which makes him very distressed. Until four years ago, the sense of oppression suddenly eased a little, and the fate between heaven and earth happened. This subtle change made Xiao Sanxiao see a glimmer of hope, and now he has finally found the key to changing his life against the sky, how can Xiao Sanxiao not be excited!

"It turns out that you are a person from outside the sky. No wonder I have never seen the martial arts moves you used. Are there many masters like you in other worlds?" As for the fact that Qiluosheng is a person from heaven, Wu Wudi was a little surprised, but he didn't doubt it, because with Qiluosheng's strength, there was no need to lie in this regard.

And the "Demon Lord" Bai Suzhen wanted to know the ending of the "Great Wisdom" who had the same ideal as her, and asked: "Can you tell me about the "Great Wisdom"? Why did he fail? "

When Qi Luosheng heard this sentence, his mind moved, and he knew that Bai Suzhen had begun to be persuaded by him, and now he directly used "The Realm of Reincarnation" to remember some of his experiences in the "Golden Light" plane, Presented in the eyes of several people!

Central Plains, Miao Frontier, Sea Territory, Buddha Country, Demon World... A series of ups and downs, magnificent pictures entered the minds of the three people, just like watching a slideshow, from the "Decisive Battle Moment" to the "Mo World Buddha Calamity" At the end, among them, the concepts of "East Ying Central Plains", "Central Plains Miao Frontier Contest", "Human World and Demon World Contest" and "Buddhist Land Gate" all made them feel deeply, and caught three people to watch these clips. It's over, so half an hour later.

After watching Qi Luosheng's "edited" memory clips, Bai Suzhen asked suspiciously, "What were those pictures just now?"

Qi Luosheng put down the wine glass in his hand and said with a smile, "It's some of my experiences in another world. After reading it, do you still insist on demonic transcending all beings?"

Thinking of those people who were forcibly washed away by "No Self Sanskrit", lost their ego, and recited "follow great wisdom, save the world with great compassion" every day, Bai Suzhen finally gave up her original idea!

Restraining her mind, Bai Suzhen calmly asked Qiluosheng: "The idea of ​​demon crossing all beings does have many flaws, thank you Mr. Qi for reminding me! But there is one thing I am curious about, how did you come to our world and why did you come? What about our world?"

Hearing Bai Suzhen's words, remembering the scene of the demon world invading the world in the clip just now, Xiao Sanxiao and Wu Wudi looked at Qiluosheng with a little more vigilance. If Qiluo was born into their world, it would be just an accident! The "Devil's Passage" that connects the two worlds is very bad!

Most of the origin of war comes from greed, and the wealth of a 167 world is enough to make many people crazy!

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