Looking at their expressions, Qiluosheng knew what they were worried about with his toes, and said calmly: "I came to this world because I have a magical power that can travel through different worlds. As for the purpose, don't worry, what about ruling the world? Yes, I have no interest, what I pursue is a breakthrough in martial arts."

"Humph! Why should we believe you? If you really don't want the world, then why do you want to establish the "World Sealing Saber"?"

It seems that her ideal was shattered by Qiluosheng. Now Bai Suzhen's opinion of Qiluosheng is not pleasing to the eye, and she always wants to find some faults in him.

Qiluosheng said indifferently: "The establishment of 'World Sealing Sword' is just to reduce disputes in the arena! I do not deny that I will snatch some of the world's resources, but my existence is for this world, or for most people. In my case, the pros outweigh the cons, and in my plan, the world will go further."

"Oh! But I don't know what Mr. Qi's plan is?" Xiao Sanxiao asked suddenly.

"Senior Xiao, you are the person who has lived the longest among us. In your impression, from ancient times to the present, how many of the heroes you know in this world have died peacefully?" Qiluosheng did not directly answer Xiaosanxiao's problem, and instead throws another weird question.

Xiaosan smiled and was stunned for a while, and finally said with a sigh, "Few!"

"Senior, do you know why this is so?"

Xiaosanxiao shook his head helplessly, the hero is short-lived and has a poor life! It has been like this since ancient times, it is difficult to say clearly.

Qi Luosheng said solemnly: "Because this world is sinking."

"The world is sinking?" Xiao Sanxiao was obviously startled, and seemed a little puzzled, but after all, he is an old antique who has lived for thousands of years. After thinking for a while, he guessed: "Young Master Qi means that this world On the verge of destruction?".

186 Thousand Autumn Catastrophe【Subscribe】

"Young Master Qi means that the world is going to be destroyed?"

Thinking of the great calamity shown by "According to Your Mood", Xiaosan Xiao couldn't help but trust Qiluosheng's words.

Qi Luosheng shook his head and said with a bit of emotion: "Laughing senior, in a sense, sitting three more people, even including me, compared to ordinary people in the martial arts, it is simply Just like God Together, it turned into a terrible catastrophe that no one could resolve!"


This world is somewhat similar to the "Thunderbolt" plane. It seems that the martial arts are prosperous. Even as time goes by, the talents of the warriors are getting higher and higher, and the abilities of the warriors are getting bigger and bigger!

But this is not a good thing, it is limited by the level of this world; even existences such as Xiaosanxiao, Bai Suzhen, and Wu Wudi can only be trapped in this world and cannot achieve detachment.

The violent thoughts of the whole world have fed back, which has led to more and more so-called "Shenzhen Lone Stars".

Good people do not have good rewards, and bad people do not have good days.


Qiluosheng shrugged and asked Xiaosan with a smile, "Does Senior Xiao believe in destiny?"

Xiao Sanxiao was puzzled for a moment, then nodded and said, "I believe."

Qiluosheng said again: "If the extinction of hope is destiny, what should the senior laugh do?"

Xiaosan smiled a little hesitantly, but Wu Wudi and Bai Suzhen said decisively, "Defying the sky."

"Hahaha!" Qiluosheng laughed cheerfully: "Yes, if the world of extinction hope is destiny, the road against the sky can't help but say ¨.!"

Xiaosan smiled and was stunned for a while, then a light flashed in his eyes, and asked Qiluosheng, "What are you going to do, little friend?"

Qiluosheng said confidently: "The problems of this world are not difficult to say. There are two solutions, one for the symptoms and one for the root cause!"

Bai Suzhen said, "I would like to hear the details!"

"The way to treat the symptoms is to kill to kill, to eradicate the source of the catastrophe before the catastrophe begins." Having said this, Qi Luosheng looked at him and smiled three times, intentionally or unintentionally.

The great calamity in the wind and clouds was driven by Xiaosanxiao's two pitiful bear sons. The two brothers, the big demon God Xiaojingtian, had always harbored jealousy towards their father Xiaosanxiao, who was worried about the world, so they fought against Xiaosanxiao everywhere. On the grounds of conforming to the destiny, he secretly worked hard to promote the great catastrophe of the future, intending to bring chaos to the world, in order to take revenge and smile three times.

It can be said that the Great Calamity of the Thousand Autumns was caused by the conflicts between Xiao Sanxiao and his family. Although not all, it also accounted for a large part of the reason.

With the strength of Xiaosanxiao, if he is willing to kill his relatives righteously, it is not impossible. Unfortunately, everyone has weaknesses. Although his two sons' rebellion broke his heart, Xiaosanxiao owed them a great debt to them. Since he was unable to make up his mind for a long time, and finally died, he threw the pot to Fengyun. The helplessness and sadness in it are indescribable!

Xiao Sanxiao's face flashed a trace of unnaturalness, and he coughed twice and asked, "What about the cure for the root cause?"

Xiao Sanxiao's face flashed a trace of unnaturalness, and he coughed twice and asked, "What about the cure for the root cause?"

"Set your mind for the world, set up your life for the people, set up a future for the sages, and create peace for all worlds." of many.

Different from idealism like "God" and Bai Suzhen, Qi Luosheng knows the truth that a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.

Although he often shouts the slogan "Shenzhou deploys martial arts, the world seals the sword", Qiluosheng always regards improving his own strength and improving the strength of his subordinates as a top priority.

After experiencing countless reincarnation worlds, Qiluosheng understands that this world, or any world, is dominated by the strong and the weak. It is an eternal rule that the strong eat the weak. He believes that only with enough strength can he fulfill his aspirations. .

"Set up your mind for the world, set up your life for the people, follow the sages of the past, and create peace for all generations." Bai Suzhen muttered these words carefully, and her eyes towards Qiluosheng were a little different.

The Demon became interested and said, "Tell me, how do you plan to do it?"

When Qi Luosheng heard these words, his mind moved, and he knew that the "demon" had begun to be moved by him. He waved his hand to emit a soundproof barrier, wrapping the entire room in it, making sure nothing went wrong, and then began to talk about his preparations. Long time plan!


Time flies, three days later.

Under the lights of the courtyard, the two cuddled with each other.

Wei Zhenzhen, dressed in plain white clothes, snuggled up beside Qi Luosheng, her head resting on his legs.

She raised her beautiful eyes and quietly looked at her lover who was close at hand, at his unparalleled face, at his long waterfall with snow-colored hair hanging on her shoulders, at the gentleness of his hands Caressing his own face, looking at his amber eyes looking at the distant night sky, as if to penetrate the entire night sky...

At this moment, it was very peaceful, very calm, and she felt very happy.

Although after a series of indescribable movements, Wei Zhenzhen still felt as if she was dreaming.

She stroked her lover's face again, felt his warmth, got close to his chest, felt his real heartbeat, hugged his body tightly, felt his special breath... All this was telling her that this It's not a dream, it's real.

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