(Li Li's) However, she still can't believe that since being rescued by Qiluosheng, Wei Zhenzhen has sent a heart to him, but Qiluosheng is the esteemed master of "The Seal of the World", And she is just an ordinary civilian woman. Although she has a heart of admiration, Wei Zhenzhen has never dared to express it. In her pure heart, as long as she can silently pay for him behind Qiluosheng's back, she can see it occasionally. For him, stroking a song for him is enough!

for ever thought...

Qi Luosheng caressed the reddened face of the beauty in his arms, and said teasingly: ".ˇZhenzhen, what are you thinking about!"

"The slave family is wondering if it is a dream, if it is in a dream, then the slave family really doesn't want to wake up!" Wei Zhenzhen looked at Qi Luosheng's eyes tenderly, and said shyly.


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187 names move the world [for collection]

It has been three days since he obtained the "Tears of the Black Moon". After the battle of the gods, Qi Luosheng has gained a lot, and secretly not only used the "Eye of the Holy Demon" to destroy Emperor Shitian's "Sacred Heart Decision" and "Sacred Heart". God's "Moving the Heavens and Gods", "Magic", "Destroying the Demon Body", Wu Wudi's "Xuanwu Zhen Gong", and "Wandao Senluo" by Xiaosanxiao and other peerless magic skills, I have learned the true qi operation method. He also took the opportunity to eradicate the ambitious "God", and reached a preliminary agreement with Xiao Sanxiao and others. Although he also lost a sword worship villa, in general, he still made a lot of money.

Although these magical skills can't immediately improve Qiluosheng's combat power, they can actually increase his background, which can really be said to be an unexpected joy.

The three martial arts of "Sacred Heart", "Moving the Heavens" and "Destroying the Demon Body" are all martial arts of longevity, but their magical effects are quite different.

"Sacred Heart Resolve" was created by Emperor Shi Tianhua for thousands of years and gathered thousands of martial arts.It also includes several strange attacking moves, "Sacred Heart Four Uniques" and "Sacred Heart Four _ Kalpas".

The feature of "Moving the Heavens and Gods" is "healing". As long as there is no damage that makes one's body incomplete, consuming the True Essence of the Heaven-moving God Art can repair the damage like the blood of dragons and phoenixes, making people immortal.

The feature of "Destroying the World" is that it "does not hurt", making people's skills extremely tyrannical, the true essence circulates throughout the body, all poisons do not invade, and the defense is amazing, no less than "Indestructible Golden Body", and it is not like There is absolutely no god's "Indestructible Golden Body", strong is strong, but there is a door to break, "Destroy the World" is even more perfect and powerful.

These three martial arts overlap with Qiluosheng's body. He is the "body of the holy devil". Whether it is the immortality pursued by ordinary people or the rapid recovery, it is a trivial matter for Qiluosheng. One thing, Qi Luosheng is interested in their additional effects, such as the ability of "Sacred Heart Decision" to bring people back to life, which involves the reincarnation of life and death. Even some true gods can't do it. Ability, and then there is the non-injury feature of "Destruction of the World", combined with "King Kong Indestructible Magic" and other physical exercises, Qiluosheng has the confidence to cultivate the indestructible body of the King Kong, and then his holy demon primordial embryo There will be no more weaknesses.

Secondly, "Wandao Senluo" and "Xuanwu Zhen Gong" are also very powerful.

"Xuanwu Zhen Gong" is Wu Wudi's summary of his top ten martial arts, creating a set of supreme martial arts that is divided into outer and inner martial arts.

"Wandao Senluo" is the highest level of martial arts in the world that Xiaosanxiao has painstakingly researched for many years. This martial arts can freely absorb the unique skills of various types of martial arts, even mutually exclusive, and contains eight major ways: "Heaven, Earth , strange, positive, yin, yang, birth, death”.The power of tolerance of heaven and earth can be integrated into a force that destroys the world. It uses mind as a blade and drives people's hearts. However, for practitioners who practice for a long time, they will be corroded and cannot extricate themselves. Therefore, Xiaosanxiao has never made this martial arts public, but Qiluosheng has a special body, so naturally he doesn't care about this side effect.

Any one of these peerless magical arts is thrown into the rivers and lakes, and it will also cause countless bloody storms, but they are recorded by Qiluosheng unknowingly. With time, when Qiluosheng digests all of them, his strength will be even better. Floors.


After the meeting three days ago, Xiao Sanxiao, Wu Wudi and Bai Suzhen also left one after another.

Xiaosanxiao went to Dongying, their two bear sons are now in Dongying, the eldest son is known as the Great Demon God, and the second son is the master of Xuanhua. After Qiluosheng's reminder, Xiaosanxiao finally made up his mind Xiaosan smiled thousands of years of skill, it is still very easy to suppress his two unfortunate children.

Wu Wudi agreed to Qi Luosheng's request, went to the desert to find trouble with the "Blue Moon Sect", and casually took the peerless sword "Xiaolong Seizing the Golden Sword" collected by the "Blue Moon Sect".

 Wu Wudi agreed to Qi Luosheng's request, went to the desert to find trouble with the "Blue Moon Sect", and casually took the peerless sword "Xiaolong Seizing the Golden Sword" collected by the "Blue Moon Sect".

The "Demon Lord" Bai Suzhen went to "Sou Shen Gong" to collect the forces left by "God". The power of "Sou Shen Gong" should not be underestimated. Slave, these people lost the rule of the "God", they were all gathered by Bu Bai Suzhen and brought to the "Peerless City" in Nanwu Lin.

The current lord of "Peerless City", Dugu, is just a stand-in. The real Dugu is still frozen in the Sword Sect, and his backer, the Sword Saint, has also changed a lot after returning from "Bai Jian Villa". In fact, even if the Juggernaut wanted to manage him, he would not have the ability. Before he comprehends "The Twenty-Three of Swords", the Juggernaut cannot threaten Bai Suzhen at all.

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Although this "Dougu party" is also an ambitious person, after seeing the means of the "Demon Lord", he can only bow his head obediently, and dare not go against it.

After Bai Suzhen took over "Peerless City", the miserable lower-level civilians under "Peerless City" suddenly realized that "Peerless City" had changed.

The original guards of "Peerless City" were replaced by a group of black-clothed men. These strange-looking men in black are not only highly skilled in martial arts, but also specifically aimed at those who are arrogant and bully, bullying men and women. In just a few days, they have already Dozens of people beat hawkers in the city or molested women from good families for no reason, and they were beaten into dogs by these men in black.

This group of men in black is called the "urban management team". The city owner Dugu suddenly announced a few days ago that the "unparalleled city" must be supervised by the "urban management team".


Many people with a keen sense of smell know that the sky of "Peerless City" has changed!


On the rivers and lakes, because of the turmoil of "Baijian Mountain Villa", the wind was loud, and the battle of Qiluosheng and the others to destroy the mountains and the mountains was spread to all parts of China by the martial arts people who watched the battle. Basically, as long as the slightly larger forces have received the wind!

After several days of fermentation, the reputations of Qiluosheng, Yiyishu, Di Shitian, Wu Wudi and others have spread all over the world. Among them, the "God" who died in battle needless to say, the remaining one Pages, Xiaosanxiao, Di Shitian, Wu Wudi and others were all elusive, and it was difficult to find out their relevant information, so Qi Luosheng and Bai Suzhen on the bright side became the focus of many forces to observe.

After the war, Xu forces were all captured by the peerless force of Qiluosheng and others, for fear that Qiluosheng, these peerless powerhouses, would have the mind to compete in the martial arts, and they were all nervous, like sitting on needles and needles, and stretched their necks to wait and see.

However, after this battle, all these terrifyingly powerful masters fell silent again. Wu Wudi went to the desert alone. Di Shitian was so frightened that he hid back to the "Phoenix Island", and a page secretly went to Shaolin to seek "Yuanji". "Ma He", Xiao Sanxiao went to talk to his bear child about life, only Bai Suzhen, who recently occupied the "Peerless City", was in the limelight for a while, causing the fear of countless sects, and the "World Sealing Saber" who also has a peerless master But there was no further action, everything was business as usual, except for rebuilding the "Baijian Villa", there was no major action. .

 188 Kirin's anger is no trivial matter! 【For collection】

Due to the name of Qi Luosheng, "Bounding the World" has become the strongest force in the martial arts, but "The Sword of Heaven" did not take the opportunity to expand, and it is still business as usual, but even so, it is good to enjoy the shade under the big tree There are still many small and medium-sized sects who actively join the "World Sealing Sword".

After all, not everyone has the ambition to dominate the world, more martial arts people, just to survive, to have a good backer, not to mention overbearing, at least a little safer when walking on the rivers and lakes!

Of course, while the "World Sealing Sword" is growing, it is inevitable that spies from other forces will join in, but Qiluosheng doesn't care about it.

The "World Sealing Sword" is only Qiluo's power on the bright side. In the dark, he also specialized in "Five Seven Three" in Lingyun Grotto, and cultivated nine hundred orphans with high talent with nine volumes of "Bingjia Wujing". The orphans were all baptized by Qiluo's demonic energy, and there was absolutely no problem with their loyalty. In addition, the characteristics of "Bingjiawujing" in the early stage of rapid progress, it only took more than two years to have preliminary combat power.

"Bingjiawujing" is divided into waste, birth, heaven, earth, extinction, spirit, spirit, split, rest, peaceful, and clear eleven volumes.

Starting with abolition, the heaven and earth will be abolished, living beings will be destroyed, gods will be split, and there will be peace and tranquility.

Heaven and earth are destroyed, all living beings are destroyed, spiritual thoughts are split, and peace and tranquility are rested.

However, with birth as the starting point, the world is born, the spirit is clear, the destruction is broken, and the rest is peaceful.

Heaven and earth are born, the gods are empty and bright, the waste and cracks have been destroyed, and it is better to rest and rest, it is a peaceful world.

The eleven martial arts scriptures, from where and when they end, have changed a thousand times. Just think about it, and you can achieve peace in the world, or fight against military forces.

Among them, "Abandoned Scroll" is the general formula of martial arts, and its power far exceeds the other nine scrolls (the Scroll of Life is not listed here).In addition, when dealing with the users of the scroll of superiority, those who use the remaining nine scrolls will be disturbed, and they will bow their heads and serve as ministers.

"The Scroll of Life" is the redemption trick in the "Bingjiawujing".The first type can heal all the injuries caused by training the "Bingjia Wujing" (Although the training of the Bingjia Wujing will improve quickly, it will leave dark wounds during the training process); the second type, the opponent uses the "Bingjia Wujing" All martial arts are invalid; the third form, integrates and penetrates all the secrets of the "Bingjia Wujing".

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