When teaching the "Bingjia Wujing", Qiluosheng only taught the nine volumes of Heaven, Earth, Destruction, Spirit, Spirit, Split, Rest, Ning, and Qing because of selfishness, but did not teach "The Volume of Life" However, "The Scroll of Waste" can only be learned by possessing the "King Shu Qi" of Killing Shattered Island. Qi Luosheng also exchanged a piece of Innate Yimu in the reincarnation space before he successfully cultivated, and naturally he did not teach it.

These nine hundred orphans were divided into nine hundred orphans by Qiluosheng: Heaven, Earth, Destruction, Spirit, God, Split, Rest, Ning, Qing, and nine schools, each with a hundred people, all cultivating a volume of "Bingjiawujing". Today, they basically have the level of second-rate warriors in the arena.Some outstanding people even reached the first-class level. As long as these people fully grow up in a few years, it will be a force sweeping the world.


Xiaoyue stayed in the west building last night,

How sad people think,

The language of flowers - Jing Huan is ashamed.

"Brother Sheng, are you leaving?" After an unknown amount of time, Wei Zhenzhen stroked Qiluosheng's face and asked gently.

"Yes." Qiluosheng nodded silently, stroked Wei Zhenzhen's pink back, and sighed softly: "Recently, a lot of martial arts have been newly recorded, and they need to retreat and practice for a while... Zhenzhen, I'm leaving now..."

"It doesn't matter." Wei Zhenzhen shook her head, her beautiful eyes looked into Qiluosheng's eyes tenderly, and she said tenderly, "I will wait for you, no matter how long, I will always wait for you to come back, you don't have to worry about it. ."

Qi Luosheng held Wei Zhenzhen on her lap, hugged her in her arms, and pointed at her smooth forehead. As a soft white light flashed, Wei Zhenzhen had a set of mysterious exercises in her mind. And a peculiar runic mark.

"This is the exercise method of "Sacred Heart Decision", which can prolong life, keep youth forever, and many wonderful effects! But you have a short time to practice martial arts, and you have a good heart. If you encounter trouble in the future, you must not conflict with others. What's the matter? I'll leave it to Ye San and the others, you know?"

Qi Luosheng then put another piece of jade pendant in Wei Zhenzhen's hand and exhorted: "This jade pendant has a trace of my divine essence in it. If I encounter danger, I will smash the jade pendant, and I will come over as soon as possible. . . …”

Qi Luosheng then put another piece of jade pendant in Wei Zhenzhen's hand and exhorted: "This jade pendant has a trace of my divine essence in it. If I encounter danger, I will smash the jade pendant, and I will come over as soon as possible. . . …”

"Zhenzhen understands." Wei Zhenzhen nodded in response, looking at Qi Luosheng's concerned eyes, feeling warm in her heart, and couldn't help licking those lips that made her soul tremble.

Qi Luosheng gently hugged her in his arms, and warmly embraced the jade man in his arms, a long shiwen.

Suffocation, lips parted...

The low breath sounded slowly again.


Time flies, the sun shines in the sky, and the "Baijian Villa" is in ruins.

Over the sword pool.

Qiluosheng's hands are facing the sky, and he lifts them up in the air. With Qiluosheng as the center point, the boulders on the ground seem to be pulled by an invisible force, and they rotate and float up one by one. The whirlpool is getting bigger and bigger, like a huge tornado, countless The boulder was blown into the distance, and soon a large hole of more than ten meters appeared on the ground, and it was below.

"Xiao Qingchi, I'm here to pick you up!"

"Xiao Qingchi, I'm here to pick you up!"

"I'm coming to pick you up!"

"I'll pick you up!"

Following Qi Luosheng's shouting, echoes came from the empty sword pool.

"Well! Why didn't you respond? You won't fall asleep!" Qi Luosheng touched his chin, and his figure slowly dropped, ready to use his mental power to scan the sword pool again to find the location of the fire unicorn Mo Qingchi.



Unexpectedly, Qi Luosheng had just descended to the entrance of the cave, and a large amount of magma suddenly spewed out of the ground, like a volcanic eruption. The rolling lava rose into the sky with amazing high temperature, and shot towards Qi Luosheng in mid-air.

"Looks like he's out of temper!" Qi Luosheng sighed secretly, leaving a series of afterimages after his body turned, and instantly moved several hundred meters to the right, avoiding the surging lava.


With a snort of milk and milky air, the gushing lava seemed to have spirituality, turning into a fire dragon with a height of hundreds of meters, and rushed towards Qiluosheng at high speed.


Thanks to "abcdx136", "Wujun Luohu", "so boring", "qwe5958317" and others for their flowers and tickets, thank you for your support! .

189 Reconstruction of Baijian Villa [seeking monthly pass]

The fire dragon formed by the condensed magma, tossing and leaping, like a living creature, with a high temperature of thousands of degrees, rampaging all the way, and everywhere it passes, it becomes scorched earth.

"Don't play so big! I'm just a little late, Xiao Qingchi calm down!"

Qi Luosheng shouted words, but his body movements were not slow at all. He tapped his feet, and staggered past the fierce attack of the fire dragon. He immediately ran the newly learned "Sacred Heart Decision", and the chills followed the palm of his hand. hit out.

"Xuan Bingjue!"

"Magic Magnetic... Ka Ka..."

The ice and fire blended together, the fog filled the air, and the clouds were lingering. I was shocked to see that the huge fire dragon was banned by the mysterious ice. The dragon-shaped ice sculpture of hundreds of meters, white and red, with clear scales and claws, looked very spectacular.

However, at this moment, the accident reborn.


The beast roared through the clouds, the sound shook hundreds of miles, and the huge body of the fire unicorn appeared in the sky above the sword pool in an instant.

"Master stinky, take a move of Huo Lin Palm!"

Mo Qingchi was full of anger and stepped on his front hoof suddenly, and He saw a huge flame of 13 claw marks descending boldly.

Before the palm of the hand came, the flames advanced first, and Qiluosheng's foothold was instantly turned into a sea of ​​fire under the flame of "Fire Lin Palm", but Qiluosheng, who was in it, seemed to be watching flowers in a leisurely manner, still leisurely and contented, holding " The Xue Pu Fan swayed lightly, causing a burst of silver frost out of thin air, instantly swallowing up the surrounding flames.

Looking at the flames that were about to approach, Qi Luosheng shook his head helplessly. On Bai Zeruyu's left hand, the cold air surrounded him, and he held it towards the sky.

"Cover the sky with one hand!"

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