Just as "Huo Lin Palm" came into view, a crystal-clear giant palm of mysterious ice rose from the ground, and with a "bang", it directly shattered Mo Qingchi's "Huo Lin Palm", and then charged towards Mo Qingchi. Grab it quickly.


"Oh! It's so cold! Smelly master, let go of Ang, it's so uncomfortable!"

Mo Qingchi wanted to dodge, but the giant palm of Xuanbing was extremely fast. Before Mo Qingchi could fly far, he was caught firmly. When Mo Qingchi became smaller, Xuanbing followed suit. Retracting, not giving her a chance to escape at all, after several struggles to no avail, Mo Qingchi cried out in dissatisfaction.

As a fire-type divine beast, what Mo Qingchi hated the most was cold and icy things. Naturally, he would not feel comfortable being caught by the giant hand of Xuanbing with diametrically opposite attributes.

Qi Luosheng jumped, flew to the shrunken Mo Qingchi, grabbed her half-foot-long unicorn horn and shook it, and said teasingly, "It's okay to let you go, but you're attacking me. How should it be calculated?"

Mo Qingchi's big eyes rolled around twice, and said coquettishly, "Master...you are the best, Ang is just playing with you, Master, you are so magnanimous, wise and martial, you will definitely not blame Ang. Isn't that right?" He said with a pair of big eyes blinking at Qiluosheng, Mo Qingchi also spent a lot of time with Qiluosheng, knowing that Qiluosheng's character is soft and not hard, he immediately abandoned the dignity of the beast. I used the method of selling cute, in order to get out first.

 Mo Qingchi's big eyes rolled around twice, and said coquettishly, "Master...you are the best, Ang is just playing with you, Master, you are so magnanimous, wise and martial, you will definitely not blame Ang. Isn't that right?" He said with a pair of big eyes blinking at Qiluosheng, Mo Qingchi also spent a lot of time with Qiluosheng, knowing that Qiluosheng's character is soft and not hard, he immediately abandoned the dignity of the beast. I used the method of selling cute, in order to get out first.

However, just as Mo Qingchi knows Qiluosheng, Qiluosheng also understands Mo Qingchi's thoughts very well. Although Mo Qingchi seems to be a good baby who admits his mistakes now, the screams of one master are disgusting, but Qiluosheng dared to guarantee that as long as she was released, she would definitely turn her face away and not recognize anyone, and she would never let it go without taking two bites on herself and grabbing a few claws!

This kind of thinking is unacceptable, she must be educated well, otherwise how can she reflect her authority as a master!


After half an hour.

Above the deserted ruins, in a dazzling light, Qiluosheng was completely naked, and there were two rows of clear tooth marks on his shoulders. He took out a set of clothes and put them on. The original clothes were lying desolately under Mo Qingchi's hooves. The clothes that were not damaged even in the battle against Wu Wudi looked no different from rags. The original beauty and whiteness are gone, and it has obviously experienced inhuman devastation!


Mo Qingchi, who was the size of a puppy, restrained the flames all over his body, and kept biting Qi Luosheng's original clothes, as if to vent his dissatisfaction. After biting all the clothes into pieces, he held his head high. , looked at Qiluosheng who had changed his clothes, and hummed:

"Hmph! Master stinky, see if you dare to leave Ang alone."

Qiluosheng shrugged helplessly, picked up Mo Qingchi in front of him, looked at her still breathing, and coaxed: "Xiao Qingchi is so cute, I will leave you alone, go, master will take you Go to dinner."

After all, in the past three years, Mo Qingchi has indeed contributed a lot to the casting of the divine weapon, and he should compensate her well.

Sure enough, when he heard the big meal, Mo Qingchi, who was still in Qiluosheng's arms, immediately stopped and asked, "What to eat, roast tiger, or braised black bear?"

Mo Qingchi is a standard foodie, she basically eats about 870 catties of meat every day, especially after she turned on her intelligence, her mouth was raised more and more by the food of "Baijian Villa". It is Mo Qingchi's food expenses that is a huge amount, that is, the "World Sealing Knife" with a daily income of [-] gold, if it is an ordinary second-rate sect, it is simply impossible to support!


Outside of "Baijian Villa".

Mrs. Ao and others have been waiting for a long time. Although the "Baijian Villa" has been turned into a ruin, under the order of Qiluosheng, the preliminary reconstruction work has also begun. After all, this is the ancestral house of his eldest disciple, Aotian. , Over the years, "Baijian Villa" has also worked hard for Qiluosheng. Now that it has collapsed due to the competition for the magic weapon, Qiluosheng will naturally not let it go, otherwise it will inevitably make people feel cold!

With the smoke lingering around, more than a dozen chefs are constantly cooking the ingredients.

In a simple room.

The huge dining table was filled with plates of empty plates. Several maids ran in and out with plates. They were sweating profusely. Mo Qingchi's stomach seemed to be a bottomless pit. A few mouthfuls were swallowed by Mo Qingchi.

Qi Luosheng sat on the main seat and said to Mrs. Ao's mother and son next to him: "I'm really sorry for making Baijian Villa like this, but don't worry, I have ordered people to mobilize [-] taels of gold, and I believe it won't take long. Rebuildable."

"Thank you, Master." Ao Tian who was sitting below heard the words and immediately stood up and clasped his fists respectfully. .

 190 Aotian and Arrow【For Collection】

Outside Baijian Villa.

Qi Luosheng stood in the wilderness holding Mo Qingchi, whose belly was rounded, and pointed out Aotian's archery, that's right, it was archery.

This is an era when the sword is the roost, and there are very few warriors who have become famous with bows and arrows, because the archers themselves have many weaknesses, such as being approached by a master swordsman, it is easy to become a lamb to be slaughtered, and the time interval between shooting arrows is too large , the attack point is single, the power is not very ideal, etc...

Except in the army, taking advantage of the number of people to form an arrow formation, otherwise it will be difficult to cause damage to the masters, so ordinary martial arts people will not put too much effort into bow and arrow.

But since seeing Qiluosheng's archery, Aotian begged Qiluosheng to teach him archery.


In the autumn of two years ago, Qiluosheng was hunting in the mountains with Ao Tian, ​​who was still a child. There are [-] killers in total, all of them are first-class players in the arena, and the leader is a novice swordsman.

In the face of this kind of assassination, Qi Luosheng is not surprised. The development of "World Sealed Sword" will inevitably touch the interests of other forces, especially in the early days of "World Sealed Sword", because of its rapid development, it offended many people. It has also attracted the peeps of many forces. Such assassination incidents basically happen every few days, sometimes several times a day, and there is an endless stream of poisoning, assassination, and sneak attacks.

It's a pity that these people don't know, they are facing a man who has experienced hundreds of planes, what kind of conspiracy and tricks they have never seen before, and fighting against Qiluosheng, from the beginning, they are doomed to a tragic end!

For such a small scene, Qi Luosheng didn't even use a layer of strength, and shot all these killers with the bow and arrow in his hand.

The cultivation base has reached the level of Qiluosheng. Swords, spears, swords, and halberds can all be played smoothly. However, among these weapons, swords are the most commonly used weapons by Qiluosheng, and they can maximize their own strength. The weapon is the halberd!

As for bows and arrows, Qiluosheng seldom uses them, but this does not hinder Qiluosheng's knowledge of archery. In the endless reincarnation, Qiluosheng has also encountered many powerful archers and even ate them. A lot of losses, over time, there is also some morality in archery.

"Breaking Arrow" bursting out, "Bending Arrow" turning in the air, "Wind Arrow" charging crit, and "Multiple Arrows" shooting multiple shots with one bow took turns. Thirty-eight killers were not close yet. Qiluosheng was within a range of ten feet, and Qiluosheng showed off his archery skills!

There is no impermeable wall in the world, not to mention that Qiluosheng did not hide it, that is, after this, the name of Qiluosheng's archery was widely circulated in the rivers and lakes, and later, it was called the three masterpieces together with Qin art and swordsmanship.

The average martial artist is familiar with many weapons, but only concentrates on refining one weapon.

In this martial arts, in addition to the exercises, weapons can be said to be the second life of a warrior. Any warrior who refines a certain weapon to the extreme can become a powerful warrior. Slow down the progress of the practice.

A swordsman with a medium talent who devotes himself to practicing the sword for [-] years may be able to achieve the innate talent, but if he practices the sword at the same time, he is afraid that he will not be able to break through the innate talent for [-] years, or even his entire life.

Therefore, very few warriors will concentrate on cultivating two weapons at the same time!

Qi Luosheng has learned a lot of unique skills because of the relationship with "The Eye of the Holy Demon", but the strongest is the "God's Trick" series that is exchanged from the reincarnation space and matched with the "Sacred Demon's Primordial Embryo". In addition, it is "Bingjiawujing".

As for weapons, because of the relationship between the "three souls", the sword, sword, and halberd are the most proficient in the three weapons. Among them, the halberd is the strongest, followed by the sword, and the archery is relatively average.

However, in this plane, as the "prime deity", Kirasheng uses only swords and bows as weapons, "Holy Soul" uses a sword without injury, and "Demon Soul" uses a halberd!

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