The relationship between this is unknown to outsiders.

Therefore, in the eyes of outsiders, Qiluosheng is a master of swords and bows.


Among the hundreds of soldiers, the bow is one of the oldest weapons, and it can be passed down to this day, which naturally has its own uniqueness.

"If you want to be a good archer, strength, speed, and accuracy are the most basic and key points. Speed ​​is divided into hand speed and movement. Super-strong hand speed can ensure that you can quickly kill the enemy. The speed of the arrow can ensure that the enemy cannot get close to you, and the top strength can guarantee that an arrow can block the throat, or effectively cause damage to the enemy. I don’t need to say the accuracy! ~'!"

"Master, what does it mean to have an egg?" Aotian who was practicing turned back and asked curiously.

At this time, Aotian was fifteen years old. Thanks to the excellent genes of his parents, he had red lips and white teeth. He was handsome and handsome. From the perspective of appearance, he was also a handsome young man.

Qiluosheng: ".ˇ Don't pay attention to these irrelevant details, concentrate on practicing arrows."

"Yes, Master!" Aotian replied respectfully, then turned around to adjust his breathing, bent his bow and shot an arrow, moving like clouds and flowing water, in one go.

call out……

An arrow was shot, hitting the red heart [-] meters away, and the arrow with internal force directly shot through the target. With a sound of "Duo", it was nailed to the tree [-] meters away.

Then, Aotian kept using "Lingbo Weibu" to move around, running and shooting arrows at the same time, every time he shot, he would hit a red heart.

Qiluo nodded without a trace. Although Aotian had many flaws, he still had some talent in bows and arrows.

"Huhu... Master, how is my performance, can I learn "The Arrow of the Wind" and "Exploding Arrow"?" A series of rapid shots made Aotian's breathing a little short.

(Wang Nuozhao) "Not bad, strength, speed, and accuracy have been significantly improved." Speaking of which, Qi Luosheng took out an archery secret from the space and threw it to Aotian, saying: "For the teacher recently You will be in retreat for a period of time, this is the precautions for practicing archery, and some archery skills recorded by the master, you should practice it yourself. In addition, your physique and skill are still a bit poor, you need more exercise, remember to take a medicated bath every day, Strengthen the body, the body is the foundation of everything.”

Ao Tian took the secret book, a look of joy flashed on his face, and said respectfully: "Yes, the disciple must remember the teacher's teaching."

After instructing Aotian for two more days, Qi Luosheng received the news of the one-page book "Devil Soul", "Yuanji Maha" has been obtained, and after rectifying the trivial matters of "The World Seals the Sword", Qi Luosheng took the ink Qingchi went to Lingyun Grotto, where he joined Wu Wushuang, a page of books, and began a formal retreat.


Thanks for the "Fantasy Broken" monthly pass!.

 191 Creation of Gods [For Collection]

Lingyun Grottoes extend in all directions and are open vertically and horizontally. Although there have been several disasters, many stone kilns are still preserved.

After teaching Aotian, Qiluosheng rushed to the place where he met Mo Qingchi for the first time, Leshan.

Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling were also brought here.

Qi Luosheng's decision to accept the two as apprentices also went through a lot of deliberation.

Whenever a traveler encounters the protagonist of this plane, there are only a few choices. One is to kill the protagonist before he has risen, so as not to raise tigers.

The second is to follow the protagonist and snatch the protagonist's chance.

The third is to befriend the protagonist and hug the protagonist's big legs.

When he found Ssangyong, Ssangyong was only ten years old, and Qiluo would not lose his mind and kill the two directly, and he didn't bother to do so.

As one of the protagonists of the plane, Shuanglong is extremely extraordinary in terms of aptitude and luck.

Accept two people as apprentices, teach from childhood that they will be able to use them for their own use in the future, why not do it.

To be honest, when teaching Aotian, Qiluosheng was far from teaching Shuanglong to be diligent. Aotian's aptitude can only be regarded as 210. Compared with Shuanglong, whether it is aptitude, understanding, or mental courage, there is a far difference. The only good He was born. If it wasn't for the need for "Baijian Mountain Villa" to build a magical weapon, Qiluosheng would not have thought of accepting him as his apprentice!

Although Aotian behaved very well and worked hard in front of Qiluosheng, his aptitude and disposition were irreparable. His achievements in martial arts were destined not to be too high, at least not equal to Shuanglong. high!

The reality is so cruel. When someone better than you starts to work hard, your efforts become worthless. Genius is [-]% sweat and [-]% inspiration! Yes, it is often the last one percent! This is a real world. Success requires hard work, but hard work does not mean success. The gap between Aotian and Ssangyong will only increase with time.


After passing through Lingyun Grottoes, I came to a huge Tiankeng. Qiluosheng arranged Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling into the "Nine Gates", and let Shuanglong and the staff of "Nine Gates" practice together. There is a virgin forest here. Abundant and sparsely populated, it is very suitable for cultivating secret forces.

The only downside (bdff) is that living materials are inconvenient to transport. In order not to be noticed by interested people, Qi Luosheng personally uses the "inner space" to bring living materials here every time!

After arranging everything properly, Qiluosheng secretly took back the "Demon Soul" and "Sacred Soul" in his body to supplement the "Sacred Demon Primordial Embryo", cultivated in a complete posture, and at the same time sorted out the harvest of this plane.

This plane is much higher than the Celestial Dragon plane. In terms of spiritual energy, it is twice that of the Celestial Dragon plane, and the corresponding heaven and earth treasures are also much more. Qiluo has been born here for more than four years, and has gained a lot. There are also a lot of exercises.

Not to mention the magic weapon, as far as exercises are concerned, "Sacred Heart", "Moving the Heavens", "Destroying the Demon Body", "Wandao Senluo", "Top Ten Martial Arts", "Xuanwu Zhen Gong", "Yuanji Maha", "Three Points Returning to the Primordial Qi", "Bing Xin Jue", etc., are a lot of them, but the martial arts are not too expensive. Although these exercises are good, Qi Luosheng can only use them. Learn from it, and comprehend the most suitable martial arts based on your own situation.

Qiluosheng has learned a lot of martial arts in his life, but most of them can only be regarded as knowledgeable. Take "Mischievous Swordsmanship" as an example, in the state of Qiluosheng's heyday, the power of using "Insidious Swordsmanship" is more powerful than " God Gu and Plague Emperor"——Ren Yanmiao, it is even more powerful to use it personally, but Qi Luosheng's cognition of "Yanmi Sword Technique" is far less than that of Ren Yanmi.

Qiluosheng can only exert the inherent power of "The Art of the Misty Sword", and he can't exert it as supernaturally as Ren Yan, because the "The Art of the Misty Sword" created by Ren Yan is the most suitable for his own swordsmanship. He can grasp it himself! This is why it is difficult to learn other people's martial arts to the same height as the founder, because the kung fu created by others is tailor-made for himself.

There are only a few who can be better than blue.

The way of martial arts, what suits you is the best, otherwise, no matter how good the exercises are given to you, it is useless if you can’t practice them, and even because of forcible practice, there is a risk of going crazy.

Most of Qiluosheng's martial arts moves are learned from others, either exchanged in the reincarnation space, or imitating the moves of some well-known figures. Qiluosheng has always had the skills to create his own exercises. considered.

Qiluosheng's "Holy Demon Primordial Embryo" is infinitely close to the body of chaos. It can transform the energy in the body at will, and it is also an "immortal body", so he can use all kinds of martial arts unscrupulously without worrying about infuriating conflicts. his advantage.

Now that you have accumulated enough experience and martial arts, it is time to create your own unique skills!

The creation of a practice method requires a general idea, and then it is constantly adding bricks and mortar to the final success. The various principles and means that need to be absorbed may even be completely different, just like Qi Luosheng's "Destroyer Demon God" " and "King Kong's Indestructible Magical Technique", the technique of body refining, which has made this creation a great leap forward.

Once people are serious, they often feel that time flies very fast. After more than half a year of sorting out, Qi Luosheng combined what he had learned in his life and finally created a set of exercises called "Creation of Gods".

"Creation of the Gods" was created on the basis of God, with the core of immortality, immortality and immortality. This is tailor-made by Qiluosheng for the "Holy Devil", mainly to improve the "Holy Devil". Ontology, to promote the evolution of the "Holy Devil Primordial Embryo" to a higher level.

The "Creation of the Gods" is currently only deduced to three levels, namely acquired, innate, and gods. The gods have begun to involve the level of immortals and gods, and they cannot be controlled by manpower. In the realm above the realm of the gods, Qiluo Shengzhan couldn't realize it yet, but even so, it was enough!

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