Duanlang, who had been forced to retreat, saw Nie Feng come to help, and his spirit was suddenly lifted. His hand interrupted the sword move in a continuous manner, like flowing clouds and water. In an instant, his whole body was covered in a light curtain, resisting Kou Zhong's pursuit.

Bu Jingyun was cold on the outside and hot on the inside. On the surface, he was standing in the same place unmoved, but his eyes were already locked on Xu Ziling. As long as Xu Ziling changed a little bit, he would step up to stop him. He was still more concerned about Nie Feng, a younger junior brother. of.

"Humph! The dragon swings its tail!"

Seeing Nie Feng suddenly intervening in the battle, Kou Zhong immediately snorted coldly, swung his saber to send out a burst of saber energy to repel Duanlang, and at the same time withdrew his hand, retracted the saber, and kicked it sideways. The trick in "Eight Palms", I saw a golden yellow dragon tail flashing, and it came to a head-to-head confrontation with Nie Feng.


With a dull collision sound, "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon" and "Fengshen Legs" clashed for the first time, Kou Zhong took two steps back, and the colliding leg was aching.

However, Nie Feng took seven steps back to stabilize his body. The kick just now was like kicking on a steel column. If he didn't care about his face, I was afraid that he would be holding his leg and grinning at this moment!

"Swords are stacked brilliantly!"

Just as Nie Feng retreated, Duan Lang immediately attacked with his sword, and a hundred swords of light instantly intertwined into a tight sword net, shrouding Kou Zhong in it.

Nie Feng also slowed down, knowing that the opponent's skill was stronger than his own, and Nie Feng did not dare to confront Kou Zhong head-on, and adopted a fighting style to assist Duanlang to defeat the enemy.

Qi Luosheng taught Kou Zhong three sets of martial arts, namely "Pure Yang Palm" and "Wu Ji Sword Technique" on the Golden Light Plane, and "Eighteen Palms of Subduing the Dragon" on the Tianlong Plane. Kou Zhong was originally the body of pure Yang, "Pure Yang Palm" and "Eighteen Palms for Subduing the Dragon" are very compatible with him. In addition, his comprehension and aptitude are top-notch, and he has Qi Luosheng's guidance. Naturally, his strength is a thousand miles in a day, although it is more than Nie Feng and Duanlang's cultivation. Two years in the evening, but Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling had taken Blood Bodhi. At this time, Kou Zhong was stronger than Nie Feng and Duanlang in both internal strength and moves.

However, Kou Zhongqiang, Nie Feng and Duan Lang were not weak either. Kou Zhong alone seemed to be a little weak in the face of Nie Feng and Duan Lang's attack.

"."Zhong Shao, I'll help you."

Seeing that Kou Zhong was struggling, Xu Ziling also joined the battle.

But Bu Jingyun, who was already paying attention to his movements, naturally wouldn't let Xu Ziling wish, and when Xu Ziling was out of shape, Bu Jingyun was like a ghost, like a virtual cloud, and instantly attacked Xu Ziling, blocking his way.

"Crossing the clouds and turning the rain!"

Bu Jingyun's extremely fast palm attacked Xu Ziling violently, as violent as a violent storm.

"Thunder storm!"

Although Xu Ziling was kind-hearted, he wasn't someone who couldn't fight back and scold him. Now he was worried about Kou Zhong's safety. As soon as he made a move, it was a big move.

In contrast to the extreme moves, Bu Jingyun suddenly felt a powerful thunder force pierced through his palm qi defense line, the thunder force entered his body, and his body suddenly fell into a brief paralysis.

"It's so possible!" Bu Jingyun was secretly shocked, and at the same time, he tried his best to destroy the infuriating resistance in his body. Although he knew that Xu Ziling was not the same generation, he didn't expect that the attack of the other party would affect his "Dispelling Clouds". "Palm" has such a great restraint effect, one move failed, and he was immediately suppressed.

Xu Ziling didn't expect the effect of "Flying Waterfall Palm" to be so significant, but he would not miss this great opportunity. Immediately, there was a storm, ready to take down Bu Jingyun first, and then go to help Kou Zhong out of the siege.

Different from Kou Zhong, Qiluosheng taught Xu Ziling the three sets of martial arts: "Flying Waterfall Palm" and "Dragon Sword Technique" on the Golden Light Plane, and "Fighting and Star Movement" on the Tianlong Plane, of which "Flying Waterfall Palm" is the most yin. The most evil move is very compatible with Xu Ziling's pure yin body. When the move is made, the yin wind and yin thunder go hand in hand. He was stronger than Bu Jingyun in the front line, and when the two fought against each other, Xu Ziling naturally had the upper hand. .

196 The battle between the protagonists 3 [for collection]

The scorching sun was scorching hot, outside Lingyun Cave.

The five teenagers fought endlessly, with swords and swords, their palms, qi and legs smashed, and they fell into a state of anxiety.

"Senior Brother Yun, beware!"

Nie Feng and Duanlang were fighting against Kou Zhong, but Yu Guang saw that Bu Jingyun was retreating under Xu Ziling's attack, and couldn't help reminding him.

"Long-haired boy, you should take care of yourself! Take over!" Nie Feng was distracted, and there was a gap in the attack that he originally cooperated with. Kou Zhong seized the opportunity and immediately escaped from the attack of the two, and was pressed and beaten. After so long, Kou Zhong held back his stomach, drew a semi-circle with his left hand, and slammed a palm.

"Kang Long has regrets!"

The dragon-shaped palm energy suddenly appeared, and in just a split second, Nie Feng felt that his breath was suffocated, and the opponent's palm force was surging like a raging tide, unstoppable, like an ancient dragon, rushing in front of him.

"Sunny day!"

Fortunately, Nie Feng was not fighting alone. Duanlang also began to accumulate power when Kou Zhong escaped. With a sword strike, he cut seven layers of the palm force from Kou Zhong's attack. enough!

"Torrential rain and wind!"

Nie Feng came back to his senses when the waves were blocked, jumped up, his legs poured like a torrential rain, and his legs were as violent as a gust of wind.Nie Feng in the air, with his feet constantly spinning and kicking, in an instant, one after another leg shadows appeared around, and there were hundreds of them under the count.

"Bang bang bang!!!!"

Hundreds of leg shadows hit Kou Zhong's palm one by one without any suspense, and the bursting sound was continuous. It was completely shattered in an instant.

"One sword is endless!"

Kou Zhong turned his body slightly to his side, avoiding several kicks from Nie Feng's kicks. The red sword light hit Dianlang.Kou Zhong quickly rushed to Nie Feng, who had just landed. He was tall and a head taller than Nie Feng. He raised his left hand and punched Nie Feng in the face.

Kou Zhong's punch came so fast, the knife cut through the waves and punched Nie Feng. Although there was a sequence, the two strikes were executed one after another, as fast as lightning. Nie Feng's footing was unsteady. Facing the door, he finally practiced "Fengshen Legs" diligently, and his accomplishments in Qinggong were extremely impressive. He immediately leaned back sharply, and flipped out two hollow buckets in succession. Only then did he avoid this heavy blow when he couldn't let go.

After Nie Feng escaped Kou Zhong's "Friendship Pouring Yan Fist", he couldn't help feeling lingering fears. He secretly said that this person is so sturdy and that he can't be careless. It seems that if he wants to help Senior Brother Yun, he must be completely defeated first.

"Fatigue over time!"

On the other side, Duan Lang waved his Broken Sword, defusing Kou Zhong's "One Sword Endless", and retreated to the side with Nie Feng, and then began to attack Kou Zhong from left and right.

In a blink of an eye, the three of them had already dismantled more than a hundred moves. Kou Zhong fought Nie Feng and Duanlang alone. At first, they had the upper hand because of their deep internal strength, but after more than ten moves, the internal power consumption was really not enough. Little, even if Kou Zhong was naturally brave, he could not help but fall into a disadvantage again.

Kou Zhong's heart is bright, and he knows that if he continues to fight like this, he will be defeated by the two together if he supports him for half an hour at most, but there is no fear on his face, because he believes that Xu Ziling will not let him down!

Nie Feng and Duanlang once again worked together to suppress Kou Zhong, while Bu Jingyun, who was fighting against Xu Ziling, was extremely depressed.

His skill was not as good, his martial arts was defeated again, and Bu Jingyun was in a hard fight, with dangers all over the place. At this time, he didn't dare to confront Xu Ziling head-on, so he could only entangle Xu Ziling in the way of fighting, and did everything possible to prevent Xu Ziling from helping Kou Zhong.

Bu Jingyun's current (bfbi) situation is similar to that of Kou Zhong. The key to deciding the outcome at this time is which side can take the lead and win the final victory!

Xu Ziling has a delicate mind and naturally understands the current situation. After pushing back Bu Jingyun with one palm, he turned his head to watch the battle between Kou Zhong, Nie Feng, and Duan Lang. The arrogant person, although he knew that Xu Ziling's strength was superior to himself, but seeing Xu Ziling fighting against him still dared to be distracted, was obviously despising himself, secretly angry in his heart, and slapped the palm of his right hand. He patted Xu Ziling's heart, and when he saw it, he was about to pass through it...

"Fight the stars!"

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