At the critical moment, Xu Ziling was calm in the face of danger. He waved his hand and pulled it, and changed the position of the palm force brought by Bu Jingyun, and applied it to Bu Jingyun. It turned out that Xu Ziling had a plan, and deliberately revealed flaws and led Bu Jingyun to get closer. It's a good moment to make a big blow to Bu Jingyun.

"Pie the cloud and wear the moon!"

Xu Ziling's calculations were good, but Bu Jingyun wasn't a vegetarian either. He saw that Bu Jingyun used the cloak as a cover, changed his body very quickly, and avoided the attack of the defection. At the same time, when the cloak covered Xu Ziling's sight, he was ready to attack him.

However, when Bu Jingyun was about to make another move, he saw Xu Ziling flying back at a very high speed, running towards Kou Zhong's direction.

"not good!"

Knowing the plan in his heart, Bu Jingyun hurriedly used his body technique to catch up.

The two dragons converged to repel Nie Feng and Duanlang. Bu Jingyun also rushed to relieve the siege in time. The five confronted each other several meters apart, and their momentum rose again.


"Crack! Kick!"

In Lingyun Cave, Qiluosheng, who was hidden in the barrier, leaned against the stone wall and nibbled melon seeds, watching Kou Zhong and the others fighting with a calm expression.

"Xiao Zhong, Xiao Ling's progress in the past six months is not small! Maybe it won't take long before he can break through the innate realm!"

Mo Qingchi raised his head and said quite proudly, "Of course, if you beat him up every day... uh! Educate them three times, they will naturally improve very quickly!"

"Ha! It seems that you have been getting along well for the past six months, oh! Stop it, Xiao Qingchi pay attention, it's our turn to appear!"


The infuriating qi collided with each other, and the wind swept in all directions.

Xu Ziling clasped his fists at Nie Feng, Duanlang, and Bu Jingyun and said, "Three brothers, if we continue to fight like this, we will only lose both, so why don't we just stop here!"

Nie Feng, Duanlang, and Bu Jingyun looked at each other and understood that Xu Ziling's words were true, but they didn't turn back their arrows.

Besides, they don't know Shuanglong, and they don't know if this is what Xu Ziling said from the bottom of his heart, or whether it is a trick to confuse the enemy. If they relax their defenses and Shuanglong suddenly attacks, won't they die wrongly!

"Three brothers, if you continue to fight like this, you will only lose both sides. Why don't you just stop there!"

It would cause unnecessary casualties. Taking advantage of the confrontation, Xu Zi~Ling wanted to say a truce.

In the end, Bu Jingyun is bigger than Nie Feng and Duanlang. Considering the matter more comprehensively, he knows that the strength of Shuanglong is extraordinary, and the master in his mouth can conquer the existence of the fire unicorn, so he must be an unparalleled master!

No matter what the outcome of this battle is, it's not good for Bu Jingyun. If it was just Duanlang's action, Bu Jingyun wouldn't be bothered to answer. Well, although Bu Jingyun didn't say it, he cherished this fellow junior brother very much in his heart.

At this time, seeing the other party's proposal to stop, Bu Jingyun also wanted to regenerate the branches, fighting, Bu Jingyun was not afraid, death, Bu Jingyun was not afraid, but before killing Xiongba himself, Bu Jingyun was unwilling to add more variables.

And Nie Feng is kind-hearted and won't do anything to take anger on others. The reason why he took action is only to prevent his good brother from suffering losses. At this time, he also has the intention of retreating!

The youngest Duanlang is more stubborn. Although he is not completely "blackened" now, his arrogant personality is deeply rooted. Even if he knows that Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling are not simple, his self-righteous character still makes him dismiss Xu Ziling. I saw Duan Lang wave the Broken Sword in his hand and say:

"Stop it! If you're scared, kneel down and admit defeat. Maybe if your grandfather is in a good mood, just let the two of you go."

"Oh, I'm going, little dwarf, where do you get the sense of superiority, if it wasn't for the long-haired boy who helped you just now, this young master would have beaten you into a dog! You still dare to be so dragged now, I don't know if pretending to be 13 will be punished. Was it struck by thunder?" Kou Zhong was not as talkative as Xu Ziling, and when he saw Duanlang's arrogant appearance, he immediately became furious.

Duanlang said indignantly: "Bastard, who do you call a dwarf?"

Bu Jingyun, Nie Feng, Kou Zhong, and Xu Ziling were all silent, and they all stepped forward. Both Kou Zhong and Bu Jingyun were of strong physique, about [-] meters. Xu Ziling and Nie Feng were also slender. , about [-] meters, and Duanlang is the youngest, plus his status in the "Tianxiahui" is low, the diet is also very different from several people, and the nutrition can't keep up, and now it is only [-] meters. Fifth, although he is not too short among his peers, he is a head taller than Kou Zhong!

The five people compared and judged, Kou Zhong said with a hint of sarcasm and contempt on his face: "If you say you are short, you must recognize it, and you must stand firm when you are beaten! I advise you to go home and drink milk obediently, lest others say that this young master is bullying the children. ,Hahaha……"

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you! Nie Feng, let me go, I must kill this bastard today." The difference in height made Duanlang's heart shattered. Like an angry cock, he blew his hair directly. If Nie Feng hadn't pulled him quickly, I'm afraid Duanlang would have rushed over to fight Kou Zhong to the death!

"Seeing that the guest is troubled and uneasy,

The rogue spring came to Jiangting.

That is to send flowers to further study,

I felt that Yingyu was too Dingning. "

In a light tone, Qiluosheng carried Mo Qingchi into the battle group. It seemed like a stroll in the courtyard, but in fact it was extremely fast. Several of the teenagers were first-class warriors, but they didn't notice when Qiluosheng arrived, as if he had always been there. in the station.



"It's actually him!"

"The master of these two people actually knows him. No wonder he can subdue a beast like the fire unicorn!"

When Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling saw Qiluosheng's arrival, they hurriedly saluted.

And Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun, who had seen Qi Luosheng at the "Bai Jian Villa", muttered to themselves and looked at Qi Luosheng who suddenly appeared on the scene.

Only Duanlang was ignorant and asked Nie Feng next to him, "You know this guy? He looks amazing!"

Nie Feng showed a wry smile, which can be explained by more than just two words! Although it has been half a year, Nie Feng still remembers the great battle of "Baijian Villa". If you don't swallow, you won't be able to sleep at night! Whenever I think of the scene where the ground is shaking, Nie Feng is both in awe and fascinated.

In a moment of surprise, Nie Feng came back to his senses and said to Duan Lang: "He is the lord of the swords in the world, Bai Yi Gu Jiu - Qiluosheng, the people in the rivers and lakes call him the god of swords."

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"What!! He is the rumored 'Sword of God' Qiluosheng!" Duanlang's little face was a little confused. Although he was just a groom in the 'Tianxiahui', he had also heard of the name of Qiluosheng. But the legendary master of the world, I didn't expect to see a live one today!

"Nie Feng, Bu Jingyun, Duanlang!" Qiluosheng looked at Fengyunlang and the three of them and said, "You three are very good, I decided to accept you as my disciples, what do you think?"

As soon as these words came out, the three Feng Yunlang were moved in their hearts!

Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng fell into a short period of contemplation. Duanlang's mind jumped and he couldn't help it. Qiluosheng, who was born and quickly rose to become the overlord of the party, can be said to be the idol in Duanlang's heart. Of course, he was overjoyed at the olive branch that Qiluosheng threw.

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