Duan Lang Xin said that he can only learn some superficial kung fu in the World Association, which can be compared to the joy of worshipping the person in front of him as a teacher. Anyway, he is also a handyman in the "World Association". Xiongba has always looked down on himself. Under Qiluo's family, the prestige of reviving the broken family is just around the corner!

Duan Lang thought about the gains and losses, knelt down on one knee, and said loudly: "Master is above, please accept the disciple Duan Lang."

"Yeah! Get up, I don't have too many rules." Qiluosheng nodded to Duanlang, then looked at Fengyun and said, "What about you?"

"Thank you for your love, senior. It's just that I already have a teacher. For the permission of my teacher, it is inconvenient for the junior to worship others. I also ask the senior to forgive me!"

Unlike Duanlang, Xiongba has nurturing grace to Nie Feng. At this time, Xiongba has not received any criticism for the second half of his life and has not made a move against Nie Feng. Therefore, Nie Feng still has a strong sense of belonging to the "Tianxiahui", although he has become Qi Luo Sheng's disciple is very attractive, but Nie Feng finally chose to stick to his heart.

Bu Jingyun thought for a while, if he could get Qiluosheng's teaching, his chances of defeating Xiongba would undoubtedly double in the future. As for how much he would pay for it, he didn't care. He said: "Master is above, please be shocked and bow down."

 198 Get Your Wish [For Collection]

"Master is above, please be shocked and bow down."

"Senior Brother Yun, you..."

Bu Jingyun's worship was far beyond Nie Feng's expectations. Duanlang worshipped Qiluosheng as his teacher. Nie Feng could understand. Inheritance, now there is a great opportunity in front of you, it is understandable to worship Qiluosheng as a teacher.

But Bu Jingyun also worships Qiluosheng as his teacher, so Nie Feng is a little puzzled. Bu Jingyun is a person, and Nie Feng, who has been with him for several years, is relatively clear. Although he is lonely and arrogant, it is definitely not the kind of chasing fame and fortune. but now he betrayed his "teacher" Xiongba so simply, which made Nie Feng a little unbelievable.

Qi Luosheng looked at Nie Feng who was still standing and said, "Nie Feng "May [-]th Three", you are kind-hearted and respect your teacher. This is very good, but unfortunately Xiongba is not what you think."

"What do you mean by this, senior?" Nie Feng frowned and asked suspiciously.

"About four years ago, Xiongba approached your retired father and asked for a duel... Then he stole your biological mother and forced King Nie to fight him... The battle of Leshan... Jin Lin is a thing in the pool, and it will be a thing in the wind and cloud. Hualong, Xiongba accepted you and Bu Jingyun as disciples because of these two criticisms of the mud bodhisattva, but Xiongba has a record of killing a master. future betrayal."

Seeing that Nie Feng had taken the bait, Qi Luosheng began to tell the story of how Xiongba dealt with King Nie and why he accepted him as a disciple. Nie Feng's face became darker and darker, and he squeezed his fist tightly. Finally, he gritted his teeth and spit out two words:


It turned out that the "mentor" I respected was the real murderer who killed both of my parents (Nie Feng thought Yan Ying was dead), but he recognized the thief as his father, and respected the bully over the years. Thinking of this, even the pure-hearted Nie Feng could Couldn't help but kill with intent.

Duan Lang, who was on the side, had always been jealous of Nie Feng's fate. He and Nie Feng joined the "Tianxia Association" at the same time. But abandoning it, Duanlang has always wondered why he and Nie Feng had different fates, and it was only at this time that he realized that everything came from that ridiculous order.

Duanlang thought to himself: "What can turn into a dragon when you meet the situation! I want everyone in the whole of China to know that I, Duanlang, are the real heaven's favored person! I. I just want to change my life against the sky!"

Bu Jingyun patted Nie Feng on the shoulder to show consolation. His adoptive father's family was killed by Xiongba, and he and Nie Feng were the same enemies.

After a long time, I finally saw Nie Feng slowly lowering his head.

"Master, please accept Nie Feng's bow!"

Now that he knows the truth, Nie Feng will naturally not have a favorable impression of Xiongba, but if he wants to take revenge, he must have enough strength, and worshiping Qiluosheng as a teacher is the best choice now!

"Get up, come under my sect, there are not too many restrictions, you can do whatever you want." He waved Nie Feng up, Qi Luosheng nodded in satisfaction, and said, "From now on, Bu Jingyun will be the fourth disciple of my sect. , Nie Feng is the fifth disciple, and Duanlang is the sixth disciple."

"They are your second senior brother Kou Zhong and third senior brother Xu Ziling. I believe you should know each other. Besides, there is also a senior senior brother Aotian, who has the opportunity to introduce you to each other. Well! Sort it out, and I will teach it to you today!"

The second disciple Kou Zhong, the third disciple Xu Ziling, the fourth disciple Bu Jingyun, the fifth disciple Nie Feng, and the sixth disciple Duanlang all clasped their hands behind their backs and lined up side by side.

The apprenticeship plan came true, Qiluosheng nodded in relief, glanced around among the disciples, and finally settled on Bu Jingyun's body, saying: "Xiaoyun, I will teach you "The God of Moving the Heavens" for the master. , This set of exercises not only makes the owner's internal energy grow rapidly, but also can make people immortal, as long as they are not injured by the separation of the body and the bones, they can use the Heaven-shifting True Qi to repair the injury and make the person immortal."

"Thank you, Master." Bu Jingyun knelt down and thanked him. Although his words were concise, his slightly trembling body was clearly telling everyone the ecstasy in his heart!

With such a magical power in hand, why should he not die?

"Yeah!" Qiluosheng nodded with satisfaction, and directly passed a piece of spiritual knowledge that recorded the "Moving the Heavens Divine Art" into Bu Jingyun's mind, then looked at Nie Feng, and said, "Xiaofeng, I will teach you for the master. "Sacred Heart", it can make the owner immortal, keep youth forever, and even resurrect the dead..."

Nie Feng did not expect that the newly worshipped master would actually teach him such a powerful martial arts. He hesitated for a while, and quickly knelt on the ground and thanked him loudly: "Thank you, Master!"

Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, and Duan Lang all have small stars in their eyes, immortality and immortality. It can be said that it is one of the ultimate fantasy of human beings. Countless emperors and emperors can’t ask for the heaven-defying art, so easily spread, if it is not Qiluo What they said in their own words, if they were ordinary people, they would all think that they had encountered a liar!

Seeing the reactions of several people, Qiluosheng laughed without saying a word, and finally turned his eyes to Duanlang and said: "Xiaolang, I will teach you "Destroyer Demon Body" for the master. "The man's skill is incomparably tyrannical, his true essence circulates throughout his body, all poisons are invulnerable, and his defense is astonishing."

"Thank you, Master!"

Qi Luosheng helped Duanlang, and then introduced the operation methods and essentials of "Destroying the World" and "Sacred Heart Decision" into the minds of Nie Feng and Duanlang respectively.

With their spiritual consciousness entering their bodies, Bu Jingyun, Duanlang, and Nie Feng felt that they had created a set of mysterious and profound exercises out of thin air. Although they were shocked by Qiluosheng's method of spreading the exercises, the magic was not enough to thank them now. He hurriedly closed his eyes and pondered deeply, realizing the secrets of martial arts in his mind.


On the soaring Tianshan Mountains, the main altar of the "Tianxiahui" built on the top of the Tianshan Mountains is still so majestic and magnificent, which is breathtaking.

In the first building of the world, Xiongba sat upright with his brows furrowed. Since his return from "Baijian Villa", he has been rather gloomy. In the past six months, he has seldom moved.

Suddenly, Xiongba felt a palpitation.Then there was a chill that spread straight up from the tailbone!

Xiongba felt that his heart was suddenly empty, and then he looked at the vast number of young people in the world who were practicing martial arts. Although the power was still the same, he felt it was clearly boring. .

199 Longevity Tactics【For Collection】

Bu Jingyun, Duanlang, and Nie Feng first attained the magic power.

Kou Zhong saw that Feng Yunlang and the three of them had obtained the magic skills taught by Qi Luosheng, but it was not his turn and Xu Ziling's turn. Are Young Master Ling and I..."

Qi Luosheng raised his hand and gave Kou Zhong a shudder, then laughed and scolded: "You stinky boy, have you fully understood all the three sets of martial arts taught by your teacher! It's too late, don't you know the truth? ?"


Kou Zhong grinned in pain, rubbed his head with his hands, and muttered in a low voice, "I just asked casually, if I don't teach, I won't teach, and you still beat me, how eccentric!"

Kou Zhong's words naturally did not escape Qi Luosheng's ears, Qi Luosheng squeezed his fists and said to Kou Zhong: "What are you saying, stinky boy, my teacher's ears have been bad recently, do you dare to speak louder? what!"

"I mean, Shizun, you are wise and martial, just and strict. You are really a role model for my generation and an example to learn from. My admiration for Shizun is like a surging river, and it is like the flood of the Yellow River." In order not to be beaten again, Kou Zhong simply lost his integrity and brazenly flattered Qiluosheng.

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