Seeing this, Xu Ziling on the side took two steps back without a trace, pretending that I didn't know him well.

Counting the time, Shi Long almost got the "Longevity Technique"!Anyway, there is no big deal now, so I just took a few apprentices for a trip. Qi Luosheng thought of this and said to Kou Zhong, who had lost his integrity: "Okay, since you want to learn new exercises, you will bring them for the teacher. You go to Yangzhou, where there is a martial arts that is most suitable for you."

"Yangzhou, the most suitable martial arts?" Shuanglong's eyes lit up, and he immediately became a little excited.

It is difficult to leave their homeland. Ssangyong grew up in Yangzhou since childhood. Although they have not been very happy, it is their hometown after all. They have been away for more than two years.

Qi Luosheng saw Shuanglong's expression in his eyes, and he held the wisdom pearl in his heart.

Time passed and the sky darkened before you knew it. Qiluosheng worked hard to teach several disciples, just looking forward to their rapid growth, so that his plan could be put into action.

After dealing with some chores.

For the next half month, Qi Luosheng took five disciples while wandering the rivers and lakes, while urging them to practice martial arts.

These days, Qiluosheng would occasionally lead them to find some mountain bandits and green forest bandits to practice their skills and hone their actual combat ability.

The battlefield is the easiest place to develop camaraderie.

Although the five brothers and sisters are all talented, they have not fully grown up due to age restrictions. In each battle, they will inevitably encounter difficult enemies, or in a situation of outnumbered enemies, Qiluosheng will not make a move. Under the circumstances, it is indispensable to support each other and overcome difficulties together, and friendship and tacit understanding are also established unconsciously.

Under the guidance of Qi Luosheng, several disciples under the school gradually opened their hearts, and they also had a preliminary sense of identity with each other.

The six Qiluosheng went all the way to the east, passing through Jiangnan and other places, and then took a two-day break in the Jiangnan branch of the "World Sealing Sword", and then went to Jiangdu by water.

In the early morning, there was a misty mist in the river.

It could be seen that a huge painting boat was heading towards Jiangdu in the lower reaches of the canal at the speed of a galloping horse.

The painting boat is a large ornately decorated boat. The exterior looks like a beautiful big house. It can visit the beautiful scenery and live in banquets. There are two longbows at the bow to send arrows. The peony image totem is carved around the hull. , beautiful and picturesque.

On the painting boat, Qiluosheng sat alone on the bow of the boat, with his legs crossed, playing the qin and singing softly:

"There are so many rivers and lakes, the world is worth a smile

Occasionally open the sky and look at the red dust, the world is so boring

Wind and rain Ren Xiaoxiao, arrogant all his life

I want to scream at the sky, and I'm afraid to shake the sky

The wolf smoke is over, the demons are in power, and the happy demon atmosphere is swept away with a sword

The piano thinks of ancient tunes, the wine is a good friend, and the drunkard dances for the king

The country is so beautiful, the drinker has been lonely since ancient times

Pampering and humiliation are like floating in the sky, paying the tide in Zhejiang

The origin of the beauty is easy to get old, and the hero must be martyred in the end

Tomorrow, the end of the world will be photographed in the evening, a penny of spring water smoke and rain are far away..."

The white clothes are better than the snow, not stained with fine dust, the long silver hair is shawl down, the beautiful face is like taking off from the painting, the corner of the mouth is a gentle smile, the eyes seem to have sparkling water waves rippling in the purple eyes, and the face is picturesque , not like the human world.

Fusheng stole half a day of leisure, and a qin song narrated leisurely.

Qingge Clipper, carrying six masters and apprentices, going down the river!


Shilong Dojo.

In the closed room, Shi Long double-handed, palms facing the sky, exercised his gong in a normal Taoist meditation posture.

As the first master on the bright side of Yangzhou, Shi Long opened the Shilong martial arts field and recruited many disciples, but in fact, Shi Long has rarely taught his disciples personally in recent years. More often, he is still alone in the secret room. The Taoist supreme treasure book "Longevity" obtained by my own chance!

After nine rounds of the practice, Shi Long's whole body was boiling with infuriating energy, and his face was red and white. At the critical juncture of the practice, Shi Long, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly stumbled, wow, and spat out a large mouthful of blood 790.

"Cough...why is this? Is it me Shilong and the "Longevity Art"?"

"No! I don't believe it!"

"Since the "Longevity Art" is what I have obtained, then I am a man of destiny, and I will definitely learn the secrets of the "Longevity Art"!"

After a long while, Shi Long's original image of immortal style and bones began to change, and his face showed a hideous expression.

The torment day after day has clouded Shi Long's original Taoism.

The next day, Jiangdu.

On the flowery street, the light rain continued.

In the drizzle, the six pure white paper umbrellas were particularly conspicuous. A group of six walked in unison, step by step, firmly walking towards the Shilong Dojo.


Qi Luosheng brought several disciples to the Shilong Dojo.

When Qiluosheng’s master and apprentice came here with umbrellas, the two disciples of Shilong Dojo cast their eyes on Qiluosheng, who was the leader. …”


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"White clothes and wine, Qiluosheng."

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