The misty rain swayed, and in the misty drizzle, the white paper umbrella in his hand tilted slightly, and the shreds of rainwater slipped down from the edge of the umbrella like a thread, revealing a beautiful and unparalleled face, and a slightly soft voice echoed in the wind and rain.

"Qi...Qi...Qi Luosheng!!"

There is a saying: the name of a person, the shadow of a tree.

The name of the lord of "The World Sealing Sabre" - Qiluosheng, has long been famous all over the world, and his prestige is booming!Not to mention being a household name, at least the martial arts people in China are well-known, otherwise you would be embarrassed to tell others that you are a jerk!

The previous disciple who guarded the gate saw the man in white clothes and white hair, holding a red animal in his arms, who was not as handsome as the world, and he believed it a little in his heart, and there was a trembling between his words. This is a character in the "legend". !

"Dare to ask the respected car is the Lord of the Sealed Sword of the World?" Another strong man guarding the gate asked respectfully.

Qiluosheng's reputation is well known, but communication is inconvenient in this era. Except for the portraits of Qiluosheng by some major forces, most of the impressions of ordinary martial arts people on Qiluosheng come from other people's oral narratives, and through the "artistic processing" of countless people, Qiluosheng's appearance has also evolved into many versions. Some say that Qiluosheng likes to wear white clothes, handsome and handsome.Some say that Qiluosheng has big arms and round waists, and is fierce and vicious... There are always different versions, even the three-headed and six-armed version, which makes it difficult to distinguish the true from the false.

Kou Zhong saw the two of them grinding and chirping, thinking that the "Longevity Secret" mentioned by Qiluosheng was right in front of him, his heart was itching, he stepped forward impatiently, smashed the slate on the ground with one foot, and said, "My master is The lord of "The World Seals the Sword" - Qiluosheng, don't hurry up and ask Shilong to come out to meet, believe it or not, my master stabs you to death with a finger!"


The world has always respected strength. Kou Zhong's behavior was arrogant, but the effect was very significant. When the two gatekeepers saw Kou Zhong's feet, they shattered the stone slabs that were several meters in diameter. The apprentices were so powerful. Isn't the master even better? Reply: "Shi Dao Master is not in the dojo..."

"Well! Where did he go?"

Qiluo's anger changed slightly. The two of them only felt that there was an invisible mountain pressing down on them. They knew that the other party was unfathomable and unmatched.

It turned out that a few days ago, Shi Long moved to a small manor on the outskirts of Yangzhou in order to meditately decipher the mystery of "The Secret of Longevity".

After understanding the situation, Qiluosheng found a guy in the Shilong Dojo who knew the situation. He tried hard and soft, and finally found Shilong's current hiding place.

According to oral traditions of the past dynasties, the "Longsheng Jue" came from Guangchengzi, the teacher of the Yellow Emperor in ancient times. It was written in oracle bone script. .There are [-] glyphs in the whole book, but only more than [-] glyphs have been deciphered.

Fortunately, there are seven human figures in the book, all of which are not facing each other, and are guided by various symbols such as red dots, arrows, etc., which seem to be describing some kind of cultivation method, but those who do not understand its meaning can still not practice. , If you reluctantly follow one of these symbols to stimulate the inner qi, the qi and blood will churn immediately, and then it will become more dangerous, which is extremely dangerous.

It has been more than a year since Shi Long faced each other with "The Secret of Longevity" day and night, but he still got nothing, just like a treasure in front of him, but there is no key to open the door.

This day, when I meditated, a warning sign suddenly appeared in my heart, and I couldn't concentrate on the collection. While pondering, a dry cough came from outside the courtyard.

Countless thoughts flashed through Shi Long's mind, and finally turned into a long sigh, he got up and walked out of the room, only to see Qiluosheng master and apprentice standing casually outside the courtyard, and asked: "The distinguished guest is here, I don't know what you are doing? "

Qi Luosheng said bluntly: "Come for the "Longevity Art"!"

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the field suddenly became cold.

Shi Long's face was gloomy, and he looked at Qiluosheng's master and apprentice coldly, with a trace of killing intent flashing in his eyes.

After a while, Shi Long's face changed from cloudy to clear, and he said loudly: "Your honored guest is joking! This "Longevity Art" is the supreme treasure of Taoism, how can such a precious thing be in the hands of a poor Taoist? Rumor!"

Qi Luosheng ignored Shi Long's words, and said to himself: "Every man is innocent, but he is guilty! This "Longevity Art" is not something you can take. If you hand it over, you can still save your own life!"

Shi Long carefully observed Qiluosheng's six masters and apprentices. When he saw this, he was suddenly shocked. He couldn't see through the handsome white-haired man in front of him. He even had an intuition in his heart. It must be him.

Although Shi Long's thoughts were changing, but the surface was very calm, and he said spontaneously: Shi Xun has always been used to being wild, he never understands the way of flattery, and he is a person who eats soft but not hard. Burning all the jade and destroying the book, Your Excellency is afraid that the bamboo basket will be empty!


Qiluosheng's figure flickered, leaving an afterimage. Shi Long only felt a flower in front of him. When he looked at Qiluosheng, he found that he had a mysterious golden book in his hand.

Shi Long touched the empty waist, and said angrily: "Return the "Longevity Art"!"

An angry shout came out, and at the same time, a wave-like energy rushed towards the face, and a gust of wind rolled up on the way.

In this regard, Qiluosheng just smiled lightly, and he didn't see any action from him. He only saw his eyes shoot at Shilong, and the cold light shot out, which actually produced the effect of adding swords and soldiers, fighting with Shilong (Qian Hao). Palms hit each other.

The energy collided and leaked out in all directions, immediately smashing the surrounding tables and chairs into pieces, tossing and breaking apart.

Qi Luosheng was still calm, and there was still a smile on the corner of his mouth.

On the other hand, Shi Long, with his face as purple as sauce, staggered back and forth until he reached the wall to stabilize his body, and then he spit out a mouthful of blood.

Looking at Qiluosheng's eyes, there is an incomparably horrified color, just one look has such power, the other party's strength is really terrifying, strange and unpredictable.

However, what Shi Long didn't know was that he was still alive, which was already the reason why Qiluosheng released the water. What Qiluosheng used just now was a weakened version of "Maha Boundless". ", I'm afraid that Emperor Shitian may not be able to withstand it, let alone Shi Long, the number one expert on the bright side of Yangzhou! .

 201 Chaotang Conflict 【Subscription】

This book of "Longevity" was almost picked up in vain, and it came with little effort, and Qi Luosheng put it into the space.

"Thank you for your "Longevity", farewell!" Qiluosheng said, regardless of Shilong's face ashes, he went straight out to meet his disciples.

Shi Long saw that Qi Luosheng was about to leave, but recklessly, he stopped by saying, "Who are you? Can you tell me your name?"

Shi Long was a little desperate. He knew that he was by no means an opponent of the opponent. Once the "Longevity Technique" was in the opponent's hands, there was no hope of getting it back!However, he still wanted to know the origin of the other party.

Qi Luosheng paused slightly, with a playful smile on his face, and sang:

"I'm proud of the emperor's order,

Falling down with Jiaozhi and demoting Luoyang,

People of the time do not recognize special beauty,

Wei Ziyao and Huang Qiluoxiang. "

As soon as the words fell, Qi Luosheng was completely submerged in the drizzle.

It came suddenly.

Go leisurely.


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