After obtaining the "Longevity Secret", Qiluosheng's master and apprentice did not leave immediately, but came to the nearest branch of "Bo Qing Guan" in Yangzhou to stay.

For the next few days, Qi Luosheng was studying the "Longevity Technique".

Qi Luosheng was in the realm of becoming a god in half a step, and he has long since walked out of his own path. For this "Longevity Technique", there is no need to cultivate.However, some of them are suitable for you, and you can learn from them.

Qi Luosheng paid no attention to the annotations on the "Longsheng Jue", and turned over the seven pictures one by one. The seven pictures corresponded to seven different postures, and there were also exercise routes on them.

"Longevity Art" is different from ordinary martial arts secrets. The seven pictures above correspond to the five elements of gold, wood, water, fire, soil and yin and yang. If you want to practice "Longevity Art", you need the corresponding physique (spiritual root). Ssangyong formed the last two pictures by chance, one yin and one yang, one static and one moving, but they complement each other.

The seven pictures guide practitioners, and users can directly absorb the essence of everything in the world as their own innate qi, and quickly achieve the state of unity between heaven and earth.

It has to be said that "The Secret of Longevity" is a wonderful book. After playing it repeatedly (bhba) several times, Qiluosheng called Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling. Xu Ziling was practicing the sixth picture in "The Secret of Longevity". , belongs to yin, mainly trains the qi of earth yin in the qi of heaven and earth.What Kou Zhong cultivates is the seventh figure, which belongs to Yang, the Qi of Tianyang in the Qi of Heaven and Earth.The two of them complemented each other, and the pulse points were opened up early, and they entered the country naturally a thousand miles away.

Both Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling practiced the Falun Gong, and they were naturally good, gradually getting better, and the progress was much faster than the previous single-person practice.

At the same time as Shuanglong's skills are improving, he also respects Qiluosheng more and more.


On July [-], the [-]th year of the Great Cause, after several months, Yang Guang, the "Emperor of Sui Yang", was defeated in his three expeditions against Goguryeo. Nearly [-] soldiers and horses were lost, and the corpses were scattered all over the country. The place is full of flames.

In the majestic imperial city.

Yang Guang sat high on the dragon chair, his face was gloomy, and it could be seen that he was in a very bad mood. In the huge hall, apart from Yang Guang's roar, needles could be heard falling.

I only heard Yang Guang angrily said: "You bastards, tell me why this Eastern Expedition to Koguryeo was defeated so badly? I think I am a dignified and dignified Sui, don't I have a useful minister? What is the use of raising you bastards? "

The troubles of the Great Sui today are nothing more than the two forces of Goguryeo and the clan. Yang Guang originally wanted to conquer Goguryeo with a large army, and then use the momentum of victory to sweep the domestic clan in one fell swoop, but he never wanted to lose again and again. How could he not be angry!

In the ceremony, the ministers kept silent, for fear that an inappropriate one would offend Longyan and lead to death.

Yang Guangguang cursed for a while, vented his anger, and then said indifferently: "Pass on my will, Yu Wenshu, Lai Hu'er Chu will be defeated in the Liaodong expedition, and will be executed at noon tomorrow."

"Your Majesty, this minister thinks it's inappropriate!" One person came out suddenly and said loudly.

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the court was surprised.

Yang Guang was in a fit of rage at this time, but someone dared to stroke his tiger's whiskers at this time, is it really worth his life!

Everyone saw that it turned out to be Yu Wenshu, the contemporary owner of the "Yuwen Clan", and it was immediately clear that Yu Wenshu was Yu Wenshu's clan uncle, and he was also the top three masters in the "Yuwen Clan". To lead an army, if this is the decision, it will undoubtedly cut off the arm of the "Yuwen Clan".

"Oh?" Yang Guang narrowed his eyes slightly, his face suddenly gloomy: "Yu Wenhuaji, what do you think is wrong?"

Yu Wenhua knelt down on one knee, and said loudly: "Your Majesty, please let me speak out boldly, although all the generals have had it, but victory or defeat is a matter of military affairs. Our army has long-distance battles, and the time and place are favorable to people, and they are not with me at all times. , Defeat is only a number of days. Besides, our army is newly defeated, and the army's heart is slackened. If we kill the general at this time, it may cause the dissatisfaction of the army, and the consequences may be worrying!"

Yang Guang said angrily: "Whoever dares to go against my will, I will execute him at once."

Yu Wenhua said uncompromisingly: "The emperor used the courage of a man to show a momentary swiftness, and lost the hearts of the people of the world. It was not what the emperor did. Please think twice!"

"Bold, how dare you say that I am a man of courage?"

"The emperor's three expeditions to Goguryeo have left the treasury empty. Now the people are suffering from corvée and taxation, public opinion is boiling, robbers are everywhere, and the world is separated. The emperor's country is already in jeopardy.

"It's just outrageous."

Yang Guang was furious when he heard the words, and slapped Yu Wenhua and below him with a slap.

How did Yang Guang not know what Yu Wenhua said, but now that the clan forces are rampant, his strength has been greatly damaged.

In the face of Yang Guang's powerful and heavy palm, Yu Wenhua, who has long been unwilling to serve as a minister, will naturally not sit still.


With a loud explosion, the two of them each stepped back a few steps, and the "Royal Secret Guards" hidden in the hall all put their hands on the swords. As long as Yang Guang gave an order, they would immediately attack Yu Wenhua and kill them.

Feeling the cold air in his palm, Yang Guang's killing intent became stronger, and he shouted, "Do you want to rebel?"

Yu Wenhua knelt down again, and said, "Your Majesty, calm down, the ministers only love deeply, and take responsibility! Never dare to have the heart of not being a minister!"

Yang Guang didn't believe what Yu Wenhua said, but now is not the time to turn his face. Yang Guang still needs to use the "Yuwen Clan" to contain other clans for him, so he forcibly endured it, but after this palm, their relationship The time was completely broken! .

 202 The Faith of the Martial Artist【For Collection】


white cloud.

Qi Luosheng was dressed in white, standing on the top of the mountain, looking at the clouds in front of him.

Mo Qingchi didn't know where to go to catch the beast!

In the mountains and forests in the distance behind them, Kou Zhong, Xu Ziling, Nie Feng, Duan Lang, and Bu Jingyun were all practicing against each other, working very hard.

Five people came and went with swords, sword qi and swords swayed vertically and horizontally, their figures were intertwined, and the clanging sound was constant.

"Feng Shao, your "Ren Dao" is really cold to the bone, fierce and domineering." Xu Ziling raised his sword to block, and for a moment, the long sword in his hand had condensed a layer of frost. Do not forget to say softly.

Nie Feng smiled lightly, feeling a sudden wind blowing behind him, and immediately moved his body, avoiding Kou Zhong's "One Sword Silent", then ran forward with his knife, turned around and struck "Flying Scales and Breaking Armor" diagonally, Kou Zhong slashed over. The long knife in his hand was faster, slashing and provoking, hitting his weak spot.

"Zhong Shao, your "Wuji Sword Technique" is becoming more and more unpredictable."

Nie Feng waved his saber to resist, and while he was speaking, Bu Jingyun's "Howling Sun" and Duanlang's "Overlord" fought a blow, and then the five of them all retreated a few steps and stopped their hands.

Qi Luosheng also thought about the martial arts of the five people before teaching them.

Kou Zhong learned "Longevity Art", "Eighteen Palms for Subduing the Dragon", "Pure Yang Palm", and "Wuji Sword Technique".

Xu Ziling learned the "Longevity Technique", "Fighting the Stars", "Flying Waterfall Palm", and "The Misty Sword Technique".

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