Nie Feng learned "Sacred Heart Decision", "Ren Dao" and "Maha Boundless".

Duan Lang learned "Destroying the Demon Body", "Void Extermination", and "Zhan Wu Dao".

Bu Jingyun learned "Moving the Heavens and Gods", "The Stars Change", and "Maha Boundless".

In addition, everyone has learned a Qinggong "Ling Bo Weibu" and a condensed mind "Bing Xin Jue". Each of these martial arts is very precious. If you throw a copy on the rivers and lakes, you will be attracted There have been countless blood and blood rains, but Qi Luosheng did not hesitate to teach it. Several people were very grateful, especially Duanlang. In the "world meeting", except for Nie Feng, no one has ever looked at him. Luo Sheng attaches so much importance to it, and he can't help but arouse the mentality that the scholar will die for the confidant, and become a firm supporter of Qi Luosheng.

The five were recruited, each of them comprehending the battle experience and lack of the previous talent, and suddenly a strong momentum came from the direction of the cliff, and they turned their eyes to look.

I saw that Qi Luosheng was standing in the void at this time, his hands seemed to be holding mountains and rivers, and seven different attributes of true energy, gold, blue, blue, red, brown, black, and white, were emerging around the body, constantly entangled and intertwined, destroying one after another. The strong wind scattered from him, lifted the ground three feet, and caused the surrounding rocks to crack. Some nearby trees were also uprooted by the strong wind and flew high into the sky.

Gradually, Qiluosheng's seven kinds of infuriating qi were intertwined and intertwined, and then they all converged into one place and evolved into the most primitive power of chaos, and then a source of life came from Qiluosheng to feed the earth, and the broken mountains and forests regained their vitality, and the grass and trees suddenly returned. The speed is long, and after a while, the broken land is full of flowers, which is better than a fairyland!

Destruction and regeneration, extreme opposites, but coexisting, Qi Luosheng opened his eyes, the golden and purple "Eye of the Holy Demon" in his eyes flashed away, and then the aura of the whole body suddenly retracted, and the surroundings returned to calm again , only the dazzling mountains and forests make people dreamy.

"Master, is this practicing? It's too exaggerated!!"

The five people were shocked in their hearts, they only felt that what Qiluosheng could do at this time was beyond the reach of human beings. Even if Qiluosheng told them now that he was an immortal, they would believe it without hesitation.

As everyone knows, those who step into the realm of martial arts masters can briefly resonate with the surrounding environment on a small scale, producing some visions that ordinary people cannot understand.

However, Qi Luosheng's movements at this time are indeed much more exaggerated than that of ordinary martial arts masters.

Qi Luosheng is full of breath. After several years of recuperation, now that he has completely mastered the "Longevity Technique", all the dark wounds left by the "Final Battle" have finally recovered. Except for the lack of energy accumulated in the body, his strength has returned to its full glory. [-]% of the period, I believe that after refining "Dragon Yuan", it can return to its heyday, and then return to the main world to implement the next plan!

· · · Flowers · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????


The bonfire was raging, and on the huge grill, several huge beasts that were caught by Mo Qingchi were tested and squeaked. The addition of pepper, cumin and other spices made people move their index fingers.

Qiluosheng's six masters and apprentices, plus the fire unicorn Mo Qingchi, surrounded the bonfire, drinking and eating meat, and chatting casually.

"Xiaozhong, Xiaoling, Xiaofeng, Xiaoyun, Xiaolang, you are worthy of being talented in the sky. In such a short time, you have practiced your teacher's kung fu to a small degree. Yes, I am very satisfied with the teacher!" Qiluosheng leaned against Mo Qingchi took a sip of her daughter's red and nodded.

"Master has won the award!"

Bu Jingyun and the others replied in unison.

"Yeah! The first step of a martial artist is to know the importance of promise and trust in order to have a solid life. The top martial arts must have a righteous heart, so you can search for it slowly and find it out, you You can overcome obstacles and step into the real martial arts."


"The road of martial arts is to cultivate one's own self and strengthen one's own beliefs! There is no invincible martial arts in this world, only indomitable and indomitable beliefs. A warrior can fail, but he cannot lose his confidence. A strong belief is the wing of a warrior to pursue the peak. As long as Don't be discouraged, lay a solid foundation, take one step at a time, and go up against the current in your cultivation to see a different sky, otherwise, no matter how talented you are, it will be difficult to reach the end of the martial arts...


After teaching the disciples for a few days, Qiluosheng sent them all out in the name of experience. The master led them in, and the cultivation depended on individuals.

Everyone has their own path and fate. Fengyun, Shuanglong, and Duanlang are all people who are favored by luck. They belong to the kind of characters who can get magical powers, treasures, or meet a mysterious old man by jumping off a cliff. Carrying them all around is a waste of resources!

Qiluosheng is a training helper, not a full-time dad.

After stocking up a few apprentices, Qiluosheng and Mo Qingchi headed for the south, traveling all the way through the mountains and rivers, but they were quite comfortable.

Unexpectedly, not long after entering the territory of Nanling, when passing a village, he encountered a good show.


Thanks to "Gu Yi", "A ray of homesickness", "Sanalong" and others for their monthly passes and flowers. .

 203 Heroes Save the Beauty【For Collection】

The mountain trail, Lin Yingchaochuo.

After parting with his disciples, Qiluosheng led Mo Qingchi to wander around the mountains and rivers, one person and one beast, leisurely. On this day, when he walked to a forest, he could see the fire in front of him from a distance, the cry of a woman, and the sound of malicious cursing. And unbridled, wild laughter spread far and wide.

When Qiluosheng arrived at the head of the village, he saw that several thatched huts were destroyed by the raging flames. More than a dozen bandits were burning, killing and looting. When Qiluosheng arrived with Mo Qingchi in his arms, almost all the villagers in the village were killed. , Only a plain-clothed girl was holding the corpses of a couple tightly, crying heart-to-heart, not only her voice was hoarse, her eyes were even swollen from crying.

It's not surprising that this kind of human tragedy happens frequently, but the strange "May [-]" is that the girl who "cries" with a woman in her arms has a good internal strength. Although she hid well, she couldn't hide from Qi Luosheng's eyes.

As soon as his mind moved, the word "show" appeared in Qiluosheng's mind.

It was obvious that the girl in front of her was acting, otherwise she would kill a dozen ordinary thieves to "revenge her parents" with her hidden cultivation. Appearance, if there is no problem with this, killing Qiluosheng would not believe it.

Most of the coincidences in this world come from the arrangements of people with a heart!

This girl appeared on the road that she had to go through, and used the lives of the people in the village as the "background". Obviously, she had ulterior motives. Originally, it was normal to slap all these people to death with Qiluosheng's character, but then I thought about it. , I don't have much to do when I'm idle recently, so it's okay to keep this girl, but he wants to see what tricks this girl can play!

With this in mind, Qi Luosheng is going to cooperate with this girl and stage a classic drama of "heroes save beauty".

Unexpectedly, Qiluosheng at the head of the village hadn't made a move yet, and someone had already taken the lead.

On the other side of the village, a woman wearing bamboo hats and white clothes like snow came on her horse, looking at the scene in front of her, she shouted angrily, "You bastards, you are doing this in broad daylight. The act of murdering and setting fires is really a bastard!"

"Haha, there's another little girl here, I'm really blessed today!" The big guy at the head was obviously a hapless guy who didn't know how to be used. At this time, he laughed and looked greedily at the woman who suddenly appeared, and kept going. To his own Yan Fu is not shallow.

The thieves next to him also started booing, and there were endless slurs.

"Damn you!" A cold smile escaped from the corner of the woman's mouth, and she flew off her horse. Suddenly, an astonishing sword momentum surged, and a strong wind swept away from her. She saw her right hand on the hilt of the sword. The long sword was unsheathed at the sound, and a brilliant sword energy swung out instantly when it landed, but in an instant, a dozen rogues were all killed by her and fell in a pool of blood.

Killing decisively and neatly!

After the woman in white killed all the rogues, she took back her long sword, came to the girl, and comforted her softly: "This girl, the deceased is gone, here is a little silver tael, take it and bury your family!"

This woman in white is the Goguryeo assassin who came to assassinate Yang Guang under the orders of her teacher-Fu Junxi. She is a very personable person. Although she hates Han people, she can't help but feel compassion when she sees this girl so pitiful!

The plain-clothed girl looked at Fu Junxi with astonishment on her face, took a few taels of silver from Fu Junxi, and said bluntly, "Thank...Thank you!"

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