Fu Junxi was also angry, and she asked angrily: "The blood debt that the people of the Central Plains owe us to Goguryeo cannot be washed away even if the water from the four seas is exhausted. Why do you want us to let it go?"

Facing Fu Junxi's questioning, Qiluosheng was not angry, and said of course: "In this world, I have one wish, that is to conquer the world, and I will conquer all the places on the earth to be conquered, which naturally includes your hometown. , your clan, and you are not my opponents, so you can only let go, and you can only let go.

Arrogant! Domineering! Although it is still calm, there is a domineering edge in Qi Luosheng's words.

Fu Junxi looked at Qiluosheng in disbelief and said angrily: "Why do you want to attack us? Just because of your ideals, you know that there will be countless casualties in a war, why are you Han people so arrogant? Why are you Han people so cruel Why are you Han people so belligerent? We didn't offend you, but you Han people... That Lord Yang Guanghun fought three times against us in Goguryeo, our Goguryeo room was empty and corpses were everywhere, and the blood has not dried yet, you Why do you do such a thing that people and gods are angry with?"

Fu Junxi did not doubt whether Qiluosheng could really do it. If the "rumour" is true, the threat posed by the man who calls himself Qiluosheng will far exceed Yang Guang!

"Why ask for a reason? Does everything really have a reason? You love to ask for a reason, and I give you a reason, but you don't believe my reason. There is no reason, there is really no reason, if there is a reason, it is me Happy!" Qi Luosheng calmly looked at Fu Junxi, who was a little crazy, and said slowly, as if the war between the two countries was just an ordinary child's play in his eyes.

"You..." Fu Junxuan's hand holding the sword became even more pale due to excessive force. She looked at Qi Luosheng coldly and indifferently, and said resolutely, "I will not let you succeed."

"I appreciate your sentiments for serving the country and the people! But you don't have self-knowledge. Didn't your master teach you what to do?" Qiluosheng said indifferently.

Without waiting for Fu Junxi's reaction, Qiluosheng was easily restrained by Qiluosheng's unique acupuncture technique! Then Qiluosheng looked at the worried plain-clothed girl and asked, "This girl, what's your name? Are there other people in the family? , I'll take you back!"

The girl in plain clothes seemed to be a little scared, but after a while, she gradually stabilized, and said softly, "Bai Qinger from the slave family, today Japan is embroidering at home, but unexpectedly encountered these bandits breaking into the village, and as a result, mother and father... "..." she said, and she whimpered and cried again.

"Bai Qing'er!"

Qi Luosheng showed a playful smile and said silently: "Good name!".

205 Fu Junyu [For Flowers]

"Bai Qinger!"

Hearing the girl in plain clothes reporting her name, combined with the faint charm of the girl, Qi Luosheng didn't know the origin of the girl.

Bai Qing'er, the second disciple of the "Yin Kui Sect", is only below the chief disciple Wan Wan.

what!It seems that the news of the magic door is very well-informed!However, you dare to hit me with an idea, I really don't know whether to live or die! Qi Luosheng sneered in his heart, but his face was calm, and he said gently: "What kind of family does Miss Qinger have? What are your plans in the future?"

Hearing Qiluosheng's question, Bai Qinger sighed again, sobbing: "This son, a little girl has been dependent on her parents since she was a child, and now her parents are killed by a strong man, I...I don't know what to do. …”

Bai Qinger cried while talking, her eyes were already red and swollen!The delicate appearance of pear flowers with rain makes people feel pity.

Qiluosheng secretly said good acting! If she hadn't noticed her hidden cultivation, I'm afraid that Qiluosheng would have been deceived by others, thinking that Bai Qinger was just a duplicate name!

Fu Junxiu was pinned on the acupuncture point, unable to move, and could not see the situation behind him, only Bai Qinger could be heard sobbing, and with a cold "hum 230", she said, "Dangtang's venerable lord, bullying a weak woman is really good. what!"

Qi Luosheng ignored Fu Junxi's sarcasm and said to Bai Qing'er, "Would the girl be willing to follow me? I can guarantee you a good life!"

Bai Qinger seemed to think for a moment, then stood up with tears in her eyes, bowed to Qiluo Shengyingying, and said timidly, "Thank you for taking you in, the slave family...I would like to follow you!"

"Yeah! That's it, I'll bury your family first!" Qi Luosheng used the power of the earth element and waved his hand. In an instant, all the corpses in the village were sunk into the soil, and then there was a sudden drumbeat. A big bag came up.The soil kept expanding and expanding outwards.

After a while, dozens of graves appeared in the village!


Bai Qinger seemed to be frightened by the scene in front of her, her feet softened, her eyes closed, and she fell straight into Qiluosheng's arms.

Even Qi Luosheng had to praise the other party for his good acting skills.That just-right exclamation and the terrified expression on his face really made Qi Luosheng amazed. It really was three hundred and sixty lines, and he was the champion!

Thinking like this, Qiluosheng's hands were not slow, holding Mo Qingchi with one hand and supporting Bai Qinger's slender waist with the other.

And Mo Qingchi, who was taking a nap in Qiluosheng's arms, saw that half of his position was taken up, and he was immediately unhappy!I wanted to slap Bai Qinger away with a slap, but was stopped by Qiluosheng's voice transmission who found out that it was wrong in advance.

Bai Qinger, who fell in Qiluosheng's arms, didn't know that she had wandered around the gate of the ghost gate several times before she knew it, and she was even secretly glad that the plan had finally returned to the originally envisaged trajectory.

Placing Bai Qinger on the haystack, Qi Luosheng turned to look at Fu Junxi, who was stunned.

Fu Junxuan was not shocked by this miraculous scene. The scene in front of her was beyond the scope of ordinary martial arts, and her skills were close to Tao. With this skill alone, her master was absolutely inferior, but her temperament was strong, although she knew that Qiluosheng had extraordinary strength, But he was not afraid. Seeing Qiluosheng walking in front of him, he asked coldly, "You arrest me, what are you trying to do?"

I happen to be missing a valet who is carrying tea and pouring water. I see that your martial arts are good, so you can barely make do with it. "

"Hmph! Don't even think about it! It's in your hands, you want to kill or slash, you can do whatever you want, but if you want me to do things for you, it's absolutely impossible!" Fu Junxuan said very stubbornly.

"Ha! You are calm because you are not afraid of death! I am calm because I am not afraid of your death! However, you cannot agree with what I have decided."

Fu Junxi stubbornly looked at Qi Luosheng (bhdf), the unyielding and anger in his eyes were like reality.

"I know you're not afraid of death, and you won't give in easily, but so what? You still have a master and two junior sisters, wouldn't you rather watch them be slaughtered, but also guard the illusory glory and dignity? "

"You... I understand." Fu Junxi finally lowered her head helplessly, and it seemed that she had escaped Bu Qiluosheng's claws.

Qi Luosheng's face is smooth and clear, and his handsomeness is extraordinary.In such a quiet environment, for the first time, Fu Junxuan carefully observed the rumored "God of Swords", the venerable lord of "The World Seals Swords".It has to be said that this is a man who makes a woman's heart move, but what he does does not make Fu Junxi feel any favor in his heart.

Qi Luosheng waved his hand to unlock Fu Junxi's acupuncture point, and was not worried that Fu Junxi would attack again or escape. With her strength, she could not pose a threat to herself at all, and as long as Fu Junxi cared about the safety of her master and others, she would escape. Out of Qi Luosheng's control.

As night drew near, Bai Qinger also slowly woke up.

After Qiluosheng's simple persuasion, Bai Qinger "understood" the fact that his son was a peerless master, and then stabilized.

Fu Junxi added a bundle of dry wood to the fire, then sliced ​​a piece of meat from the roasted whole lamb on the grill, and handed it to Qiluosheng reluctantly, then sliced ​​another piece of barbecued meat, looking at Qiluosheng He nibbled hard, as if he was nibbling on someone's flesh.

Mo Qingchi was holding a leg of lamb, and after a few bites, it became bare bones. Bai Qinger on the side looked at Mo Qingchi curiously. It was already three roasted whole lambs eaten by Mo Qingchi. I really don't understand. How could that "small body" hold so much food? If it wasn't for Qi Luosheng's infuriating energy to speed up the roasting of the sheep, I'm afraid it wouldn't be able to supply the speed of Mo Qingchi's food.

It was also the first time that Fu Junxiu saw that infuriating qi could actually be used like this! He was also making food for a strange beast. When he thought about what happened to him, he couldn't even compare to a strange beast, and he couldn't help but feel even more unbalanced.

Three people and one beast ate roasted whole lamb under the moonlight, which looked quite strange.

After the meal, under the amazed eyes of the two women, Qi Luosheng took out two Simmons mattresses, quilts and other items from the space, and then flicked his fingers, and two infuriating masks immediately appeared, wrapping the two women respectively.

Qi Luosheng said: "You have to hurry tomorrow morning, you should rest early!"

Bai Qing'er nodded obediently, tidied up, and then turned into the quilt. For some reason, in front of Qi Luosheng, she seemed very at ease, and she fell asleep after a while.

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