And Fu Junxi lay on Simmons, thinking about today's bad luck, but couldn't fall asleep. .

 206 Song Clan [For Flowers]

Silent all night.

On the second day, the three of them left the place of stay and continued their journey south. Because of the addition of a "frail" Bai Qinger, Qiluosheng bought a carriage on the way, and after a few more days, Qiluosheng came to Lingnan - Song family.

"Young Master, that is the Song Family Mountain City." Bai Qing'er looked at the Yushui River in the distance with a surprised expression.

Surrounded by mountains on three sides, one side is close to the water, and the main part of the city wall is piled up with huge boulders that are shocking when you see it.

Qi Luosheng nodded in appreciation.


Although the scale of "Song Family Mountain City" is not as large as that of "East Capital Luoyang", it can be called the crown of all cities in the world in terms of momentum and construction difficulty.

This place is easy to defend and difficult to attack. The "Nine Eight Three" in the city has enough food and grass for the whole city to eat for ten years all the year round, and there are independent and continuous water sources.

Song Que, known as "Heavenly Saber", the lord of the "Song Clan" in Lingnan, a master of martial arts and martial arts, greatly supports the Han bloodline, and hopes to complete the great cause of conquering the north from the south and establish a dynasty completely belonging to the Han people.

In the eyes of most people, Song Que is a perfect person, the leader of a generation of clansmen, and only the title of "Heavenly Saber" can fully fulfill his status in the arena. What is especially rare is that his talents are broad and talented, and his talents are invaluable. It can be said that he is one person. Taking the limelight, in terms of fame in a single round, he threw out the "First Evil Emperor" and "Blood-Drinking Mad Saber" a few streets of the Dao of the Blade masters.

Moreover, Song Que used to be the most famous beautiful man in martial arts. He has always admired himself and has no one in his eyes, but he never killed innocent people. He was cold on the outside and hot on the inside. The ideas are not in harmony and cannot be combined.

He and his wife have a son and two daughters, the eldest daughter Song Yuhua, the second son Song Shidao, and the youngest daughter Song Yuzhi.

In addition to emotional failure, other aspects can be considered very successful!


Fu Junxi looked at Qiluosheng with a complicated expression on the side. She couldn't see through this domineering and gentle man, as if he had hidden a lot of secrets in his heart, whether it was the coldness before or the gentleness now, in Fu Junxi's eyes This is the coat that Qiluosheng wraps around his body, but his arrogance is already engraved in his bones, although he always has an aura that makes people want to get closer, and he seems to maintain a certain attitude towards others The friendly distance from him, but in fact, it is more distant than anything else, making it difficult for people to understand his true heart!

Along the way, Qi Luosheng did not restrict Fu Junxi's movements. These days, Fu Junxi has many opportunities to escape, but she did not do that!

After several days of getting along, Fu Junxi has seen Qiluosheng's unpredictable methods, and also knows that Qiluosheng is a person who is easy to go to extremes. If she runs away without authorization, she is not sure whether Qiluosheng will take out his anger at him. Her division, even her country.


Fu Junzheng looked at Qiluosheng who was looking at the mountain city from afar, the arrogant back, and for some reason he felt more secure, standing behind him, as if being guarded by him, but he liked it a little in his heart.

"I'll take you there!"

After watching the scenery of the mountain city from a distance, Qiluosheng put Mo Qingchi on his shoulders, turned around and carried the two girls across the Yushui River amid the exclamations of the two girls. In Qiluosheng's arms, the two girls were blushing, like two beautiful flowers Flowers, Qi Luosheng was extremely fast, and in an instant, he brought the two girls to the gate of the "Song Family Mountain City".

The soldiers who were in charge of defending the city in the "Song Family Mountain City" mountain all showed a look of panic and alertness when they saw the three people breaking through the air.

For major forces like the "Song Clan", the materials of the top figures in the world are all included. Even if the people under them have never seen the real person, they have seen the portraits a few times, so as not to know when they have offended those who cannot be offended.

 For major forces like the "Song Clan", the materials of the top figures in the world are all included. Even if the people under them have never seen the real person, they have seen the portraits a few times, so as not to know when they have offended those who cannot be offended.

One of the men who led the team took a careful look at Qiluosheng, and then respectfully stepped forward and clasped his fists and asked, "I dare to ask the honorable driver, but the venerable lord of 'The World Sealing Sabre' - Qiluosheng!"

Qiluosheng was about to answer, but he didn't want a man and a woman to come out of the mountain city, the man saw Qiluosheng's eyes bright: "Hey! The juniors come to meet you!"

The man is Song Shidao, who has not seen him for several months. He is amazed to see Qiluosheng now. He still remembers the battle of "Baijian Villa" still fresh. Every time he thinks of that earth-shattering scene, his blood boils and his blood boils. , so I have great respect for Qiluosheng.

Song Shidao is handsome, handsome, and personable. Sibo is not weak, with straight shoulders and straight shoulders. Although he is dressed as a scholar, he has the feeling of being well versed in martial arts. When speaking, he is humble and reasonable, neither arrogant nor humble, just right and easy. Makes people feel good...  

"It turned out to be Young Master Song, long time no see. This time I came to Lingnan to visit the Song clan master." Qiluosheng said modestly and politely.

"This is my second sister Yuzhi, and this is the Lord of the Sealed Swords of the World - Qiluosheng." Song Shidao nodded and introduced the two of them, then looked at Bai Qinger and Fu Junxi behind Qiluosheng and asked : "I don't know who these two girls are?"

Bai Qinger bowed and said, "The slave family, Bai Qinger, is the maid of the son. I have met Young Master Song, Miss Song."

Fu Junxi was too lazy to care about the two of them.

"Don't you know it's very impolite?" Qiluosheng was a little unhappy when he saw that Fu Junxiu was still so arrogant, and his slightly sharp eyes fell directly on Fu Junxiu's body like a sword glow.

Being stared at by Qiluosheng's eyes, Fu Junxi couldn't help trembling in her heart, and many questions appeared in her mind, is he hating me?Why is there a feeling of heartache? Fu Junxi, what happened to you?Why should you care about this thief's opinion...

Qi Luosheng's words made Fu Junxi extremely dissatisfied and inexplicably disappointed.

When Fu Junxi was about to say something, Song Shidao first apologized: "Respected Lord Qi, please don't blame this girl, it's reckless!"

Beautiful as jade.

The gentleman is so arrogant.

From the first sight of Fu Junxi, Song Shidao thought her 5.9 was very beautiful.

The arrogant and cold temperament and the stubborn and unyielding eyes will give Song Shidao an unprecedented peculiar feeling.

Just the moment we met.

Song Shidao knew that he had been attracted by the woman in front of him, and he was tempted.

Maybe this is the legendary love at first sight!

Song Shidao didn't hide the look in Fu Junxiu's eyes, Qiluosheng saw it clearly, but he didn't think Song Shidao and Fu Junxiu would have any future, not to mention Song Shidao's Laozi Song Que would never allow it, he also knew how Fu Junxiu felt about him. Although he has no love for Fu Junzheng, he still has a good impression of him, but he just has an attitude of going with the flow.

"Fu Junzheng, a native of Goguryeo, the master is Fu Cailin, one of the three great masters." Fu Junzheng said coldly, holding his sword in his arms without the love of Song Shidao. .

207 Heavenly Sword Song Que【Subscribe】

"Fu Junzheng, a native of Goguryeo, the master is Fu Cailin, one of the three great masters." Fu Junzheng said coldly, holding his sword in his arms without the love of Song Shidao.


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