She turned out to be a foreigner!

Why is she an alien?

shouldn't be...


Lightning and thunder in my heart, accompanied by wind and rain!

For Song Shidao, this news was like a thunderbolt from the blue sky. A relationship that had not yet begun ended silently. No one could know the sadness in his heart. Song Shidao showed a bitter smile and cupped his hands: "Shidao has seen it before. Miss Fu, Miss Bai."

Qi Luosheng shook his head when he looked at this hard-pressed child. Song Shidao is a rare gentleman, but unfortunately his father Song Que is too strong and very old-fashioned. .

It's hard to meet someone who makes me tempted, but before I open my mouth, I already know that the other party and me are impossible.

Such a silent blow can be imagined.

But that's fine. 17 Long pain is not as good as short pain. At least he breaks his thoughts, so he doesn't need to get too deep into it and continue to work hard.

On the contrary, the other party, Fu Junxi, didn't care at all.

Right now, the biggest thought in Fu Cailin's eldest disciple is how to stop Qiluosheng's plan. Where can he think of anything else?

Compared to Song Shidao, who was so depressed that he was about to suffer internal injuries, the little girl next to him, Song Yuzhi, was much more lively. He didn't know if she was innocent or if she was a newborn calf who was not afraid of tigers. Song Yuzhi circled around Qiluosheng, who was two heads taller than her. Carefully said: "You are the legendary Qiluosheng, you look so good, is that your pet on your shoulders? Can you lend me to play?"

"You are the pet, and your whole family is a pet." Before Qiluosheng spoke, Mo Qingchi, who was crawling on his shoulders, was not happy. If it wasn't for Qiluosheng's forbidding her to kill at will, Mo Qingchi's temper , I'm afraid Song Yuzhi has become a charred corpse!

" can speak!"

Song Yuzhi was frightened back two steps by Mo Qingchi's "fierce" eyes, but seeing that Mo Qingchi didn't move further, he patted his flat heart again, got the courage to lean over, and said curiously, "What a miraculous little beast. , can actually speak! I have never seen it!"

"Humph! What a fuss, Ang is a divine beast, what's so strange about being able to speak." Mo Qingchi said while standing on Qiluosheng's shoulders, holding the beast's head up, with a humanized disdain on his face.

Fu Junzheng and Bai Qinger were no strangers to the fact that Mo Qingchi could speak, but there was no response, but Song Shidao was also taken aback by Mo Qingchi who suddenly spoke. It only appeared in the middle of the year. Even if Song Shidao was extremely well-trained, he couldn't help being stunned and horrified, but thinking about Qiluo's unpredictable ability to create ghosts and ghosts is relieved!


The Lingnan area has been ruled by the "Song Clan" since the Southern and Northern Dynasties. "Emperor Wen of Sui" Yang Jian once sent troops to conquer the Lingnan area and expand his territory, but he has repeatedly returned without success.

Later, in desperation, Yang Jian had to adopt the policy of recruiting security, and named Song Que the Duke of Qiao, but Song Que had never been to the palace of the Sui Dynasty and ignored Yang Jian's imperial decree.

To this day, the Lingnan area is still dominated by the "Song Clan", and the rest of the major forces do not dare to set foot in easily.

Song House, Sharpening Hall.

This is the place where Song Que, the lord of the "Song Clan", practiced martial arts. Song Que spent many days meditating and comprehending martial arts here.

At this moment, Song Que stood with his hands behind his back, looking at the names at the top of the Sharpening Hall:

 Qi Luosheng

one page book

Di Shitian

Wu Wudi


Song Que has been conceited all his life, but he can only look up to these people!

A figure pushed in the door, cupped his hands towards Song Que, and said anxiously, "Big Brother, the venerable Lord of Sealing the Sword in the World came to Song Mansion and said that he would meet with Big Brother and discuss important matters."

This person is Song Que's younger brother Song Lu, the core figure of the Song clan.

Song Que turned around, revealing a resolute and handsome face, a three-inch willow beard, sword eyebrows and eagle eyes, looking like a proud person.

"Qi Luosheng, what is he doing here? Well! You invite him to the study first, and I'll be there later."

Song Que pondered a little, but couldn't understand Qiluosheng's purpose. Song Que asked Song Lu to receive Qiluosheng first, then sorted it out, and strode out of the hall.


Fu Junxi and Bai Qinger stood behind Qiluosheng on the left and right. Qiluosheng was drinking tea while looking at the surrounding environment.

The surrounding desks are filled with some military books and strategies, and the same is true for the bookshelves behind him and the surrounding furnishings.

From this point of view, Song Que's ambition has never diminished.

In the past, Yang Jian had seized the country, so he could only stay in the remote area of ​​Lingnan, thinking that he had been waiting for the opportunity.

This is exactly what Qiluosheng intends. Qiluosheng is ready to dominate the world and completely conquer this plane. This kind of thing is very simple for Qiluosheng today, and any city is useless to Qiluosheng. But the land that he lays always needs people to govern, and it is impossible for Qiluosheng to stay in this plane all the time, and someone needs to take care of him. The "Song Clan" is one of the forces selected by Qiluosheng 003.

"I've seen you for a long time, Lord Qi, I don't know what is the purpose of Lord Qi who traveled all the way to my Lingnan land?" Song Que walked from the door and asked solemnly.

Qiluosheng looked around, Song Que looked handsome and dignified, with clear eyes and bright eyes shining brightly, his temples were frosted, but he didn't show any signs of aging, but it added to him. A trace of the precipitation of the years, its own stock is invincible, the spirit of the world.

"I came here this time to discuss and discuss with the Song clan master, and their views on the current situation in the world." Qi Luosheng said lightly.

Gently putting down the teacup in his hand, Qi Luosheng shifted his gaze to Song Que, and there was a meaningful smile on the corner of his mouth.

"The situation in the world?" Song Que glanced at Qiluosheng in surprise, and said, "Master Qi is also interested in this worldly thing?"

Qi Luosheng shook his head.

"There is no need to try, the Song clan master has always wanted to get out of this Lingnan land, and I can help you."

Hearing this, a light flashed in Song Que's eyes. Although it was fleeting, it was still captured by Qi Luosheng.

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