"Master Qi wants to form an alliance with my Song clan." Song Que said calmly with a calm expression.Fang Cai's mood was ups and downs, and it didn't seem like it happened to him. .

 208 Marriage【For Collection】



Ssangyong stood in front of a pool.

"Young Master Ling, it's all up to you this time!" Kou Zhong patted Xu Ziling on the shoulder and said solemnly.

"Don't worry! Young Master Zhong, when have I ever let you down?" Xu Ziling nodded solemnly, then turned and walked towards the water pool, the infuriating energy in his body quickly gathered.

"Thunder storm!"

Xu Ziling struck out with one palm, and the pure yin energy instantly transformed into several purple yin thunders as thick as chopsticks, hitting the water directly.


Immediately, the lightning flashed and the water vapor evaporated. When the mist dissipated, He saw that dozens of herrings had their white belly turned up under the paralysis of the thunder.

"Wow! It's really possible, Young Master Ling, if you had met this time earlier, we wouldn't have to go hungry when we were young!" Kou Zhong saw the fish out of the water, and immediately used "Capturing the Dragon" to catch the fish from the air. Stringing it with a straw rope, he joked to Xu Ziling with a smile.

After looking at it, it is estimated that there are more than [-] kilograms of fish that were not caught in the water: "So many fish, it can be eaten for half a month at least!"

Xu Ziling rolled his eyes and sighed: "Zhong Shao save it! By then, these fish will already be smelly!"

"That's right, so what should we do? We shouldn't throw it away! Such a waste will be punished by heaven."

Xu Ziling thought about it and said, "There is a village not far ahead, why don't we give the extra fish to those villagers!"

Kou Zhong shrugged indifferently: "It's your good intentions, but others don't think that way. You are courteous for nothing, and you are either a traitor or a thief. If you give it away for nothing, you might think that you are conspiring to do something wrong! It's better to sell it to They, you can change the entanglement at will."

"You're embarrassed to say that at the beginning, the master gave a few hundred taels of entanglement. It was someone who wanted to save face and said that he wanted to make a career with his own hands. As a result, he spent a few days in the wind and sleep. It's really hard to get a penny. Hero man 々”!”

"Young Master Ling, you are not the same. Now that we have become Master's disciples, it is impossible to steal chickens and dogs and lose Master's face." Kou Zhong thought for a while, his eyes became firm, and he said slowly: "I You must rely on your own ability to achieve a career and prove yourself to the world!"

"Okay! I, two brothers, no matter what Zhong Shao wants to do, I will support you." Xu Ziling reluctantly glanced at the ambitious Kou Zhong and said firmly.

"Okay! The two of us made a great career as a group." Kou Zhong smiled and patted Xu Ziling's shoulder.


Nanling, Song family.

"Heavenly Sword" Song Que's study.

Song Que asked: "Master Qi wants to form an alliance with my Song clan."

Qi Luosheng smiled and shook his head: "It's not about forming an alliance, but asking the Song clan to submit to me."

As soon as these words came out, the atmosphere in the study suddenly became tense. Both Fu Junxi and Bai Qinger secretly sweated. "Heavenly Saber" Song Que's reputation has been resounding in the rivers and lakes for decades. Who doesn't give some face to the two!Now Qiluosheng is about to surrender to the "Song Clan" when he opens his mouth, no doubt that he does not regard the "Song Clan" as an equal force, so Qiluosheng dares to say such a thing, if it is someone else, even if it is Xiongba and Ning Daoqi Like that, Song Que will also teach them to be human again in minutes with the "Heavenly Saber" in his hand!

Song Shidao, who was drinking tea with him, almost spit out the tea he just drank.

Nina!Such a big thing, when Qiluosheng said it was like shopping for food in a food court, he didn't take the "Song Clan" seriously!Father will not draw a knife and fight him desperately!

Hearing this, Song Que was also a little shocked. He frowned, staring at Qiluosheng with a confident face, then smiled and said, "It is absolutely necessary for the Song clan to submit to you, but what does this mean to me? The benefit? If there is not enough return, Shu Song cannot agree."

"Of course, if the Song clan surrenders to me, when the world is unified, the Song clan will surely become one of the biggest beneficiaries, and I can assure you that the future co-lord of the world will definitely be the blood of the Han people." Luo Sheng said confidently, Qi Luosheng knew that Song Que was very interested in blood, otherwise he would not have supported Li Mi and Kou Zhong in the original work, and dismissed Li Shiming, the emperor who was widely recognized as the most suitable, because "Li Clan" 』has Hun blood.

The bloodline is impure, and naturally he will not be recognized by Song Que.

Sure enough, Song Que's eyes lit up when he heard this, and then he frowned without saying a word, hesitating in his heart.

Qiluosheng didn't urge him, and let him think slowly, believing that with Song Que's wisdom, he would definitely be able to make the right choice.

After a long while, there was finally an answer.

"."It's okay to have the support of the Song clan, but there is no evidence, and some more secure methods are needed." Song Que's eyes flashed a strange color, and he said meaningfully.

"Oh! I don't know what Song Clan Master thinks is a safe way?" Qi Luosheng asked with a little interest.

After a short conversation, naturally a hero like Song Que could not trust him unconditionally. Qi Luosheng wanted to see what kind of request Song Que would make.


Song Que said simply and neatly: "As long as Lord Qi Zun marries my daughter, then we will be a family, and then the Song family will do their best to help."


Qi Luosheng thought, I'm here to find my younger brother, but you want to be my husband, eh!But then again, I don't seem to suffer much! Do you want to agree?

Qi Luosheng really didn't expect that Song Que's request would be marriage, but this is indeed a relatively common method.

From ancient times to the present, the marriage of the rivers and lakes has been common, and it can be regarded as a relatively solid method of union.

"Master Qi, are you willing to agree?" Song Que said.

Qi Luosheng thought for a moment, and then said: "I don't really object to marriage, but I don't know who this marriage is?"

If Song Que wants to marry, then his own daughter is bound to go out. Song Que has two daughters in total, the eldest daughter Song Yuhua and the youngest daughter Song Yuzhi. It is not ruled out that it is Song Yuzhi. If the eldest daughter Song Yuhua is fine, if the youngest daughter Song Yuzhi is only thirteen years old, then Qiluosheng will have to help Song Que for a few years, which makes me feel a little weird!

Song Queyan said: "My eldest daughter Song Yuhua is eighteen years old, and she is a good match for marriage. I can ask Yuhua to come and let you meet first."

After speaking, without waiting for Qiluosheng to reply, he asked the servants to invite Song Yuhua. .

 209 Jingnian Temple【for collection】

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