Qi Luosheng and Song Que chatted for a while.

Not long after, a light green figure stepped into the study, and the conversation between the two stopped.

Qi Luosheng glanced at her, and saw the light green shadow in front of her eyes. She saw that the outline of her face was soft, and her silky hair was hanging down smoothly.

"Father." When the woman came in, she bowed to Song Que, then bowed to Qi Luosheng, and opened her lips lightly: "Song Yuhua of the slave family, I have seen Lord Qi."

The etiquette is decent, the manners are generous, and they are well-received by everyone.

Song Que responded, let Song Yuhua sit opposite Qiluosheng, and stated the purpose of letting her come.

Qiluosheng nodded in return and sat quietly drinking tea. Fu Junxi stood behind Qiluosheng without saying a word, but looking at the frosty face, it was obvious that he was not in a good mood, and Bai Qinger looked like A well-behaved maid, but her smart eyes occasionally flashed a gleam of light, not knowing what the hell she was paying attention to.

After a while, Song Que made it clear the purpose, 713 Song Yuzhi secretly glanced at Qiluosheng with a shy face, and said shyly, "Daughter is all up to my father."

As a child of a big family, most of the time, you can't help the matter of marriage. It is very rare to marry someone you like. Half a year ago, Song Yuhua was also fortunate to see "Battle of Baijian Mountain Villa". Qiluo, the hero of the group, was shocked and admired.

Which girl is not cherishing spring, facing Qiluosheng who is outstanding in appearance, strength, fame and talent, there are few women in the world who will not be moved.

"Hahaha! Good! Good! Good!"

Seeing her daughter's expression, Song Que, who has come here, doesn't understand how her daughter has a good impression of Qiluosheng. After the matter is finalized, Song Que's mood is obviously very good.

Although the marriage was for the benefit of the family, as a father, Song Que naturally hoped that his children would be happy.

After negotiating the marriage, Qiluosheng and Song Que discussed some future affairs and implementation plans.

Although it is not perfect, it also has a roughly bulky skeleton.

No (bhch) several hours passed before I knew it, and the sky gradually darkened. Qi Luosheng, Fu Junzheng, and Bai Qinger stayed at the Song family for one night.

After dinner, Song Que also took the initiative to ask Qiluosheng to go to the "Sharpening Hall" to exchange some experience and opinions on martial arts (it is said to be an exchange, in fact, most of the time Song Que asks Qiluosheng for advice, but Song Que wants to save face, Qiluo Of course, he wouldn't break through), I have to say that Song Que is indeed a rare martial arts genius. It is very rare to be able to achieve today's achievements in such a plane with insufficient spiritual energy!

Qi Luosheng can travel through many planes, and with "foresight", he can improve naturally quickly, unlike Song Que, who is confined to one world, and it is so difficult to improve the realm of martial arts.

It has been several years since Song Que entered the peak realm of Innate True Qi. He thought that he had reached the limit of this world. It was not until the battle of "Baijian Villa" that he knew that there are people outside people, and there are heavens outside. Even if Song Que is conceited, He had to admit that he was far from the people who were fighting at that time, but Song Que did not lose, but instead had a new direction.

As a martial artist, I am not afraid of obstacles and obstacles in the road ahead. What I am most afraid of is that there is no way to stand on the top, and there is no way to seek the way!

Although I really wanted to communicate with people like Qiluosheng in the past, it was a pity that I couldn't find the opportunity. Now that Qiluosheng came to the door, Song Que would not let it go easily!

This exchange of martial arts insights took most of the night, and by the time it was over, the sky was already bright, but fortunately, both sides gained something.

"I can't think of a one-night exchange, and the question that has puzzled me for a long time is suddenly cleared up.

For people like Song Que who are extremely skilled in swordsmanship and martial arts, it is indescribable how joyful they feel when they see the fog in the realm of cultivation.

"Where, I can benefit a lot from being able to communicate with Senior Song." Qi Luosheng replied politely.

"It's a family from now on! It's too good to be called a senior. You can call me uncle before Yuhua has passed the door!" Song Que patted Qiluosheng on the shoulder with a smile, as if I was optimistic about you.

This old fox! Qi Luosheng was a little unhappy when Song Que took advantage of him, but thinking that Song Que would be his father-in-law in the future, he could only grit his teeth and admit it!


"Jingnian Temple" and "Cihang Jingzhai" are the leaders of today's Baidao. The first ancestors of the two sects, "Tian Seng" and "Dini", are brothers and sisters of the same school. Not confined to one sect.

They all take it as their duty to widely study the religious sects of the world, hoping to find the way to understand life and death, and it is also a place to practice Buddhism.

In order to avoid distractions, the descendants have been strictly forbidden to get involved in the arena and politics, so that they can focus on the study of the Tao of Heaven and Man.

The "Jing Nian Zen School" is located in the southern suburbs of Luoyang. There are more than hundreds of buildings in the temple, just like a small town. In the middle there are seven large halls and a small bronze hall with a width and depth of three feet, and a height of one and a half feet. It was once used to collect "He's Bi".

Except for the bronze hall, all the buildings are covered with three-color glazed tiles, and the color is as new. In front of the copper hall is a vast, [-]-zhang-long, white-stone plaza surrounded by white-stone carved railings. In the center, a Manjusri Bodhisattva riding a golden lion is enshrined. There are also three Buddhas, such as Medicine Master, Sakyamuni and Amitabha, beside the niche.

The colored sculptures and gold ornaments are quite bold. Except for the entrances and exits of the four stone steps, there are [-] Arhats evenly distributed, all of which are cast in gold and bronze, and all of them have lifelike expressions.

The luxurious style is better than the palace, which shows how much money it has restrained.


Jingnian Temple welcomed a special visitor.


Above the sky, a loud eagle chirping was heard.

The sound was like thunder, resounding through the sky, and the chanting of "Jing Nian Temple" suddenly stopped.

Many monks looked for the sound, and saw a golden giant eagle coming through the sky and passing through the clouds.

"Six paths fall together, there are thousands of calamities, extradite the Tathagata!"

The giant eagle passed away in an instant, and then a stalwart Buddha figure accompanied by a high poetry number, brazenly descended into the world.

"Indulge in luxury and confuse the world with slanderous words, Brahma will not tolerate it!"

With a deep shout, the sound was like a morning bell, and the energy was like a wave, and all the monks of the "Jingnian Temple" suddenly shook their hearts, as if they were taking a test of the Buddha!


Thanks to "Wu Jun Luo Hu", "So Boring", "Prodigal Son", "Amber" and others for the flowers! .

210 Evil Heart Demon Buddha 【For Collection】

Today's Buddhism in this era can be said to be downright nonsense.

Bodhidharma, the ancestor of the local Buddhist Zen sect, only arrived in the Middle Earth during the era of Emperor Liangwu of the Southern Dynasty, and his influence has not yet reached the peak state of later generations.

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