The reason why today's Buddhism has the ability to suppress the demons and Taoism comes from the unique method passed down from the Daoan and Huiyuan lineages: "If you don't obey the ruler of the country, it will be difficult to establish the law."

There is a saying that it is easy to go from frugality to luxury, and from luxury to frugality is difficult.

Now enjoying the pleasure of relying on the emperor to spread Buddhist ideas, how could Buddhism allow himself to lose power again?

"Cihang Jingzhai" is the most representative sect among them. Whenever there is great chaos in the Central Plains, "Cihang Jingzhai" will send its disciples into the world to practice, in order to "select people who can govern the country for the people of the world". Mingjun.

Of course, it is undeniable that "Cihang Jingzhai" has the world in mind, and the starting point is not wrong, but the mistake is that their method of "taking the world as their own responsibility" is really too fucked up, and they never forget to occupy the commanding heights of morality, which is even more disgusting .

War is war.

War has no morals at all. It is the process of one class using force to overthrow another class violently. It requires bloodshed!

"Cihang Jingzhai" does not think about how to save all living beings and save the people. Instead, he fights with each other all day long, walks between the major forces, threading the needle and choosing the so-called "Mingjun". In the final analysis, there are no more than two words. --Benefit!

And their capital for choosing the Lord of Destiny was the treasure of the royal road that was guarded by Kong Kong, the Four Great Sages and others - He's Jade.


The main buildings in the "Jingnian Temple" are arranged in sequence on the central axis facing the temple gate, with a copper hall as the center of the temple, with a complete and uniform scale.

In front of the bronze hall, there is a vast platform plaza built with white stone and surrounded by white stone railings.

Above the square, the monks only heard a loud shout.

"Indulge in luxury and confuse the world with slanderous words, Brahma will not tolerate it!"

With a deep shout, the sound was like a morning bell, and the energy was like a wave, and all the monks of the "Jingnian Temple" suddenly shook their hearts, as if they were taking a test of the Buddha!

After the "Lingyun Grotto" exit, Qiluosheng was re-divided into a page of books and he was not injured.

In order to speed up the pace of the plan, the two souls each rushed to one side, and went to the base of the Demon Sect "Yinkui Sect" leisurely, while a page was immersed in the book for several days, and then took the "Yang Wing" to the Buddhist Sect.


At this moment, two heavy copper doors as high as ten feet opened automatically without wind, revealing the dark space inside.

The monks named Qi Xuan Buddha, a tall and handsome monk, stepped out of the bronze hall and stood on the top of the white stone steps in the hall.

Under the leadership of the Four Great Vajra, the monks saluted together.

This monk dressed in white robes is Master Kong. From his appearance, he looks no more than [-] years old. He is slender and handsome, his nose is straight, and he looks very individual. His lips, even more arched, showed a certain indescribable charm, which was very good-looking on his slender face, but also had a complacent and generous collar.

Lekong made a Buddha salute to a page of the book, and said in a very mellow voice: "Amitabha! I didn't know the Buddha friend was coming, and if I miss a long way to welcome, please forgive me!"

The monks were amazed.

Master Liaokong actually opened his mouth to speak!

It should be noted that Master Kong has practiced closed mantras for more than [-] years, and he has never talked to anyone, but today he opened his mouth because of a page of books, breaking the magic power that he has practiced for decades!

How can this not teach the monks to be surprised?

How not to shock them?


Yi Ying Shu looked proud, turned a blind eye to Kong's kindness, and said coldly in a unique high voice: "Buddha says mercy, but it can't save people and save the world. Cultivators are self-sufficient, so what's the use of keeping them. , I will abolish martial arts, disband Jingnian Temple, follow these three rules, and I can save my life." During the speech, the true energy was released, and the waves were majestic, sweeping and sweeping all directions.

The monks who were present with low cultivation base were shocked by the sudden energy and retreated a few steps in succession before they stabilized their figure. Their arrogance and domineering words made all the monks angry when they heard the words.

"It is very disrespectful to speak slandering Buddha. The Buddha's cultivation is unparalleled in the world. It is absolutely impossible to make mistakes!"

· · Flowers · · ·

"Hmph! Self-reliance and stubbornness, Brahma has only..."


The thunder snake flickered, the beacon started to rise, and the "or halberd" broke out of the sky and fell into the hands of a page of books.

"Killing life to protect life, killing business is not killing people."

A disagreement, the stance has been judged, a page of the book snorted, and the sky was full of dust, and the "or halberd" in his hand pointed to the sky, and the situation suddenly went to an extreme.

After emptying his hands, he clasped his hands together, shouted the Buddha's name in a high voice, and showed a sad look on his face, and said aloud: "If this is the case, then the poor monk will be offended and set up an array!"

Knowing that there was no turning back, he wanted to preempt others, and ordered the monks to start a great formation to protect the mountain.


If there is a disagreement, the group fights, and it really has the "traditional" style of the famous and decent.

The monks held copper sticks and knives, and surrounded a page of the book with a strange pattern. , this is pride. It is also self-confidence!

The sound of rustling footsteps sounded, and there were four more monks of different shapes behind Liaokong.

It is the Four Great Vajras of Jingnian Temple.

From left to right: no anger, no delusion, no greed, no fear.

These four monks are quite famous, but in terms of strength, they are only in the middle stage of Innate True Qi, and they are even worse than the King Nie a few years ago.

On the other side, monks followed one after another, forming a long snake formation, divided into four teams, all dressed in gray monk robes, holding long sticks and knives, and their faces were solemn.

The four teams, each with about [-] people, are all strong in internal strength. When they act, they cooperate with each other. Obviously, they are well trained and their combat power is amazing.

Such a luxurious lineup can be called the bottom of the box for "Jingnian Temple"!

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