The battle started for no reason, and the "Jingnian Temple" opened a great formation to protect the mountain, and the monks were in a difficult situation when they moved, trying to block the way of Brahma...

"Such a battle is the source of your self-confidence, but unfortunately..." Yi Ying Shu's eyes closed, then opened, and a ruthless color flashed: "The road of Brahma, the devil stops the devil, and the Buddha stops the Buddha. .".

211 Evil Heart Demon Buddha 2 【For Collection】

On the square of "Jingnian Temple".

War is imminent.

"Such a battle is the source of your self-confidence, but unfortunately..." Yi Ying Shu's eyes closed, then opened, and a ruthless color flashed: "The road of Brahma, the devil stops the devil, and the Buddha stops the Buddha. ."

With long flowing black hair and a very handsome face, a blood-colored mantra was printed between the eyebrows.

Coupled with that black robe and red Buddha beads, no matter how you look at it, it is the image of a Buddhist master, but his words are full of domineering and arrogant contempt for the world.

"Amitabha! The killing nature of the Buddha is so heavy, he has already walked the devil's path, and he still hopes that the Buddha will turn back!"

The Dharma seal had no form, and there was no name in the formation. All the monks recited the Sanskrit sound. For a time, the entire sky was filled with voices. "Zero Five Zero"

Buddhism's eyeliner spreads all over the world. Although Liekong has never seen a page of a book, he has also seen a portrait of a page of a book. Kong also knows about the deeds that a page of books overwhelmed the heroes in "Baijian Mountain Villa", and it is precisely because I understand, that's why I feel jealous. If it's not necessary, I don't want to be an enemy of it. Now that I'm facing a page of a book, I realize that the spiritual cultivation that I'm most skilled at has no effect on the opponent!

Lekong has always crushed others with absolute strength. Now, facing a page of a book, there is a sense of fear in his heart that he can't explain. The nervousness that comes only when encountering a strong man in the devil's way is the fear of having no confidence in one's own strength!

"Climb to the other shore, you will become this shore, you can see the other shore, and the other shore is endless." Sanskrit sounded into the ears, soothing people's minds, facing nearly a thousand warrior monks, there was no one page of the book, and it was still light and cloudy: "All appearances are different, Extraordinary is also ordinary; all laws are impossible, and the mind is to observe. There is no trace to be found, so why does everyone come together? There is a certain number of cause and effect, and we will move forward without regrets! Now, who wants to stop the footsteps of a page of books, Give it a try!"


In an instant, Jinhua was dazzling, like a gust of wind, swaying toward the four lower layers, with the energy of Buddha Yuan.

Everyone was shocked and took a deep breath.

All the monks were captured by the imposing manner of a page, and they all looked at Kong, waiting for the "Zen Master" to issue an order.

"Buddhas are obsessed, and poor monks are offended! Start the battle!"

Liekong sighed helplessly, his face showed a solemn dharma image of compassion and compassion. With his palms up, a burst of Buddhist golden light suddenly formed, converging into a large Buddhist imprint, and forced towards a page of the book.

The auras of the monks were connected, and when they heard Kong's words, they immediately launched their battles.

The breath is strong, towering the world, like a mountain, unshakable.

"Heavenly Evil Buddha · Lost in the World · I will cut it like this!"

There was an explosion of "Peng", and I saw a long whistle from a page of the book, raised the "Or Tianji" and swung it down, a dazzling and domineering thunder force suddenly fell, and the thunder went eight wastes, slashing down with one blow After launching the empty offensive, I only heard a clear sound of dang, a cold light suddenly appeared, and the sky glowed with a golden light, dazzling and dazzling, and then I did not lose my strength, and roared away to meet the more than [-] monks!

Liekong's pupils shrank suddenly, and exclaimed, "Be careful!!!"

Lei Jin was cold and under great pressure. The more than [-] disciples of "Jingnian Temple" faced the fierce blow of a page of books. In just a moment, all the monks were already sweating profusely. Resist it.

This was because one page of the book was not taken seriously. Even so, the monks felt as if they were struck by lightning, and their whole bodies went numb.

Liaokong's eyes burst into a cold light, and then he shouted a Buddha's name and rushed forward.

Behind him, the Four Great Vajra who are not angry, not delusional, not greedy, and not afraid also shouted angrily at the same time, slammed their feet on the ground, and performed the movement technique, and swept straight to a page of the book.

"If there are demons and evil ways that can't be punished, and there are mundane people who can't laugh, it's sad! Sad!"

Seeing that several people were still "obsessed", Yi Ye Shu's eyes froze, killing intent suddenly.

 Seeing that several people were still "obsessed", Yi Ye Shu's eyes froze, killing intent suddenly.

The short-tempered Buchi took the lead, came to the front of the book first, and hit the heart of the book with the move "Arhat Holds the Moon".


A page of books is shot at will, without using any subtle moves, but with the blessing of the peerless foundation, this palm is also extremely powerful.

"Not hard to connect!"

There was an urgent reminder, but it was too late.

"Bang! Kaka!"

As soon as the shop touched, the bones of Buzhi's hand were completely broken, and then it flew out like a broken kite in diameter, and the palm force penetrated the internal organs. When Buzhi caught it behind him, Buzhi had completely cut off its vitality. ......

"Senior Brother!!"

"Senior Brother!!"

I never thought that my feet would be slow, but people were separated forever. Seeing Buzhi's tragic death, the other three great diamonds cried out in grief.

Liekong trembled slightly, he didn't expect a page of the book to be so ruthless, he murmured: "Nie Barrier, you... how dare you make such a vicious hand..."

The cultivation base is so high as to be empty. Although it has not yet reached the level where the five aggregates are empty and all things are uninhibited in the heart, the level of thinking is far beyond comparison with other people. He can hear the word "evil barrier" from his mouth. It can be seen that he is really angry!

"I follow my way, and those who stand in the way should be punished." One page of the book was not surprised, and he was still calm in the face of Kong's questioning, as if he didn't kill a "good monk" just now, but just fanned a fly.

Liaokong looked solemn: "What an evil spirit Buddha! He is so arrogant and domineering, if you don't get punished today, you will definitely bring disaster to the martial arts."

"Hereism and nonsense, ruining the world, death is not a pity, one move, let Ertong be buried!"

Speaking of this, the "Or Heavenly Halberd" waved, taking in all the circumstances of the world.

Or dance in the sky, the world is moving!

The wind was chaotic, the electric light flickered, and a page of the book seemed to be coated with a layer of Buddha light, emitting a dazzling 2.5 golden light, just like the rebirth of the Buddha and the arrival of the Bodhisattva.

He squinted his eyes, and whispered a Buddha's name in his mouth. His movements were gentle and slow. Suddenly, he swung his sleeves, and the wide robes swept out like a cloud, and the speed was far beyond the discernment of ordinary people's eyes. force.

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