Demon robes!

This divine art is actually the stunt of Kong's fame - the magic cassock art!

The three great diamonds and more than [-] monks also shot at the same time. They knew that their opponents were strong, and all the monks did not hold back. In an instant, the stick shadows were abundant, and the infuriating energy was dense like a net, covering a page of the book.

Hu Jiao had a disaster, and Brahma had a murderous intention.

Extreme confrontation, only the strong can survive!


Thanks to "Don't want to say", "Yuchen", "qwe5958317" and others for their flowers, and comment on the votes! .

212 Song Yuzhi [For Collection]

The elite of the "Jing Nian Temple" came out, and hundreds of monks gathered in one place, wanting to surround and kill the arrogant and evil Buddha.

Or dance in the sky, the world is moving!


Desperately killing, one page of the book is full of Yuan, Pang Ran's Zhen Yuan is imported into the "Or Tian Ji", and the halberd is thunderous.

In the extreme confrontation, the move has not yet been attacked, but the square made of white stone can no longer bear such a force. Wherever the energy passes, it shatters instantly, and the dense cracks are like cobwebs.

The wind was howling, and the waves were like waves.

Hundred generations of Jinglun were swept away with vigor and wind and thunder, and more than [-] monks lost to the world-shattering power of a page of books, and they were all swept up into the sky.



In an instant, the tossed monks landed like dumplings with a "thump and thump". In an instant, there were mourning everywhere, as well as broken limbs and broken arms. !

"Jingnian Temple can't stop the way of a page of books." A page of books walked forward, and the surrounding bones were all blown away by its overflowing energy.

"You devil..." Liankong Yiqi was still alive, and his eyes were splitting. At this time, he was angry like never before. Even the murderous devils who have met 15 without blinking have never made him so angry.

His own death was small, but many monks of the "Jingnian Temple" died innocently and tragically under the halberd of a page of books, and the hatred for a page of books was not concealed in his eyes.

"You're in the way!"

One page of the book whispered, and the magical brilliance in his eyes flickered.

The remaining energy has not disappeared, and the killing intent has arisen again.

The halberd waved.


Empty loss!

Since then, the elite of the "Jingnian Temple" has been wiped out, and the few remaining second-generation disciples, as well as thousands of third-generation disciples, were so frightened that they were so frightened that they were killed without a single page of the book. Enter the bronze temple.

This bronze hall is made of gold and bronze as a whole. When you are in it, you feel like you are entering a large copper hood or a covered copper bell.

On the four walls of the bronze hall are densely placed thousands of small bronze statues, all of which are exquisitely cast and set off between the copper cast railings and the beamless hall walls, creating a rich texture and creating a magnificent, magnificent, Glittering divine atmosphere.

There is a copper table in the center of the bronze hall, one side is pure white and flawless, and the jade seal with shimmering precious light is placed on the copper table without any competition.

The jade seal is engraved with the pattern of five dragons interlocking. Yu Tian, ​​longevity and longevity," the eight bird and insect-shaped seal characters are the ancient treasures - He's Bi.

Feeling the excitement of the spiritual sense, Yi Ying Shu took a step forward and reached out to grab the jade seal. At this moment, a mutation suddenly occurred!

He Shibi burst into chaos without warning, a strange energy that was so irritating that it almost went berserk, instantly eroding the mind of a page.


Nanling, the backyard of the Song family.

There are pavilions and pavilions, small bridges and flowing water, patchwork, green willows beside the creek, flowers blooming brilliantly, full of vitality.

The eccentric elf Song Yuzhi smiled sweetly, chasing down Mo Qingchi, and having a great time.

The dignified and generous Song Yuhua played the piano with his hands, with beautiful eyes as tender as water, filled with a hint of joy.

Bai Qinger dutifully added a few pieces of charcoal to the small stove to cook tea.

And Fu Junzheng held the long sword and played the arrogant Goryeo warrior with a blank face, but only occasionally looked at it, and Qiluo would have some complicated fluctuations when he was born.

The country is picturesque, and the beauty is so delicate.

Qiluosheng's white clothes are like snow, while holding a brush and painting, he chanted softly:

"Boil a pot of rivers and mountains, and the smoke fades;

Dragging a place with Chunhua in charge, time is staggered;

Stroking a piece of silk string voiceless, waving fame;

Look at the autumn waves and say goodbye, and drink the years upward;

A stroke of a thousand forests is charming and charming, not worldly;


The breeze is coming, the butterflies are dancing and the flowers are flying, and the wonderful brush outlines a lifelike picture of the beauty of the country.

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