Song Yuzhi plucked a small red flower from nowhere, and happily ran to Qiluosheng, and said boastfully, "Brother-in-law, look, is this flower beautiful?"

Qi Luosheng patted Song Yuzhi's head gently, and said softly, "Flowers are beautiful, but Xiao Yuzhi likes flowers, but not flowers."

"Is there a difference between love and liking?" Song Yuzhi asked suspiciously. Now Song Yuzhi is only thirteen years old, so naturally he doesn't know anything about relationships.

Qi Luosheng smiled and said: "The difference between love and liking is simple. If you love flowers. You water it and protect it from harm. And if you like flowers, you pluck it."

Song Yuzhi nodded knowingly, looking at the little red flower in his hand, and said a little awkwardly: "Brother-in-law, did Yuzhi do something wrong!"

For some reason, the tomboy who has always been accustomed to wildness always looks very well-behaved in front of Qiluosheng.

"The beauty of a flower is very short-lived. From the moment it leaves the rhizome, it withers faster." Qiluosheng said, taking the little red flower in Song Yuzhi's hand, and a burst of infuriating yin and cold freezing the flower, Made into a small mysterious ice jewelry.

The cold air is restrained, condensed but not scattered, like a flower-shaped crystal.

Qi Luosheng handed the exquisite ice sculpture to Song Yuzhi and said, "Xiao Yuzhi did nothing wrong, he just followed his own nature. Flowers also have life. It would be better not to hurt them easily in the future. Can Xiao Yuzhi do it? "

Song Yuzhi took the ice sculpture, and it was cool but cold. He was very happy and said with a smile: "Thank you brother-in-law, Yuzhi will definitely not go to pick flowers in the future! If you don't believe us, we pull the hook."

"Humph! Childish." Mo Qingchi ran over from the path, threw himself into Qiluosheng's arms, stuck out his tongue at Song Yuzhi, and said, four dirty hooves with dirt on Qiluosheng's white clothes a mess.

Qi Luosheng had a "Cleansing Dust Mantra" at hand to remove the filth and filth. He wanted to teach Mo Qingchi a lesson, but at this moment, his body suddenly changed. With a half-layer added, Qi Luosheng's eyes flashed, and he murmured in his heart: "The demon body is feeding back, it seems that the Jingnian Temple has been destroyed, and the He's jade has been absorbed by a page of books, then let's look at the harmless ones. Come on, this lazy guy..." Thinking of the lazy personality of "Holy Soul", Qi Luosheng felt a little pain!

Not to be outdone, Song Yuzhi said to Mo Qingchi, "You are naive."

Mo Qingchi stared at Song Yuzhi without blinking, and said in a milky voice, "Little one, how dare you say Ang is childish, presumptuous, unreasonable, and bold!".

 213 Sword Crazy [For Collection]

Mo Qingchi and Song Yuzhi were fighting with each other, and Song Yuzhi opened his eyes for a moment, and finally couldn't help blinking.

"Ouch, you blinked, you lost!" Mo Qingchi roared with a proud smile.

"Humph!" Song Yuzhi snorted in dissatisfaction, and said unconvincingly, "It was the wind that blew into my eyes, this time it doesn't count, we'll compare if we have the ability!"

"Childish, Ang won't be fooled, Xiao Budian loses, Ang wins." Mo Qingchi jumped from Qiluosheng's arms and chased after a piebald butterfly.

"I didn't lose, don't run, we're having a match." Song Yuzhi also ran over after saying that, and got into trouble with Mo Qingchi.

Qi Luosheng's mind was certain, a smile appeared on his face, and then he dropped the last few strokes on the scroll.

At the same time, the sound of the piano came to an abrupt end, and the lingering sound curled. Song Yuhua came to Qiluosheng generously, with a rare blush on his face, looked at Qiluosheng and said: "Qi Gongzi has outstanding literary talent, I'll see you today. , it really lives up to its reputation.”

Although she and Qiluosheng have a marriage contract and have already fallen in love with Qiluosheng, but out of her daughter's restraint, Song Yuzhi still keeps a distance from Qiluosheng.

"Where, it's just picking up people's teeth!" Qiluosheng was not humble, but just told the truth, but the women present didn't believe it.

"Hypocrisy!" Fu Jun whispered disdainfully.

Bai Qinger poured Fang's brewed tea into the teacup and handed it to Qiluosheng obediently: "Master, please use tea."


The taste of tea lies in the eyes, nose and mouth. The three mouths are combined into one. When tasting the tea color, tea smoke, and tea flavor, it is drawn together with the environment. .

Qi Luosheng took the fragrant tea, and observed that the color was green and clear, the aroma of tea was tangy, and he took a light sip. The entrance was slightly bitter and the aftertaste was sweet.

"Qing'er's tea art is getting better and better 々'!"

"Thank you for your compliment, son."


Not to mention Qiluosheng's romance here.

the other side.

An ox cart is slowly heading towards Luoyang, the ancient capital of thousands of years.

On the haystack of the ox cart, a pitch-black long sword lay horizontally on it, beside the sword lay a handsome white-haired youth, leisurely looking at the clouds in the sky.

On the haystack of the ox cart, a pitch-black long sword lay horizontally on it, beside the sword lay a handsome white-haired youth, leisurely looking at the clouds in the sky.

The breeze is coming, all the sounds are silent, the grass and trees are fragrant, and the clouds are rolling.

The blood beads slowly condensed on the sword, flowing through the life-devouring Leng Feng, vomited mouth after mouth of blood from the tip of the sword.

Time is at this moment, slow down.

The man driving the bullock cart was a young man in his twenties. This man was burly, with black hair reaching his waist, carrying a sword on his back, with a resolute face, a striking scar, extending from the center of his eyebrows to the left side of his face, and the bones of his hands were extremely thick. Ordinary people, with high temples and long breath, are rare innate masters in Jianghu. People in Jianghu are called "Sword Crazy" - Ye Xiaobei, who calls himself Lord Bei.

The title "Sword Crazy" does not mean that Ye Xiaobei is crazy about swords, but that he is good at swordsmanship, is arrogant, and fights to death.

Ye Xiaobei was born in an ordinary mountain village. He was originally shy and was often bullied. Later, there was a plague in his hometown. Ye Xiaobei's relatives were not spared. He was the only one who survived. The pain in the world has gradually developed a arrogant character. The scar on his face was cut by himself when he was eleven years old! Because he was often bullied, he would make a big change in his face. It's like a protective color!

Later, by chance, he was spotted by a second-rate swordsman with a decent style and accepted as a disciple. Unfortunately, the swordsman was besieged by his enemies within two years. At that time, Ye Xiaobei, who was only fourteen years old, escaped by hiding in the jungle. , tossing and turning, and wandering in the rivers and lakes for a few years. He is very talented. Although he did not have the guidance of a famous teacher, he still cultivated to the second-rate peak with the half-book second-rate exercises taught by the swordsman. In order to repay the teacher's kindness, Ye Xiaobei He found the enemy who killed his master at that time. However, time has changed. As he progresses, the enemy is also improving. He has become a first-class master. At the time of the crisis, Qiluosheng, who wanted to expand his power, appeared (Qiluosheng was only one step behind Ye Xiaobei that day. Seeing someone jumped in first, he found a hidden place to watch the play, and then watched Ye Xiaobei to repay the teacher's kindness. , it is also kind and righteous, so I saved it)!

"Deputy Lord, Luoyang is here!" Ye Xiaobei said respectfully to Zun Wushang on the ox cart.

Over the past few years, Zun Wushang occasionally pointed out Ye Xiaobei's swordsmanship. Although he was confiscated as a disciple, he was also a master and a disciple, so Ye Xiaobei respected Zun Wushang very much.

"Yeah! It's getting late today, so let's go to the city to rest for a night." Zun Wushang narrowed his eyes and said lazily.

Ye Xiaobei looked at the sun, which was leaning towards the west. It was not long after noon, it was summer again, and there were still a few hours before it got dark. Zun Wushang made it clear that he was just talking nonsense with his eyes open, but since Zun Wushang opened his mouth , Ye Xiaobei didn't look right, and drove into Luoyang with an ox cart.

Luoyang is located on the south bank of the Yellow River, with Mang Mountain in the north, Luoshui in the south, Hulao in the east, Yinghangu in the west, surrounded by mountains, and the Luoyang Plain in the middle, with the four rivers of Yi, Luo, Lu and Jian running through it. Dangerous, beautiful scenery, fertile soil, moderate climate and convenient water transportation.

Therefore, since ancient times, eight dynasties such as Xia, Shang, Eastern Zhou, Eastern Han, Cao Wei, Western Jin, Northern Wei, and Sui have built their capitals here.The so-called Heyang Dingding is located in the central plains and responds to the four directions. Luoyang is the transportation hub of the world and a military fortress.

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