The streets in the city were full of people, and Ye Xiaobei rode an ox cart and walked slowly, heading towards the "Bo Qing Guan" branch in Luoyang.

Today's "Bo Qing Guan" is very lively, many martial arts people (Nuo Lihao) gathered here, talking about the "Jing Nian Temple", the "Jing Nian Temple", the holy place of Baidao, and the "Zen Master". Of the four great kings, all [-] monks died. No one could cover up such a big event.

The mysterious Buddha's one-page book reappeared in the arena, and in the first battle, he used the holy place of Baidao "Jingnian Temple" to destroy it as a memorial, which really scared many people!

The title of "Evil Heart Demon Buddha" has also been thoroughly spread on the rivers and lakes.

People of the White Dao, everyone is in danger, and the cries of ".〃Destroy the devil" are higher than the first wave, but few people dare to jump out and find trouble in a book.

The prestige of the Buddhist sect of the Hu Sect has been greatly lost. In order to restore the decline, the new generation of "Cihang Jingzhai" descended the mountain ahead of schedule, and the four holy monks were actively preparing for the battle.

At the same time, as an old rival, the Demon Sect "Yin Kui Sect" is also secretly planning to take advantage of the situation to put some eye drops on "Cihang Jingzhai". .

214 Tianmen【For Collection】


Wu Wushang and Ye Xiaobei walked into the "Bo Qing Pavilion", which was already full of people, and many people didn't even have a seat.

Ye Xiaobei walked to the counter and took out a token, and soon the two of them were greeted by the shopkeeper into the "Waste Character Room".

After a while, the "Guest Master" here came to the "Waste Character Room" to face Zou Wushuang, Ye Xiaobei bowed and said, "Subordinate Lin Rong, see the Deputy Master, Master Bei."

Wu Wushang raised his left hand slightly and said, "No gift! Is there any clue to Zhu Yuyan's whereabouts?"

The Demon Gate is different from those famous and upright. The location is very secretive, and it changes frequently. There is no fixed base camp. Although the "World Sealing Sabre" has also dispatched some eyeliners to mix into the Demon Gate, the time is still short. The whereabouts of such high-level people are still difficult to reach.

Lin Rong replied respectfully: "Reporting to the deputy lord, according to the investigation of the subordinates, Yin Hou recently stayed in the Baihua Valley thirty kilometers south of the city."

"Bo Qing Guan" is mainly responsible for collecting intelligence and distributing information to the outside world (making money is incidental). After Qi Luosheng's special training and level planning, no one who can become the owner of a hall should not be underestimated. Lin Rong can stand out. To be the "master" of the "Bo Qing Museum" here, naturally has his ability. After a year of development, the whole Luoyang is turbulent, and it is impossible to hide from his eyes and ears.

"Valley of Flowers!" Zun Wushang nodded when he heard the words, and then asked, "What has happened in the rivers and lakes in the last few days?"

"The biggest thing in martial arts today is that the Buddhist holy place "Jingnian Temple" was destroyed two days ago, and the evil spirit Buddha was born... (I heard the details)" Lin Rong explained all the information he knew, and then said: " According to the latest information, Cihang Jingzhai has contacted the Four Great Sages, as well as many people of the right way, to prepare to hold the Demon Extermination Conference, but the specific situation is not yet clear."

Exorcism Conference?

It was really self-defeating, Ye Wu couldn't help but mourned for "Cihang Jingzhai" for a second in his heart. The character of "Devil Soul" is the most domineering and violent soul among the three souls. These guys dare to take the initiative to trouble him, look! Not far from death!

Under normal circumstances, the consciousnesses of the three souls are independent and do not interfere with each other, so about the situation of the one-page book of "Demon Soul", the "Holy Soul" who has no consciousness connection is not aware of it, but in the "Deity" When Qiluosheng assigned the mission, Wu Wushang had already guessed the ending, but he was not surprised.


far north.

The endless glaciers and snow-capped mountains, on the top of the mountain, are constantly snowing all year round.

In the gate of heaven.

Di Shitian stood at the highest position like a god, staring coldly at Luo Xian who was kneeling at his feet, listening to Luo Xian's report.

"One page... book!" Di Shitian muttered these three words through gritted teeth, touching his heart that seemed to be aching.

Half a year ago, Di Shitian was brutally abused by a page of books with the "Royal Family Shocking Collection", so he returned to the "Phoenix Island" as Xu Fu. After announcing the retreat, he secretly returned to the identity of Di Shitian. , returned to the "Tianmen", after this half-year recuperation, Di Shitian's strength has recovered as before, and his skills have even improved slightly.

Sect Master, although the demon monk has become the target of public criticism, but with his cultivation, I am afraid that the rabble is not a threat to him enough, do we need to take action? "

Although Luo Xian, who was kneeling on the ground, couldn't see the expression under Di Shitian's mask, he could hear from Di Shitian's tone that he was definitely not in a good mood, so he had to ask carefully.

When Emperor Shitian heard the words, he walked back and forth twice with his hands behind his back, and said gloomily: "No, this black donkey is very insidious. This time, the "Jingnian Temple" was destroyed by such publicity. Maybe there is some conspiracy behind it, first Wait and see what happens, and tell the people below not to act rashly before investigating it clearly!"

With the wisdom accumulated over thousands of years, Di Shitian was keenly aware of the conspiracy. Although he did not know the real purpose of a page of the book, for the sake of safety, Di Shitian did not want to set fire to himself.

Ever since he came back from "Baijian Villa", Di Shitian discovered that this martial arts is not as simple as he thought. There were several masters of the same level that he didn't know about that day. Who knows if there are any hidden ones?

Di Shitian thought for a while, touched his chin and asked Luo Xian, "How about the other people you're paying attention to?"

"Reporting to the sect master, Wu Wudi appeared in the desert in December last year and wiped out the first sect in the desert, the "Blue Moon Sect". He appeared in the "World Sealing Saber" three months ago, and then disappeared; "The Demon Lord" Bai Suzhen took over "Unparalleled City" in February. At this time, he was reforming and rarely went out. As for Xiaosanxiao, according to the information returned by Dongying spies, he showed up in Dongying and had an affair with two mysterious characters. Several wars, and even one war directly destroyed a city, causing tens of thousands of casualties; Qi Luosheng also appeared a few days ago, and it is said that he is engaged to the eldest daughter of Nanling "Heavenly Sword" Song Que..."

Luo Xian reported the information that his subordinates had found to Emperor Shitian one by one.

I have to say that this is the background. After hundreds of years of development of "Tianmen", in terms of intelligence, there are few things in the world that can hide from the eyes and ears of "Tianmen".

After listening to Luo Xian's report, Di Shitian fell into a brief contemplation.

After a while, a gleam of light flashed in Di Shitian's eyes, and he smiled nervously: "Hahaha! It's interesting, it's getting more and more interesting, I'd like to see who will have the last laugh in this round."

"The sect master's magic is unparalleled in the world, and his wisdom is sky-high. How dare they compete with the sect master's sun and moon for the light of the firefly." Luo Xian obviously couldn't bear the momentum on Di Shitian's body. complimented.


Slightly glanced at Luo Xian, who was lying on the ground, Di Shitian's laughter became even more frantic, this flattery obviously made him very cool!

Half an hour later, Luo Xian cautiously walked out of the "Tianmen" hall, and his body was already dripping with cold sweat. He looked back with lingering fears, and Luo Xian hurriedly galloped away in the direction of Nanling.

Compared with the old monster Di Shitian, Luo Xian prefers to travel in the rivers and lakes, because it is too depressing in the "Tianmen", and only when she goes out can she feel a sense of relaxation.

Not long after Luo Xian left, Di Shitian announced that he was going to retreat and practice, and he should not be disturbed by anything.

After that, he sneaked out of the secret passage and rushed to the "Phoenix Island" secretly...

 215 Dugufeng【For Collection】

While the rich wine and meat smell, the road with frozen bone.

The Great Sui Dynasty was defeated, and hundreds of thousands of troops were buried outside the city of Pyongyang. The bones were not cold and the blood was not dry!

However, this seems to have no effect on the bustling Luoyang.

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