Ye Xiaobei insisted again and again, and finally got a blue eagle head mask. After a little tidying up, he followed Zha Wushang wearing a red butterfly mask to the lamp fair.

At this time, it was not too late, but the two of them were walking on the lively street, but they were able to do it with ease. The candlelight illuminated every corner of the room. Although it was night, it was different with the candlelight. Has a great taste.

Both of them are armed with swords, heroic appearances, and delicate masks. They have attracted the attention of many beautiful women along the way. However, the arrogant temperament of the two people who refuse to be thousands of miles away makes these young women discouraged.

"Young master, how could you think of coming to such a boring place?" "Nine Six Seven" Ye Xiaobei asked Zun Wushang, who was beside him. According to his understanding of Zun Wushang, Zan Wushang is a lazy and clean person. People, such a lively place has always been unpleasant. I don't know why this time, he offered to go to the lantern festival, which really puzzled Ye Xiaobei.

"Do whatever you want, just do what you want, don't keep thinking about the problem so complicated, can't I go shopping? But after talking, it's really boring here!" Besides, I really didn't find anything interesting.

"Life! It's really lonely as snow!" Zou Wushang said with emotion and boredom.

Just as Zou Wushang sighed with emotion, a girl in a graceful purple gauze skirt lit up, looking at Zou Wushang in a black robe and white hair, wearing a butterfly mask, she said in a tender voice, "What a lonely person like snow, The young master is admired by the slave family, and I don’t know if the young master is willing to walk with the little girl.”

Dong Shuni, one of Luoyang's twin sisters, is only fourteen years old, but she is graceful and graceful, with a graceful figure, bright eyes and clean teeth, a pretty face like jade, and an embroidered veil covering half of her delicate face. The messenger of the flower protector, constantly offering his hospitality.

Duguce is one of them. Dong Shuni is not only beautiful and has a good figure, but also the most beloved niece of Luoyang prefect Wang Shichong. If Dong Shuni can be caught up, his status in the "Dugu Clan" will also rise, but Dong Shuni Dong Shuni He had been ignoring him all the time, but now he took the initiative to strike up a conversation with a stranger, which immediately aroused his jealousy.

The disciples of the aristocratic families who were the messengers of the flowers nearby were no less so.

One of the teenagers wearing a painting mask said: "Sunnie ignores him. This person is oily and powdery and has white hair. At first glance, he is not a good person."

Duguce said arrogantly to Zou Wushuang: "Bai-mao, do you know who we are? If you are acquainted, hurry up! Otherwise, don't blame me for being rude."

Zun Wushang held down Ye Xiaobei who was about to draw a knife and slashed people, touched his nose with his hand, and said with great interest, "I don't know who you are, and I don't want to know, but if you make another rude remark, then you'll be fined. In minutes, you'll be a disabled person!"


A few flower-guarding messengers seemed to have heard a big joke, and they turned their heads back and forth with laughter. The "Dugu Clan" was a relative of the royal family, and their power in Luoyang was even more powerful. ', in their view, it is simply dead and alive.

Wu Wushang was too lazy to pay attention to these guys, and also ignored Dong Shuni, and was about to leave.

However, Zou Wushang didn't want to repair people, but some people wanted to repair him, led by Duguce wearing a fox mask, a few people stopped in front of Zan Wushang, Duguce said proudly: "Boy with white hair, after talking big, It's not that easy to run."

Dong Shuni also looked at Zou Wushang with some dissatisfaction. No one had ever ignored her like this. Zou Wushang was so unreasonable. Dong Shuni also wanted Duguce to teach Zou Wushang some lessons.


next moment.

A shadow flashed, and even Ye Xiaobei couldn't see what was going on, only to see that Duguce, who was so arrogant just now, had disappeared for some reason, and only a fox mask was held in his hand without injury.

"Hey! Where is Brother Dugu? Why did he suddenly disappear?"

"Boy, are you a ghost? Where did you get Brother Dugu?" A young boy with a pure white mask pointed at Ying Wushang and asked loudly.

It's not because of how good his relationship with Duguce is, but because the "Dugu Clan" is so powerful that if something goes wrong with Duguce, they can't escape the relationship...  

"You're looking for him!" Yan Wushang squeezed the fox mask in his hand into powder and said, "Then I'll send you to see him!"


As before, the surrounding people only felt a flower in front of their eyes, and a breeze was set off. In the blink of an eye, the person who spoke just now disappeared, and only a pure white mask was held in his hand without injury.


The remaining few people took a few steps back in fright, looking at Ji Wushuang with horror on their faces.

Up to now, they didn't know that they had provoked a ruthless character, and Dong Shuni also looked at Ye Wushuang with three points of fear and seven points of excitement.

Wu Wushang played with the mask in his hand and asked, "Anyone else you want to find someone?"

Several people shook their heads in unison, joking. They didn't want to follow in their footsteps. Although they didn't know what happened to Duguce and my dear friend just now, as long as they had a little brains, they knew that the fate of the two would definitely not be easy!

Wu Wushang had no interest in playing with these little ghosts, so he threw the mask in his hand, drew a white streamer, and pinned it to a big tree.

Ye Xiaobei looked around, and on the branches of the big tree, two men in Chinese clothes with foaming at the mouth were hanging on it.

"Xiao Bei, let's go!" Ying Wushang turned around and walked forward leisurely. Ye Xiaobei came back to his senses and followed suit.

Dong Shunimei's 5.8 eyes lit up, looking at the elegant and lonely back, there was always an invisible sense of mystery, which made people curious.

Compared to the tragic Duguce hanging on a tree, it is much more eye-catching.

The other three children of the aristocratic family also rescued Duguce and Ouyang De.

For a moment, Duguce woke up faintly, only to feel powerless, his dantian was empty, and his cultivation was completely useless. Not only that, but he was also unconscious in his right hand and left foot. He remembered what the white-haired man with the butterfly mask said just now. Really become disabled? How dare that guy!

Anger, panic, and regret filled my heart.

Duguce was lying on the ground, his eyes were red, and he looked up to the sky with a hideous face and waited: "Bastard! I must avenge this revenge, I will never let you go...".

217 The Challenge of Dugufeng [Subscribe]

The main places to enjoy lanterns are Xuanren Gate, Cross Street, Suzaku Street, and the folk lantern festival. The government does not interfere. The government's task is to maintain the lantern festival program.

"Bastard! I must avenge this revenge, I will never let you go..."

On the cross street, there was a sudden roar, attracting many good people to watch.

Ye Xiaobei, who had walked several dozen meters, stopped when he heard the words, looked back, and a murderous intent flashed in his eyes. Since he was rescued by Qiluosheng back to the "Bounding Sword of the World", he has been generous to Qiluosheng and his friends. Ye Wushang, who instructed him in martial arts, was obedient and very respectful. He would never allow others to disrespect the two of them. If there were, then see one and kill one.

"Let's go! There's no need to be serious with such a small character, it will drop the price." Zun Wushang didn't care about Duguce's clamor, and this kind of trash still couldn't arouse his interest.

"Yes, son." Ye Xiaobei nodded and replied.


cross street.

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