Qingxue, dressed in plain clothes, said to Dugufeng uncertainly, "Miss, it seems to be the voice of Master Ce?"

"Yeah! It's his voice. There is more than enough anger, but not enough anger. It seems that something has happened to him! Let's go and have a look."

After strolling around the lantern fair, Dugufeng felt bored. She wanted to go to the inn to find her grandmother, You Chuhong. When she passed Qingxue, she heard Duguce's roar and rushed over. , Duguce, who is not doing a good job, has no good feelings, but after all, blood is thicker than water, and Duguce is her brother after all, she can't really not care at all.

Pulling Qingxue, Dugufeng walked quickly and almost collided with the oncoming Zou Wushuang. The moment they passed by, their eyes met.

One is ethereal and deep, and the other is agile and flying.

"White hair, black robe, ink sword, is that person?"

At the moment of the wrong body, Dugufeng looked back, a guess flashed in his heart, and then hurried forward.

Wu Wushuang slowed down a little, and then continued to move forward.


Dugufeng took Qingxue to run all the way, and soon came to the place where Duguce lay down, but was surrounded by crowds watching the fun.

Fortunately, Dugufeng has practiced martial arts since childhood, and her strength is far superior to ordinary people. She took Qingxue to force the crowd and squeezed in.

He saw Duguce lying half-dead on the ground, with Dong Shuni and several children from aristocratic families beside him.

Dugufeng frowned, bent down to check on Duguce, his face was getting worse and worse, Duguce was not dead, but fainted out of anger, but his dantian was destroyed, and his meridians were cut off in one hand and one foot. This kind of injury has become a complete waste!

Knowing about Duguce's injury, Dugufeng asked Dong Shuni and the others, "What's the matter? Why did he become like this?"

She doesn't have a good relationship with Duguce. She usually calls Duguce by her name, but when she sees Duguce, she is hurt like this, and she can't help but burn with anger.

Dong Shuni saw Dugufeng's identity and stepped forward and said, "Sister Feng'er, you are here just in time. This is what happened. Your brother..."

Dong Shuni told Dugufeng exactly what happened, and she didn't hide it at all, and there was no need to hide it. Duguce was abolished. This kind of thing can be big or small. If it is not handled properly, maybe even she will be implicated.

"White hair, butterfly mask, it's him!"

After Dugufeng heard Dong Shuni's narration, she immediately remembered the Zhuang Wushang she met on the road. It was easy to recognize her unique outfit.

Dugufeng said to Dong Shuni and the others, "Please help me take care of him here."

Then he turned to Qingxue and said: "Qingxue, you go to inform your grandmother and tell her the situation here. I'll go and meet him for a while." Looking at the direction from which he came, Dugufeng clenched the long sword in his hands, and there was a vision in his eyes. Anger, but also a trace of unknown excitement.

Qingxue pulled Dugufeng and persuaded loudly: "Miss, don't be impulsive, that person is so powerful, you will be in danger if you go there, or tell the old lady about it and let her handle it!"

"Is there any danger, do you think I can't beat it?" Dugufeng has made up her mind, not only to avenge Duguce, but as a martial arts idiot, she also likes to challenge masters very much. Only by constantly challenging her can she be faster. Progress, and she also wants to confirm whether the conjecture in her heart is correct.

Seeing the figure of Dugufeng leaving resolutely, she knew she couldn't stop her, so Qingxue hurriedly ran to Juxian Building where You Chuhong was.


Under the moonlight, the blue waves are rippling, and the blossoming lanterns are entrusted with the wishes of countless people, floating down the river and drifting into the distance.

Stop and go, Wu Wushang and Ye Xiaobei came to a restaurant by the river, found a seat by the window, sat down, ordered a table of wine and food, and drank while watching the lanterns floating on the river. .

Neither of them are talkative people, they taste wine slowly, and pretend to be handsome men quietly.

Just then, a woman walked in aggressively.

This girl of about fourteen or fifteen years old, she is not tall, but has a good figure, with long legs and a thin waist, petite and exquisite, with red gauze on her face, wearing a very particular black samurai uniform, piping with black tape, and wearing a red coat. silk smock.

The woman's beautiful eyes swept away, and she locked her gaze on Zou Wushang's body. She held the sword in her hand and turned her wrist lightly, but she did not attack with the sword. The "Ink Sword" on the table, the beautiful eyes flashed with amazement.

Just a moment later, her face became extremely calm, as if she had changed her personality, she said slowly to Zou Wushang: "My name is Dugufeng, please remember this name."

Wu Wushang rested his chin in one hand, tilted his head and smiled and said, "It turned out to be the young lady of the Dugu family. I don't know what you're here for?"

Dugufeng looked at Zou Wushang seriously, she suddenly smiled, revealing a row of white and neat teeth, and said, "I'm looking for you to compare swords!"

As soon as Dugufeng's voice fell, the tip of the sword stabbed in front of Ye Wushuang's eyes.

Ying Wushang's expression was calm and unmoved, and he turned a blind eye to the imminent sword edge.


When Dugufeng's sword edge was approaching one foot without injury, a blood-colored long sword was born, and it firmly blocked the tip of Dugufeng's sword.


The two swords mingled, making a clear and clear sound, and the sword of Dugu Feng could no longer advance an inch.

Ye Xiaobei said coldly, "You, don't accompany you to be your son's opponent."

"Hmph! You have to try it to find out."

Dugufeng bites his silver teeth, and turns his body inconceivably, holding a sword in his chest, staring at Ye Xiaobei, his eyes are full of fighting intent. .

 218 Remnant Snow Falls [Subscribe]

Once graceful,

Lonely for whom!

Refers to the warm glass of wine,

The moon reward falls three points.


At the beginning of the lanterns, the full moon is in the sky.

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