A mad person, drinking alone under the moon, reflects loneliness.

"Ding ding ding dong..."

In "Baiyuelou", Ye Xiaobei and Dugufeng kept fighting with swords, sparking four benefits, performing a strange sword performance.

Ordinary diners were afraid of bringing disaster to Chi Yu, so they "forgot" to give the money, so they left in a hurry. The shopkeeper and the store's second wanted to stop them, but they were too weak to stop them. They could only look at the field with resentful eyes. The two who were fighting and the one who had nothing to do with each other were harmless.

Ye Xiaobei and Dugufeng started a battle centered on the harmless, and saw that Dugufeng was like a red cloud, erratic, waving a long sword that was condensed like a clear light, but it was like a thunderbolt and flew away, swept away like a fairy.

Ye Xiaobei takes defense as his attack, his tricks are strange and strict, and the shadow of his sword is so unpredictable that it is completely unpredictable.

There was an uncontrollable fire in Dugufeng's beautiful eyes, as if she had encountered an extremely interesting toy, and she said softly, "It's a good left-handed swordsmanship, but swordsmanship alone is not enough. Why don't you pull out the sword behind you."

The cold eyes under the blue eagle head mask looked squarely at the girl in front of her. Ye Xiaobei didn't expect that this girl was young, but she stepped into the innate realm and her talent was called a monster. Knife", and only a few people can compare with it.

However, talent is one thing, strength is another. Ye Xiaobei's talent may not be comparable to Dugufeng's, but the advantage of age cannot be ignored. At this time, Ye Xiaobei is in his prime, with physical strength and combat experience. , The foundation of cultivation is stronger than Dugufeng, who is only fourteen years old.

If he fights desperately, even if Dugufeng still has something to hide, Ye Xiaobei is sure to kill him within thirty strokes.

The reason why Dugufeng has the upper hand is not because Ye Xiaobei respects the old and loves the young, but because Zun Wushang secretly told him.

Wu Wushang drank a drink and said, "Since Miss Dugu is interested, Xiaobei, you can play with her"!"

"Yes, son."

Hearing the sound, Ye Xiaobei pulled out the silver "Slaying Sword" behind him.

Looking at Dugufeng, Ye Xiaobei spit out two words coldly: "Come again!"

"I'm afraid you won't succeed." Feeling the sudden change in Ye Xiaobei's momentum, Dugu was secretly guarded, but on the surface he was still full of confidence and pride.

The two stood still, the night wind was slightly cool, and no one knew whose glamorous blood would splash out the next moment.

Just at the moment when the cup was dropped without injury.

A brief glance at the eyes, followed by a quick, quick death in a blink of an eye.

Dugufeng stabbed with a sword, a flash of shock, as fast as a gust of wind, Ye Xiaobei remained motionless, the blade rotated and slashed straight down.


The sword was so powerful that it hit the tip of the "Flying Phoenix Sword", sparks scattered everywhere, the strong and domineering force made the body of the "Flying Phoenix Sword" bend suddenly. Picking, stabbing, plucking, and teasing, all show your swordsmanship.


Sword qi burst.

The swordsman, the hegemon of the army, cuts one side and moves forward.

Ye Xiaobei used a knife, and his madness was full of madness. The long sword in his left hand swayed smartly, one firm and one soft, attacking from left and right, and Dugufeng's pressure suddenly increased greatly.

The two were not holding back. The overflowing sword qi and blade destroyed the restaurant. The tables, chairs, and benches in the building shattered countless times. Love and hate, love is because these people are drunk at the moment, and they are generous in their shots, but hate is because these people often set off tables and fights when they disagree. Danger!

"Baiyuelou" is an industry under the "Dugu Clan", but Dugu Feng, as a secret training master of the "Dugu Clan", is rarely known to outsiders. The shopkeeper is only a peripheral member, so naturally he cannot recognize her identity.

He was anxious, but could not do anything. He was only a third-rate martial artist. It was okay to deal with the local ruffians, but it was not enough for Ye Xiaobei and Dugufeng, who had entered the innate martial arts! One hit was enough to kill him.

Looking at the two people who were about to demolish the house, knowing that the situation was beyond his ability, the shopkeeper also rushed out and asked the second shopkeeper to report to the master of the "Dougu Clan", while he stayed behind. Observing the next development here, collecting intelligence is also one of his jobs. Now that the "Baiyuelou" has been completely destroyed, he can't bear the blame. He just hopes to collect more information to make up for it.

The two of them beat the world upside down. The room, beams, columns, and roof were all staggered sword marks. There was only a piece of clean land around Ying Wushang. At this time, Ying Wushang was drinking and watching a play with great interest.

Although Dugufeng is a martial arts idiot and has a very high talent, she gains some benefits in battle without knowing it, but she is still a woman after all, and a little girl who has not grown up. Her physical strength is far from Ye Xiaobei. After parrying twenty or so moves, he couldn't help feeling numb in his hands and feet, and he was retreating step by step.

Ye Xiaobei was expressionless, slashing horizontally, Dugufeng swung his sword and stabbed, intending to take the sword first, the sword light was like electricity, and it disappeared in a flash.

With a sound of "Dang", Dugufeng was knocked back two steps, Ye Xiaobei bullied him up, and his left sword stabbed straight into the air, hitting Dugufeng's sword.

It's not that Ye Xiaobei pity Xiangxiyu, deliberately not to stab this little beauty at the key point, but Dugufeng took out a short sword from her body at the most impossible moment, and used the sword e to meet the tip of the fatal sword.

Although this trick is amazing, it is a pity that it is not enough!

With Ye Xiaobei's skill, he can concentrate all his internal strength on the tip of the sword without the slightest divergence. When Dugufeng urged, how could (good Wang Zhao) be able to bear this seemingly gentle and ethereal, but in fact it was extremely violent. a blow.


Dugufeng was injured by the dark force on the sword body, and a mouthful of blood spurted out, dyeing the red yarn in front of him even more coquettishly.She couldn't help but turn pale, and she retreated to the corner to stabilize her figure.

The veil came off, revealing the already pale face inside, with a beautiful appearance, a peerless beauty.

Ye Xiaobei's killing intent was still so cold and unaffected by Dugufeng's appearance.

No matter who the opponent is, he can't shake his rock-solid heart.

The sword light rose again, and this time, it was even more ruthless!

In the flow of the sword light, the Huahong attacked, bringing out a piece of flying snow, and the cold air seemed to shroud everything in the world in a dark, cold and dark place.

The residual snow fell, and human life disappeared.

Dugufeng has completely fallen into this terrifying and suffocating momentum! .

The sword was so powerful that it hit the tip of the "Flying Phoenix Sword", sparks scattered everywhere, the strong and domineering force made the body of the "Flying Phoenix Sword" bend suddenly. Picking, stabbing, plucking, and teasing, all show your swordsmanship.


Sword qi burst.

The swordsman, the hegemon of the army, cuts one side and moves forward.

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