This is the "Juggernaut"!

Su Wushang lifted the wine glass and looked at the swordsman, and the swordsman also looked at him.

I saw that countless sharp sword qi suddenly appeared in the void, strangling towards the uninjured.

Zhan Wushang smiled lightly, as far as his eyes could see.

"The Realm of the End" started in an instant, and the strange realm of overlapping black and white immediately enveloped the "Baiyuelou". Ye Xiaobei and Juggernaut in it felt as if they were in an ink painting scroll. The sword energy emitted by the saint instantly turned into nothingness and disappeared without a trace.

"Hey!" The swordsman frowned slightly. He had used this trick before when he saw no harm when he was in the "Worship of the Sword Villa", but it was a different feeling when he was in the scene. The infuriating energy in the body was drained out uncontrollably, and he couldn't help but ask, "What is the name of this trick?"

"The realm of the end!"

Zhan Wushang looked at the detached Sword Saint, and said with a little regret: "You are dying!"

Juggernaut was not surprised that Zou Wushang could see his true and false. He was obsessed with swordsmanship all his life.

The Sword Saint smiled calmly and said: "Yes, the old man's destiny is even."

With a sad thought, Wu Wu revokes "The Realm of the End", which evolved from dark energy, took off the butterfly mask on his face, and looked at the sword saint and said lightly: "Do you want to defeat Tian Jian Wuming?"

"Yeah!" The Sword Saint groaned and said, "What conditions?"

Juggernaut has been in the rivers and lakes for decades, and he naturally knows that there is no free lunch in the world. He believes that the Zhuang Wushang in front of him has the ability to help him defeat Wuming, but the price must not be small!


Outside the "Baiyuelou".

The masters of the "Dugu Clan" who received the news rushed over, headed by You Chuhong, standing quietly on the street.

The surrounding civilians have already run away, and only a few martial artists are still watching from a distance.

Seeing Dugufeng's embarrassed figure, You Chuhong felt pity and anger at the same time. She wanted to teach her a few words, but she couldn't bear it when she saw her appearance.

Dugu Feng Xiao ran to You Chuhong's side, hugged her arm, and said with lingering fear, "Grandma, you are here, Feng'er almost didn't see you just now!"

"Humph!" Before You Chuhong could say anything, a middle-aged man beside her scolded Dugufeng and said, "You girl, you are really lawless, didn't I tell you not to provoke the "World Sealing Saber" Human? You're good, but you went to find trouble with the Lord, if it weren't for his large number of adults, you thought you could live to this day..."

The person who was speaking was a middle-aged scribe dressed as a [-]-year-old. He looked at least [-]% similar to Dugu Ce, who was injured and injured, but he was more mature.

Dugufeng is a man with great ambitions at first glance. He is of medium stature, with a crown on his head, and his eyes are very sharp. In stark contrast to the eagle nose and the corners of his mouth, he has a heroic demeanor. .

At this time, his expression was gloomy, and he shouted at Dugufeng with an angry face. When he received the news that Duguce was injured, Dugufeng, who is good at planning and moving later, quickly investigated the ins and outs of the matter. , which also included the identities of Ye Wushang and Ye Xiaobei. After learning about this, Dugufeng knew that this hatred could only be destroyed and swallowed with blood!

What level of master Zou Wushang is, he has seen it with his own eyes, and he is definitely not an existence that today's "Dougu Clan" can provoke. Injury has the power to destroy the "Doku Clan"!

As the lord of the "Dugu Clan", Dugu Feng did not dare to take risks with the fate of his family.

This is the sorrow of the weak!.

 220 Dugu Valve 【Seeking Monthly Pass】

Jishanfang is close to Luoshui River, with beautiful scenery and close to the inner courtyard of the imperial palace. It is the best choice for the residence of the rich officials in Luoyang.

As the most powerful official in Luoyang in the eastern capital, Dugu Peak is second only to Wang Shichong.

The bluestone wall of the "Dugu Mansion" is more than [-] feet high, far exceeding the strict rule of the Sui Dynasty that the walls of non-royal residences should not be higher than [-] feet and [-] feet. Only this one can see the arrogance and domineering of the "Dugu Clan". power.

On both sides of the main entrance of the mansion, there are two jade unicorns that are more than ten feet tall, lifelike and fierce.

Only these two jade unicorns are worth thousands of gold. It can be seen that the "Dougu Clan" is very wealthy. The bronze-colored zhang-high gate is guarded by a team of guards dressed as royal guards, representing the "Dougu Clan"- Identity of royal relatives.

In the mansion, the elegant courtyard is brightly lit, the scenery of rockery and flowing water is unique, and high-level people such as "Dugu Valve" You Chuhong and Dugufeng gathered together.

Duguce sat in a wooden wheelchair and was pushed in by his servants. As soon as he entered the hall, he cried, "Father! You must decide for the child, that bastard..."


Before Duguce could finish speaking, he was slapped hard by Dugufeng. The slap was so powerful that it pulled Duguce out of the wheelchair. Duguce fell to the ground, half of his face swollen like a bun. , opened his mouth and spat out a mouthful of blood and two big teeth.

I just heard Dugufeng hate that iron is not steel and say: "You renegade son, you know how to cause trouble all day long, and you still don't know how to repent!"

Duguce covered his swollen cheeks and looked at Dugufeng who was mad with a dazed expression. He couldn't turn his mind around. Now he had lost all his martial arts, and his hands and feet had also been abolished. Taking revenge, and taking such a heavy shot on yourself, isn't it your own?

"You're still not convinced, are you?" Dugufeng looked at Duguce's indignant eyes, stepped forward and slapped him again, and said angrily, "I tell you, when the Lord will come, you will be honest with me. Really apologize to him, if it makes him dissatisfied, I will expel you from the Dugu Mansion, and I will treat you as a son!"

You Chuhong was walking above, and she felt a little unbearable when she saw her grandson being beaten like this, but she knew that Dugufeng did this for the benefit of the entire "Dugu Clan", so she did not step forward to dissuade her.


In the wing, there was no injury, and the Sword Saint sat by the table.

"How do you think about it?" Ying Wushang put down the teacup and said calmly.

Juggernaut's eyes were half-drooping, he pondered for a moment, looked directly at Zou Wushang and said, "Hundred years of longevity, in exchange for three conditions, you are not afraid of this old man breaking his promise and getting fat."

Zou Wushang looked at the swordsman and said, "The most important thing for a warrior is faith. I believe in the saint of swords and will not let me down."

The swordsman's eyes were piercing directly, and he seemed to be able to see through the words of the heart, but his innocent eyes were like a bottomless black hole, and he felt that his soul was about to be drawn out of the body. Young Master's Heaven-defying means!"

"Bao Yuan Shouyi, the next moment is to witness the miracle!" After the words were finished, he played "Creation of the Gods" without injury. The surging force of life suddenly appeared, and the Juggernaut only felt the endless vitality entering the body. , the aging and decaying body gradually transformed...


quite a while.

No injury, Ye Xiaobei, and a middle-aged man with black hair entered the living room under the leadership of You Chuhong's youngest son, Duguba.

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