The two sides greeted each other.

Dugufeng invited Zou Wushang to sit at the top, while Ye Xiaobei stood behind Zou Wushang.

You Chuhong looked at the middle-aged black-haired man sitting on the head of Wu Wushuang, a flash of reminiscence flashed in his cloudy eyes. This middle-aged black-haired man felt like a sharp sword, and his face was the same as that of You Chuhong. In her memory, the Juggernauts in her youth were generally the same. With that outfit, You Chuhong said to the middle-aged black-haired man in disbelief, " are the eldest brother?"

The black-haired middle-aged, that is, the Sword Saint smiled and nodded, and said: "Yes, the old man has been reborn with the help of the Lord Zun's magic, and has returned to his prime!" Speaking of this, the Sword Saint who has recovered to his prime cannot help With emotion, if it wasn't for his own experience, he wouldn't believe that someone in the world could change his life so easily!

Seeing the Juggernaut's confirmation, the high-level eyes of the "Dugu Clan" couldn't help but flash a trace of fiery heat, eternal youth and immortality!It can be said to be one of the final fantasy of mankind. Since ancient times, whether it is emperors, generals, or common people, it is inevitable that they will die. Whether it is a hero or a hero, after a hundred years, there are only a pile of bones. How can you not be moved by the new exercises!

· · ·

Dugufeng is a heroic figure in the end, and he quickly suppressed the greed in his heart. He knew that since Zou Wushang dared to unbridly show this kind of god-defying power, he would have absolute confidence. The gap between the injuries is like the difference between the sky and the abyss, and the frontal action is undoubtedly self-destruction.

After calming down his anxious mind, Dugufeng said to Zun Wushang with a smile on his face: "Zunzun's magic is unparalleled in the world, it's really amazing. Today, many dogs and daughters are offended. Please also Zunzun's magnanimity and don't blame him." Dugufeng Putting the posture very low, it does not look like the arrogance and domineering in the rumors.

After paying a tribute to Zou Wushang, he turned to Duguce and Dugufeng and shouted, "You two shouldn't hurry up and apologize to Lord Zun."


Duguce, whose face was swollen like a pig's head, had to apologize vaguely to Ying Wushang in a wheelchair because of his inconvenience.

Dugufeng also put down his pride under Dugufeng's stern gaze.

Zun Wushang looked at Dugufeng's demeanor, and couldn't help but look up at him. He was able to bend and stretch, and as expected, he could become a figure of one power, none of them were simple things.

"The lord's words are serious! Young people will inevitably be arrogant and arrogant, and it will be good to discipline them more!" Zhan Wushang said plainly, looking at the disheartened Dugu Ce, with a flick of his finger, a soft white light entered Dugu Ce body of.

Under the astonished eyes of everyone, Duguce's injuries recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye, and even his limbs and dantian were healed together with the broken meridians. Except for the total loss of internal strength, the rest were restored as before.

Feeling his hands and feet regain consciousness again, Duguce was so excited that he jumped up from the wheelchair and danced, sometimes only when he lost it would he realize how precious the things he had originally had. Duguce never realized that being able to stand up and walk is such a happy thing , this kind of mood is difficult for outsiders to understand!

Seeing Duguce's return to normal, You Chuhong was shocked again. She had personally diagnosed Duguce's injury. The meridians in her right hand and left foot were completely cut off. This kind of injury was basically ineffective as a medicine stone, and it could be judged as a lifelong disability. He was healed in a blink of an eye. This ability was far beyond her cognition, and she was even more dreaded when she looked at Ji Wushuang. .

221 Slaves under the Sword [seeking monthly pass]

Duguce recovered in one breath, and Zou Wushang was even more unfathomable in Dugufeng's eyes. Although it was a means of surprise and no injury in his heart, Dugufeng's face was still calm, smiling and salute to Zou Wushang, a humble and courteous man. He said, "Thank you, Venerable Master, for not disregarding the past and rescuing the dog. I am very grateful. If there is any dispatch in the future, the 'Dugu Clan' will definitely help!"

As for Dugufeng's polite words, Ye Wushuang turned a deaf ear. The aristocratic family has always put the family's interests first. If their strength is far beyond their limit, I'm afraid that these people would have gnawed at the bones long ago!

Wu Wushang had no interest in talking about life with these old foxes, he leaned on the table with one hand to support his chin, and said lazily: "It's a small matter, I'm lazy, so I'll say it bluntly, I'm here to conquer the devil. Door, but since you have come to the "Seven Six Zero" Dugu Mansion, let me ask you a question...Is the Dugu clan willing to surrender to the world and seal the sword?"

When Dugufeng and You Chuhong heard the words, their faces were gloomy and uncertain, and they looked at the casual look of Ying Wushuang. of?

Dugufeng hesitated for a moment, and seemed to be embarrassed to say: "This... this matter is very important, I don't know if you can let me discuss it."

"Negotiating what?"

Wu Wushang curled his lips with a smile that was not a smile: "I don't want to hear about too much trouble. When I parted ways with Qiluosheng, he only told me six words!"

"The obedient will prosper, the disobedient will perish!"

Dugufeng was shocked when he heard the words. This was a naked, naked, naked threat. It was unreasonable to use force to suppress people. Although he is the lord of the "Dugu Clan", it is his mother who can really decide the fate of the "Dugu Clan", the first master of the "Dugu Clan" - You Chuhong!

Seeing Dugufeng looking over, You Chuhong coughed twice and nodded silently. Now that the world is in turmoil and the Great Sui is showing signs of overturning, this has made the core executives of the "Dugu Clan" worried.

The "Dugu Clan" relied on the power of the Great Sui Empire and flourished for a while, but everything has its advantages and disadvantages. Once the world is in turmoil, the identity of the royal family will become the shackles that bind the "Dougu Clan".

In the current situation, the battles of various families and families have gradually shifted from the court to the local. Whether it is for the continuation of the family or for further progress, relying on the shaky court is not enough.

Since the towering tree "Bounding the World" has thrown an olive branch, she has no reason to refuse.

Seeing his mother's approval, Dugufeng said, "Dare to ask the venerable lord, what kind of prosperous law is this prosperous one?"

Wu Wushang: "I heard that the Dugu clan is now competing with Wang Shichong for control of Luoyang, but Wang Shichong has the support of the Da Ming Zunjiao from outside the territory. Unless the Sword Saint makes a move, you have no chance of winning! I can help you and completely control Luoyang. And it can cure Madam You's asthma, what do you think of this condition?"

The "Dugu Clan" and Wang Shichong have been fighting openly and secretly for a day or two. They know Wang Shichong's details clearly. If they can get help without injury, they can destroy Wang Shichong and control Luoyang easily.

The higher-ups of the "Dugu Clan" couldn't help but be moved.

"I, the Dugu Clan, are willing to surrender to the world and seal the sword, and also ask the Lord to save my mother!" Dugufeng said in a slightly excited voice.In front of him, Wushang can even rejuvenate people, and it is no problem to cure his mother's asthma. Dugufeng finally made a decision.

After getting a satisfactory answer, Wu Wushang looked at You Chuhong, a faint blue gleam flashed in his eyes, and after observing his body, he quickly knew the cause. According to Wu Wushang's inference, You Chuhong should have been Because of cultivating some kind of secret method that forcibly breaks through the cultivation base, the coordination between the twelve main meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians is out of balance, and it affects the lung meridian, causing her to cough all the year round!

After getting a satisfactory answer, Wu Wushang looked at You Chuhong, a faint blue gleam flashed in his eyes, and after observing his body, he quickly knew the cause. According to Wu Wushang's inference, You Chuhong should have been Because of cultivating some kind of secret method that forcibly breaks through the cultivation base, the coordination between the twelve main meridians and the eight extraordinary meridians is out of balance, and it affects the lung meridian, causing her to cough all the year round!

Knowing this, Wu Wushang looked at You Chuhong with a hint of admiration. Although You Chuhong's cultivation technique can make people break through the original realm quickly, the price paid is not small. The breakthrough that damages the foundation will make the injury in her body more serious as her skill increases. As a client, You Chuhong cannot fail to understand this, but she still chooses this path, which shows her perseverance and determination!

For this old man who silently dedicated himself to the family, Wu Wushang didn't say anything. With a wave of his hand, a thin thread condensed from the force of life pierced into You Chuhong's body, conditioning the damaged meridians, and then energized You Chuhong. The exercises were slightly improved and taught to her...  

After curing You Chuhong, Ye Wushang handed Dugufeng a copy of the "Rules and Rewards and Punishments System" formulated by "Bounding the World". After doing this, Ye Wushang wanted to leave.

When Ye Xiaobei and Ye Xiaobei walked to the door, Dugufeng, who had not moved, suddenly stood up, stopped Wu Wushuang's path, and said seriously, "Respected lord, please accept me as a disciple."

Zun Wushang glanced at her and said lightly, "I'm very busy, and I don't have time to teach my brother."

Ye Xiaobei, who was behind him, couldn't help rolling his eyes when he heard the words, remembering that Zun Wushang was on the "Lonely Peak", sleeping every day, and enjoying the snow. If these are considered busy, then Zou Wushang is really busy!

Dugufeng stubbornly looked at Zhuang Wushang and said, "I want to be a strong man, step on the peak of martial arts, and see the most beautiful scenery in the world."

"Good ambition, but it's none of my business." Ying Wushang said silently.

"Whether I have the opportunity to take this step depends entirely on you." Dugufeng said firmly: "Although I am a daughter, I am not willing to be indifferent, please do it!"

Dugufeng's beautiful single phoenix eyes looked at the innocent, and suddenly knelt down on both knees, with a resolute face, quite like that of a heroine.

Dugufeng and You Chuhong did not stop them. In this era, master and apprentice are like father and son! Although Dugufeng's move was reckless, it was in line with their intentions. ', there are many advantages.

"I'm too tired to teach my brother, I'm not interested..." Zou Wushang paused for a while, and then said, "But I'm missing a sword slave with a sword. If you're interested, you can give it a try."

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