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 223 Zhu Yuyan Compromise 【Seeking Monthly Ticket】

Wandering on the ocean, boat, shadow and waves

Heroes under the sky with young minds

Traveling in the countryside, things are like arrows returning to the heart

In the uncertain times, the past love and hatred return

Saying hate was written as love

Peach Blossom on Human Face

The current dilemma, barriers and boundaries

How many madness is no longer with the blue silk and red face...

After walking for more than ten miles with the song, the muddy trail gradually narrowed.

The front was full of vegetation and rocks, Ye Xiaobei stopped the ox cart, turned around and said, "Deputy Lord, there is a mountain trail in front of you, and there is no way for cars and horses, so I can only walk!"

Wu Wushang got up and stretched his waist. He raised his hand and turned off the unfinished "Red Dust" on his mobile phone. In this era, there is no Internet and no signal. The mobile phone can only take pictures, listen to songs, or watch downloads. good novel.

Throwing the phone into the inner space, Ye Wushuang looked at the overgrown road conditions, and there were not many accidents.

As the leader of the underworld, "Magic Gate" is quite powerful, but unfortunately, he has a bad style and will do anything to achieve his goals.The sect personnel go their own way, and the good ones are not uniform. There are not a few people who murder and set fire, rape and loot! Although not everyone shouts and beats them, they are not well-liked in the rivers and lakes, so the stronghold of the "Yinkui School" is usually set up In a sparsely populated hideaway.

Wu Wushang jumped off the ox cart, moved his body a bit, and said, "Follow up."

Immediately after performing light work, he moved towards the "Hundred Flowers Valley" as shown in the road view map. Ye Xiaobei said nothing, put down the reins and followed.

Dugufeng complained in a low voice, and also flew off the horse with the "ink sword" on his back, and stepped on a wave of air, like a phoenix dancing in the sky, galloping away in a blink of an eye.

Only unattended cattle and horses were left on the trail, nibbling on the grass leisurely.


Valley of Flowers.

It is a small valley. When Zhu Yuyan was young, she wandered the rivers and lakes. She had no intention of entering this place. She found that the four seasons here are like spring, and it is really a fairyland on earth. A base is established here.

Clusters of flowers are blooming beautifully, the blue sky in the distance is as blue as wash, the white sea of ​​clouds stretches all the way to the horizon, and butterflies are dancing in the flowers. This valley is as beautiful as a fairyland on earth.


"Queen of Yin" Zhu Yuyan leaned on the bench of the stone pavilion, tapped the case with his slender left hand, and made a series of crisp sounds.

With a trace of nervousness, the little witch looked at Taniguchi, suddenly daring to feel the chill, suddenly as if she was in the cold winter, pieces of crystals fell from the sky, and her tentacles were cold.

Wei Wei looked at the water traces melting in her palm: "This is... snow!"

Zhu Yuyan stopped the movements in his hands, got up and looked at the snow clouds shrouded in the "Hundred Flowers Valley", and said solemnly: "To be able to change one side of the sky with the will of martial arts, such an amazing method, is it intended to be the first to win!"

At this moment, I heard a Qinglangshi horn resounding through the valley:

"The years do not recall the fleeting years,

  Looking at the frost and sleeping in the dust alone.

A breath for a hundred years is like a dream,

I am the only one who survives forever. "

The reverberation reverberated, and He saw a lonely figure walking into the snow, with snow-white hair, pale face fluttering, icy eyes, scorching breath, a black and white robe, a long hair flowing like snow, and a strange pattern on his face. Underneath, what hides is endless sadness and loneliness...

Slowly see white flowers all over the valley.

Swaying, blooming, light flowers flying in the sky between the flowing clothes and sleeves.

At this time, Wu Wushang changed his lazy appearance, and his gestures and gestures all carried a desolate mood.

As Zhuang Wushang approached, Zhu Yuyan immediately felt a heavy pressure approaching. Zhuang Wushang's martial breath, and his momentum, seemed to be integrated with the entire "Valley of Flowers". "Valley of Hundred Flowers", in Zhu Yuyan's eyes, is not a fantasy of a sword!

This feeling of sinking in despair made the "Queen of Yin" unable to help but remain silent for it, quietly feeling the sword intent of Wu Wushang, and gradually quieted his mind in the building built by Wu Wushang. The end of the world, sorrow, despair, and the dark soul that can't afford to sink.

After all, Zhu Yuyan was a master of a generation of masters, with a firm mind, and still able to remain sober.

"Master, what's wrong with you?"

Seeing that Zhu Yuyan suddenly vomited blood, she asked anxiously, she and Zhu Yuyan are called master and apprentice, but they are better than mother and son. In this world, Zhu Yuyan can be said to be the closest person to her.

Wiping away the blood on his lips, Zhu Yuyan patted the fragrant shoulders of the sweethearts lightly, and said, "."Don't worry about the children, there is nothing for the teacher!"

Zhu Yuyan did not lose her reputation as the "Queen of Yin", and quickly eliminated the fear in her heart, stabilized her mentality, and returned to her calm and graceful posture.

"Isn't you afraid that the world will ridicule you for bullying a weak woman who is powerless?"

Zhu Yuyan looks like a young and rejuvenated girl. The years have left no trace on her body. She has a beautiful appearance, graceful appearance, and has a delicate and dusty temperament. No matter what aspect, she cannot be compared with the famous "" Yin Queen' is linked together.

Zun Wushang looked at Zhu Yuyan, his expression did not change, as if the person in front of him was just a pile of red and white bones, and said silently: "Two choices, the obedient will prosper, and the contrary will perish."

Zun Wushang's voice was flat and indifferent, but revealed an invisible slaughter. Zhu Yuyan had no doubt that if he chose to resist, the person in front of him would kill him on the spot without hesitation.

(Okay) "I don't have much patience, say your choice."

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