Wu Wushang's voice was like a talisman, pulling Zhu Yuyan back to the extremely unfavorable reality in an instant, forcing her to make a final choice.

This choice will affect the fate of the entire "Yin Kui Sect".

"Master." She also looked uneasy, looking at Zhu Yuyan anxiously.

Zhu Yuyan had long planned to surrender, but she was somewhat embarrassed, but in the face of the powerful Jin Wushuang, Zhu Yuyan finally chose to compromise!

Zhu Yuyan said: "I am willing to surrender to the world, but you also have to promise me a condition."

"Yu Wushang looked into her eyes, as if he could see through her heart: "If it's not troublesome, I can agree. "

Zhu Yuyan's eyes became sharp, and she said solemnly: "Help me kill Shi Zhixuan! I believe that with your martial arts, it should be easy!".

224 Stepping on Emperor Peak 【Subscribe】

"Help me kill Shi Zhixuan! I believe that with your martial arts, it should be easy!"

Zun Wushang lay down on the snow-covered flowers and looked up at the scattered snowflakes: "It's really not difficult to get rid of the evil king, but it's too time-consuming to find him, this revenge is up to you!"

Speaking of this, Ye Wushang's sleeves fluttered, and before Zhu Yuyan could react, a pure life force entered her body, full of vitality, constantly nourishing and repairing the incomplete body of the "Queen of Yin".

Zhu Yuyan wants to break through to the eighteenth level, but what she lacks is not her skill, but her body of yin. If she was not young and was cheated of her innocence by Shi Zhixuan, Zhu Yuyan would have already broken through!

Wu Wushang already knew that the eighteenth level of "Tianmo Da. Law" needs to be practiced as a virgin. Zhu Yuyan has already broken her body. If she wants to break through to the eighteenth level, she needs to make up for her physical defects. It is not difficult to be harmless.

Feeling the changes in the body, I wish Yuyan blessings to the heart. I don’t have time to think about it, I immediately close my eyes and exercise. After just running for a week, the infuriating energy in the body suddenly revolves at a high speed, becoming more condensed and vigorous, moving towards a higher level. It broke the bottleneck of 860 for a long time, and broke through to the eighteenth major consummation state of "Tianmo Da. Law".


With the breakthrough of the realm, Zhu Yuyan's momentum increased, the sky fell into a stagnation, forming a unique vacuum field, and the celestial phenomenon suddenly changed, but this momentum was like a dream bubble, fleeting, and instantly returned to Zhu Yuyan in the body.

Wanwan's heart shuddered, and she looked at Ji Wushuang in disbelief. She knew very well the harshness of cultivating the "Tianmo Dafa", and she also knew about Zhu Yuyan's situation. She had been in the seventeenth level for decades, but The skills are becoming more and more profound, but the cultivation realm has always been stagnant!

but now……

Wanwan felt the aura just now, and felt a little excited in her heart, knowing that her master had really made a breakthrough.

At the same time, he was even more frightened by the means of being harmless. With just a wave of his hand, his master's decades of shackles were broken, breaking through the eighteenth realm he had always dreamed of.

This is really unbelievable!


Zhu Yuyan slowly exhaled a sigh of turbidity, opened her eyes, and a pair of beautiful eyes flashed purple awns. With her decades of skill accumulation, after breaking through the eighteenth level, she properly became a "realm of heaven and man". "The strong.

Now that the long-cherished wish for many years has been fulfilled, Zhu Yuyan's joy is beyond words, and she can't help but bow to Zou Wushang respectfully, saying: "Thank you Zunzun for perfection!"

"Now that you have broken through the original realm and dealt with Shi Zhixuan, who has not mastered the "Immortal Seal", it is not a problem. The "Yin Kui School" has fully supported the "World Sealing Saber" to fight for the world! As long as you have a life, you must obey and execute!" Although hurt's voice was indifferent, it carried an undeniable majesty.

Zhu Yuyan was nervous at first, and after hearing the following words, she quickly responded: "My 'Yinkui Sect', and even the other disciples of the Demon Sect, have always followed the 'World Sealing Sword' since then!"

Saying that, he lowered his head and made a submissive appearance.

Seeing Zhu Yuyan's low-brows pleasing to the eyes, aside from being uninjured, the rest of the "Yin Kui Sect" disciples were all surprised and even shocked, especially Wanwan, whose delicate little face was full of fear. Confidence.

In her memory, Zhu Yuyan was always arrogant and never had such a gesture!But thinking about the innocuous means of skill is relieved!

Momen has always respected the strong, and it is not shameful to submit to the strong!

Zhuang Wushang: "The Queen of Yin really knows the current affairs. Now the various forces of the Demon Sect are scattered. I will give you a year to integrate the other forces of the Demon Sect. You can be sure."

As soon as these words came out, Zhu Yuyan moved in her heart.

As the ruler of the "Yin Kui Sect", the "Queen of Yin" is an arrogant and arrogant person with lofty ambitions. This opportunity, unfortunately, was destroyed by Shi Zhixuan. Not only did he lose his innocence, but he also ruined his hope of promotion, and he also angered his teacher!

Every time she thinks of it, Zhu Yuyan feels remorse and regret. Now that this opportunity comes again, she will never let it go, and she said firmly at the moment: "My concubine will definitely live up to the entrustment of the Lord!"

Wu Wushang nodded slightly, took out a policy book from the space and threw it to Zhu Yuyan: "So good, this is the "Rules and Rewards and Punishment System" formulated by the "World Sealing Sword", you can watch it yourself, what you have done in the past I don't want to intervene, but if you violate the rules in the future, my black sword will whine for you!"


Two air-breaking sounds sounded, Ye Xiaobei and Dugufeng arrived late, and after entering the "Hundred Flowers Valley", they immediately came to Zou Wushang's side.

Su Wushang stood up abruptly, and the falling snow stopped abruptly.

A few days later, the side of the demon sect who was close to the "Yinkui Sect", the demon was hidden, Shangguanlong, the leader of the Luoyang gang, Rong Fengxiang, who turned into a dust-bearer, and others all rushed to the "Hundred Flowers Valley" and learned that " The Queen of Yin wants to unify the Demon Sect. Some people support it, and some people oppose it, but now Zhu Yuyan's skills have greatly increased, and she has the support of the "World Sealing Sword". After killing a few early birds with thunder, the rest are all chosen Obediently accept your fate.


On the other side, the Baidao Holy Land "Jingnian Temple" was destroyed by a page of books, and "Cihang Jingzhai", which had the same spirit as "Jingnian Temple", also moved.

Zhongnan Mountain, stepping on Emperor Peak.

The original place for cleaning, but now people come and go, and you can see heroes walking everywhere.

After more than ten days of intensive arrangements, "Cihang Jingzhai" invited many famous people in all corners of the world to discuss the matter of "exorcism".

Cihang Hall.

Fan Qinghui, the master of "Cihang Jingzhai", Ning Daoqi of "Loose People", the Four Great Sages of "Buddhism", Wuming of "Wulin Mythology", Xu Fu, the owner of "Phoenix Island"...

Many experts gathered together.

Some came by invitation, and some came uninvited, just like Xu Fu who is immortal.

This reclusive master who claimed to be the owner of the "Phoenix Island" was never heard of by everyone present. If he hadn't shown some inscrutable cultivation, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to sit in his current position.

In addition, it is worth mentioning that Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun also came to the "Cihang Jingzhai".

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