Since separating from Qi Luosheng, Shuanglong, Fengyun, and Duanlang have gone their separate ways.

Fengyun and Fengyun honed their martial arts skills while browsing the scenery of mountains and rivers.

Now the two have officially entered the ranks of congenital masters, and with the talent skill "Maha Boundless", many characters of the older generation in Jianghu are not their opponents. .

 225 Cihang Jingzhai! 【Seeking Monthly Ticket】

The destruction of the "Jingnian Temple" in the Holy Land of Baidao has been known all over the world. According to the disciples who escaped from the "Jingnian Temple", the reason for the destruction of the "Jingnian Temple" was simply because they were unwilling to follow a single page. In other words, the dissolution of the sect and the refusal to hand over the supreme treasure "He's Jade", made people have to increase the domineering and brutality of the one-page book by an unknown number of times, and a single word of disagreement destroyed the "Jing Nian", one of the two holy places of Baidao. Chanyuan", it can be seen how surly and domineering Yi Yiyi's character is, the title of "Evil Heart Demon Buddha" is well-deserved!

As soon as the news came out, the martial arts suddenly became turbulent, and everyone was in danger. The martial arts of a page book was almost a myth, and the ordinary sect had no resistance at all!

For dangerous things, humans usually - have two options:

One is to avoid.

The other is... Destruction.



Surrounded by mountains, white clouds cang dogs.


A goshawk soared in the sky, its sharp eagle eyes scrutinized the scene below, a white figure entered its eyes, the goshawk retracted its wings, and shot down like a sharp arrow.

Qi Luosheng was playing a game with Song Yuhua, and asked Sheng to look up at the sky, then his left hand was half raised.

When approaching Qiluosheng, the goshawk spread its wings and claws, and landed lightly on Qiluosheng's left arm.

Qiluosheng took out the bamboo tube tied to the eagle's legs, fed the goshawk two meatballs, and released it.

He took out a note with a password written on it from the bamboo tube, and Qi Luosheng looked at it.

Song Yuzhi, who was originally playing with Mo Qingchi, saw this and ran over to look at it with a smile. She was confused by the strange symbols, so she pulled Qiluosheng's sleeve and asked, "Brother-in-law, there are ghosts painted on it. The same word, what is written?"

When Song Yuhua heard Song Yuzhi calling Qiluosheng her brother-in-law, there was a flash of blush on her face, but she saw her questioning about the letter in Qiluosheng's hand, fearing that Qiluosheng would not like it, so she scolded: "Yuzhi doesn't want it. Bullshit!"

Song Yuzhi stuck out his tongue cutely, and snorted, "I don't have one."

Qi Luosheng smiled, touched Song Yuzhi's little head and said, "It's okay, it's just some latest intelligence news."

Having said this, Qi Luosheng glanced meaningfully at Bai Qing'er who was serving at the side, and then said: "The day before yesterday, the "Yin Kui School" had surrendered to my "World Sealing Sword", and the other is about "Cihang Jingzhai" trend!"

Bai Qinger was adding tea to Qiluosheng, but when she heard this, she was shocked and almost spilled the tea, her expression flashed a little panic, she is a smart person, but from Qiluosheng's eyes, It was understood that Qiluosheng already knew her true identity.

She was about to run away, but after thinking about it, she forcibly stopped.

If she really dared to escape, then she would only end up in a dead end.

Along the way, she had already seen Qiluosheng's unparalleled magic, and there was no hope of escape.

Bai Qinger couldn't help feeling regret, she was really courting death, and she was thinking of dealing with a god-like figure.Even if the eight masters of the Holy Sect come together, they are not opponents.

Now it seems that if you want to survive, you can only be the other party's maid obediently.

Bai Qing'er's mind changed, and she finally resigned herself to her fate.

Fu Junxi, Song Yuzhi, and Song Yuhua were also surprised when they heard the words. They all came from famous families, so they naturally knew what the "Yinkui School" and "Cihang Jingzhai" represented!

Fu Junxuan thought of the news of the demise of "Jingnian Temple" not long ago, and combined with Qiluosheng's words just now, he speculated: Could it be that...he is going to take action against "Cihang Jingzhai"?


Emperor stepping on the peak, Cihang Hall.

Accompanied by two disciples of "Cihang Jingzhai", a young monk told the story of destroying the "Jingnian Temple" and robbing the "He's Jade" with a single page...

After everyone in the audience listened, some were indignant, some were secretly gloating, some were dismissive, and there were many emotions.

Fan Qinghui, who was dressed in white robes, said in a sympathetic and sympathetic manner: "Unfortunately, Buddhism came out of this evil, and more than [-] eminent monks from the "Jingnian Temple" were innocently killed. Bamboo is difficult to read, the poor nun invites all heroes and heroes to come here today, it is a good plan for a business to kill demons!"

The island owner of "Phoenix Island" - Xu Fu, looks like a middle-aged man in his forties. He wears a Confucian robe and leaves a long beard. With that calm demeanor, he is really immortal!

After Fan Qinghui finished speaking, Xu Fu got up and clasped his fists to everyone present, bowed humbly, and then said righteously: "One page of the book is arrogant and cruel, killing many Buddhist cultivators for his own selfishness, it is really maddening! If you don't get rid of it, I'm afraid that the martial arts will never have a peaceful day! This old man is not talented, I would like to do my best to help the "Cihang Jingzhai" to eliminate this evil and bring peace to the world!"

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

The words are modest and polite, bold and passionate, revealing a fearless spirit of self-sacrifice!

At this time, Xu Fu seemed to have a real heart for the world, hated evil and hated it, and had the demeanor of a pillar of justice.

Xu Fu said that many people were moved by his "feelings" and applauded him.

Wuming also looked at Xu Fu with a face of approval. The matter of slaughtering the "Jingnian Temple" in one page also made Wuming dissatisfied. Therefore, at the invitation of "Cihang Jingzhai", Wuming came to the "Dita" without any hesitation. peak".

The Four Great Sages, Ning Daoqi, and Shi Wuzun, and many other masters of Bai Dao also spoke out, expressing their willingness to do their part.


Bu Jingyun, who was sitting at the bottom of the left side, saw everything in his eyes, frowned secretly, and said to Nie Feng, who was next to him, "Yi Ying Shu was with Master (Qi Luosheng) and the Deputy Master that day. Working together to kill the 'God' seems to have a close relationship! I don't know how Master will decide when he knows about this! Junior Brother Feng, what do you think?"

Hearing Bu Jingyun's voice transmission, Nie Feng replied calmly, "I don't know what Master thinks, but just relying on these people, if you are on the previous page, I'm afraid there is not much chance of winning!"

Bu Jingyun was silent for a moment when he heard the words. He had witnessed the strength of a page of books with his own eyes. He still remembered the power that would destroy the world and destroy the world. Perhaps only a strong person like Master can compare with him!

The two of Fengyun communicated using the technique of sound transmission. At this moment, they suddenly felt a huge pressure and a sense of solemnity coming from the sky, which made their heartbeats slow for a beat.

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