In the "Cihang Palace", Xu Fu was the first to notice the abnormality, and his eyes looked to the west sky, a sneer in his heart.

This breath, among the people present, he is the most familiar one, and he knows that it must be the one-page book of "Evil Heart Demon Buddha" arrived!

Sure enough, not long after everyone walked out of the "Cihang Hall", a thick and high familiar poem sounded from the sky:

"Six paths fall together, there are thousands of calamities, extradite the Tathagata!"

The Buddha's light shines, the golden lotus descends from the sky, and a black robe of an immortal Buddha's shadow flies over and descends from the sea of ​​clouds!


Thanks to "Kevin2712", "Wujun Luohu", "Prodigal Son" and others for their monthly tickets and flowers!

 226 Can't help but talk [seeking monthly ticket]

The emperor stepped on the peak and tried the sword platform.

"Six paths fall together, there are thousands of calamities, extradite the Tathagata!"

The Buddha's light shines, the golden lotus descends from the sky, and a black robe of an immortal Buddha's shadow flies over and descends from the sea of ​​clouds!

The majesty of the Buddha, and the solemn appearance of the Dharma, people can't help but worship.

"Amitabha, this devil is coming so fast!" Fan Qinghui, who was dressed in a white robe, stood up and said.

A page of the book fell among the heroes, and within his senses, among these people there was a "Demi-God-level" master (Xu Fu) in the Innate Extreme Realm, and two "Heaven-level" masters in the Innate Astral Qi Realm ( Wuming, Ning Daoqi), as well as several "Grandmaster-level" masters (the Four Great Sages, Fan Qinghui) who are at the peak of Innate True Qi, and the rest are second-rate and above masters.

In such a battle, the "[-]" is called a luxurious lineup in today's martial arts!

However, these people can't help but get nervous when facing a page of a book. There is never benevolence, only killing, life or death, in a single thought, killing at every turn. This is the real arena. Although the rivers and lakes never lack the embellishment of wine and beauty, However, there are more brutal killings, a sea of ​​blood, and swords fighting for glory.

The so-called ranger, justice, how many people can do it!

Most of these people gather here for fame and fortune, and to watch the fun, and few like Wuming are genuinely trying to quell disputes.

One page of the book dismissed the suspicions, curiosity, fear, hatred, and malicious eyes around him, and looked at Fan Qinghui: "The heretical nonsense, in the name of Buddha, will bring disaster to China, and Brahma will not tolerate it."

"Amitabha, you are the one-page book of "Evil Heart Demon Buddha"? Are all the more than [-] monks of "Jing Nian Temple" killed by you?"

Jiaxiang, the longest of the four holy monks, clasped his hands together and asked.

A page of the book brushed his shoulders and said proudly, "Exactly!"

"Senior brother, why bother with him, such a vicious and vicious person should act the wrath of King Kong!" Venerable Emperor Di Xin said angrily.

"That's right, senior brother, this demon came to 'Cihang Jingzhai' today, and if he wants to come, he will also start with all of you. He can't let him go if he disappears." Wisdom and Daoxin also agreed.

Originally, the three of them were eminent monks, not to mention martial arts, Buddhist cultivation is also rare in the world.

But what One Page has done is really unbearable. It's obviously a rhythm of expelling the Buddhists and killing them. How can they endure it?

"Saints are hard to find, wise people are jealous, villains are full of people, and the mediocrity is rampant, so the world is not peaceful! You and other barbarians are hard to cross people, and they are hard to cross themselves. They coddle and luxurious, fool believers, tell right and wrong all day long, and bring disaster to the country and the people. Although my Buddhist sect is broad, but I do not pass the missed opportunity, take off my cassock, and abandon my martial arts.

In the face of the aggressive four holy monks, a page of the book furiously collected the dust, and took out the divine weapon "or halberd" while speaking, sharp eyes, cold murderous aura.

Xu Fu stepped forward and stood side by side with the four great monks, and sighed: "Buddha, the greatness of the rivers and lakes, and the sorrow of the martial arts are not what you thought. You are too deep into the devil to kill so easily."

Xu Fu is also Emperor Shitian. Although he changed his face, he couldn't hide the "sacred demon's eye" that could look directly at the soul. As for his identity, a page of the book knew from the beginning, but he did not break it, but pretended not to know. He said, "Who are you to meddle in the affairs of Brahma, do you have the consciousness of death?"

At the same time, point "Or Tianji" at Xu Fu, if you can't get a satisfactory answer, you will kill!

 At the same time, point "Or Tianji" at Xu Fu, if you can't get a satisfactory answer, you will kill!

Xu Fu was constantly calculating in his heart how to deal with a page of the book, but with a smile on his face, facing the page of the book at a distance, he said calmly and humbly: "Old man Xu Fu, is the owner of the 'Phoenix Island', and the Buddhist practice cuts karma. How can you tell whether the beheaded is karma or human?"

"My Dao is self-evidence, I say it separately, I don't say it, I can't help but say it! After today, there will be no "Cihang Jingzhai". Those who want to stop my Dao, Brahma is the only one, kill!"

Despise the heroes, swallow mountains and rivers with anger.

The momentum of the one-page book soared, and the dominance of the book shook the entire "Cihang Jingzhai". A few invited martial artists couldn't help but retreat. Fan Qinghui, the four great monks and other Buddhist people also became nervous. Especially Fan Qinghui, she once witnessed the power of a page of a book, and now she is not sure about the previous page, but at the moment of life and death of "Cihang Jingzhai", she also has a decisive heart and vows to protect "Cihang Jingzhai". "Cihang Jingzhai" is safe.

Fan Qinghui said sympathetically: "One page, although you have great martial arts, but you act so arrogant and domineering, it is not the blessing of the martial arts! If you do too much injustice, you will kill yourself. You are so cruel and domineering, even if you are really "Brahma", the poor nun will also Go against the sky and get rid of you, the devil, for the common people!"

The loser does not lose the battle, Fan Qinghui's rhetoric made a lot of people's approval.  …


Yi Ying Shu had a cold and arrogant demeanor, raised his voice and shouted: "Defying the sky, there are exceptions; defying me, there is absolutely no life! Those who are irrelevant, retreat five miles, if you stay here, you will die!"

The halberd touched the ground, the ground shook and the mountains shook. The people in the rivers and lakes who wanted to help the fist could not help but frightened their souls, and instantly retreated two-thirds of the time.

After all, fame and fortune are precious, and life is more valuable! The rivers and lakes are also a realistic place. Although there are many heroes who sacrifice their lives for their beliefs, there are more people who are chasing fame and fortune, greedy for life and fear of death!

The "Cihang Jingzhai" side seems to be outnumbered, but its strength has reached a certain level, and it is not just the number that can determine the outcome. These people are not all idiots, so naturally they will not go to "Cihang Jingzhai". 』Be a cannon fodder!

The rest are Xu Fu, Wuming, Ning Daoqi, the four great monks, Fan Qinghui, die-hard members of "Cihang Jingzhai", and some martial arts practitioners who don't know what kind of mentality they have. There are still thousands of them together. !

After a while, all those who did not want to participate in the war have left, including Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun. They don't have much affection for "Cihang Jingzhai", they are just here to join in the fun! righteous"!


The sword is drawn 2.2, the energy is swaying, and an extreme battle is about to be drawn on the wide sword test platform of "Cihang Jingzhai"!

Holy Seal. Lotus!

A page of the book took the lead, and the figure unfolded and brought a string of phantoms to the surface, accompanied by the golden palms rolling in the sky, and in an instant overwhelmingly moved towards the four holy monks under the hood, the momentum was like a surging wave, stretching for a long time. absolutely.

As soon as he made a move, Yi Ying Shu showed no mercy. He must kill these four old bald donkeys quickly, and he did not want to continue wasting time with them.

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