In the face of such a killer move, the four holy monks are also facing the enemy, with solemn faces, trying their best to resist.

They all took out their own unique skills to deal with them, and one after another, palm strength, fingerprints, and finger strength directly met those palms that fell on the head.

Immediately, the qi was boiling, and the wind was blowing. .

227 million swords return to the ancestry【for collection】

Fight to the top of Emperor Peak!

Due to the limitation of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the strength of a page cannot be fully exerted, and the difference in foundation makes it difficult for the four holy monks to resist.

As soon as the shop touches, the face is purple, and the blood vomits and flies away.

The four holy monks have been famous for a long time, and they are all master-level masters. The common heaven-level (innate qi realm) of the four together is not an opponent.

Fan Qinghui saw that the four holy monks were frustrated and their morale plummeted, and hurriedly shouted: "Everyone, today either he is dead or I am dead, everyone has no choice, don't care about the means, make a trick!"

Speaking of this, Fan Qinghui leaped into the air, pulled out the cyan sword from his waist, and finally launched the "Cihang Sword Canon". Hundreds of pure sword energies seemed to cover a page of the book, forming a strange vacuum sword field. .

Wuming's face was solemn. He didn't want to be an enemy of a page of books, but he didn't want Buddhism to be destroyed. When he was young, he was dedicated to fighting for fame. One person and one sword defeated ten sects. Countless sect elites were killed by him, killing the Central Plains. Martial arts talent withered, made a big mistake!

At this time, seeing a page of books killing for no reason, 17 naturally couldn't sit back and ignore it, and the righteous and mighty "Hero Sword" started, and the power of the "Sword of Heaven", Wan Jian surrendered, and ripples swayed in the void.


Wumingjian took a slanted edge, and the way of the sword was unexpected and even incomprehensible.

At the same time, Ning Daoqi and Xu Fu, who wanted to hide their strength, also shot at the same time, their palms overlapped, and the momentum was terrifying.

Those disciples of "Cihang Jingzhai" and the martial arts practitioners who helped in the battle were not far behind.

In order to fight against the power of the Buddha, thousands of people came out together. For a while, the sword qi was in a vertical and horizontal direction, and the palm wind was raging, layer upon layer, as if endless!

"Crossing the Five Delights, Fixing the Four Righteousness, Returning to the Three Enlightenment. The twelve evils of Satan are all empty!"

One page of the book is instantly tied with the twelve Buddha seals of "Bodhi", "Vajra" and "Maha". In an instant, the Buddha's light is vast, a huge golden lotus appears, and one page of the book is in the golden lotus, like the protection of gods and Buddhas!

"Boom boom boom..."

The fierce collisions continued, until the "Sword Test Platform" completely cracked and stopped.

The large amount of dust lifted by the strong wind made it difficult to understand what was going on inside.


After attacking with all their strength, those disciples of "Cihang Jingzhai" and the martial arts practitioners who had a low cultivation base were a little out of breath, covering their mouths and noses, panting heavily.

"Is he... dead?"

"Should... it should be! Such a fierce attack, even reinforced iron bones can't bear it!"

Several martial artists who were familiar with each other looked nervously at the center shrouded in smoke and chatted in a low voice.

 Several martial artists who were familiar with each other looked nervously at the center shrouded in smoke and chatted in a low voice.

Xu Fu, Wuming, Ning Daoqi and others also stared into the smoke and secretly adjusted their true qi.


A gigantic roar of energy blew the smoke away, and I saw a huge pit with a radius of several dozen feet, full of shocking sword marks and palm prints, a page of a book standing proudly in the void, the golden lotus dissipated, and the body was actually unscathed. hurt!

Seeing such a situation, many people's eyes bulged out, and a martial artist with a knife said in disbelief and horror: "Oh my god! this a monster? Thousands of masters can't even hurt him! "

"It's over! Can't beat him, he's too strong! We can't win!"

"It's not a person of the same level at all, the gap is too big!"

Fear swept the hearts of everyone at this moment. Not to mention ordinary warriors, even Ning Daoqi, who set foot on the "heaven level", was shocked. He had never encountered such a formidable opponent in his life.

"Killing life to protect life, killing business is not killing people! You still have the last chance to choose." One page of the book looked calm, and the "or halberd" in his hand pointed to the sky, causing the sky and the earth to change color, countless black clouds surging, and the thunder roared, Cover the sky.


Some people with weak minds saw that a page of books remained motionless under the siege of thousands of masters, and they changed the world in reverse.

Seeing someone take the lead, then there are hundreds of people who are rushing to the road regardless of face. For these people who escaped, a page of books did not stop them. These ordinary martial arts people are not his target.

On the side of "Cihang Jingzhai", the morale was low again. Facing the people who were escaping, Fan Qinghui had nothing to do. This was a dispute between the rivers and lakes, not the war between the two armies. They were only here to help. We can't just rectify these people on the spot for morale sake!

In fact, if all these masters work together, it is enough to break a page of the book "Satan Twelve Evils Are Empty", but these people have different thoughts, the attacks are scattered and not focused enough, and the palm qi and sword qi sometimes counteract each other. Xu Fu, who could pose a threat, did not work hard, so this seemingly magnificent attack could not achieve the effect of quantitative change and qualitative change, and ultimately fell short!

Xu Fu was also secretly shocked when he saw that Yi Ye Shu was so strong. He could also take the attack just now, but it couldn't be as easy as Yi Yi Shu, and he knew that Yi Yi Shu had the same immortality as him. If you can't kill with one hit, it's hard to have a second chance!

His mind changed, Xu Fu stepped forward and said: "Don't panic, he is delaying 880 times to change the astronomical phenomenon and create favorable weather, so don't give him a chance to breathe, otherwise we have no chance of winning."

"All Swords Return to the Sect!"

Xu Fu's words fell, his meritorious deeds were complete, his sword spirit was terrifying, and the sky was terrifying. It was actually the "Jianzong" supreme and unparalleled style "Wanjian Guizong". As soon as the sword was determined, the "Sword Test Platform" was a treasured sword within a kilometer radius. Rising from the sky, even the people with low cultivation base on the scene, the swords also came out one after another.

The "Hero Sword" in Wuming's hand trembled slightly, as if being pulled, and only suppressed it when Wuming broke out the "Intention of the Heavenly Sword". He looked at Xu Fu surrounded by thousands of sword blades in amazement. The successor, he knew of "Wan Jian Guizong", it was because he obtained the supreme swordsmanship of this "Sword Sect" that he had a decisive battle with Po Jun. Unfortunately, although Wuming won in the end, due to Jianhui's selfishness and "Wanjun". Sword Guizong is missing!

Although Wuming wondered why Xu Fu would use "Wanjian Guizong", he also knew that now was not the time to ask questions, Wuming closed his eyes slightly, and a mournful sword intent emanated from Wuming's body.

The four sage monks, Fan Qinghui, Ning Daoqi and the others who had calmed down also joined the battle group again.


Thanks to "zq**" 558vip for tipping! .

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