228 Lei Qi Breaks the Dawn【For Collection】

Thousands of Swords Return to the Sect!

Inexplicable grief!

Excalibur without me!

Eight flutter!


Except for Xu Fu's intention to keep it and not doing all his work, Wuming, Ning Daoqi, Fan Qinghui and many other masters all spared no effort to launch the strongest attack.

Thousands of knives swept across the sky, and the swords flickered, drawing sharp boundaries, covering the sky and the earth, and heading straight for the location of a page of the book.

"This is the method of cultivating qi of Wanjian Guizong. It's really exquisite. I didn't expect this guy Xu Fu to be able to do this trick, but with his skill, it should be more than that. I'll turn you into a roast pig!" Seeing Xu Fu using "Wan Jian Gui Zong", a flash of surprise flashed in the eyes of the book transformed by "Devil Soul", and immediately used the "Eye of the Holy Devil" to "Wan Jian Gui Zong" The Qi-moving method was recorded, and then the power of the thunder in the sky was activated.

Creation of Gods. First Form. Lei Lin Breaks Dawn!


Or when the sky dances and the wind and clouds move, the long halberd absorbs the eight wild thunders, the sky is covered with dark clouds, the thunder snakes dance wildly, and the silver lightning with thousands of arms thick like a tired bird returning to its nest, in the blink of an eye, all of them are killed by the "or halberd". absorb.

This is a breakthrough in retreat, a new trick created, you can directly use Tianlei to attack others, or you can condense all Tianlei in the "Or Tianji" to condense the Qilin Dharma. The power can also be enhanced several times.

"Your choice is wrong!"


A page of thunder was added to the body, and Yuan Gong suddenly increased by three layers. With a long shout, the "Or Heavenly Halberd" in his hand was thundered. During the dance, the power of thunder spurted out, transforming into a huge thunder of ten feet. Kirin.

When Lei Qilinpu was born, it seemed to have taken away all the brilliance between heaven and earth.

"Ang 々¨!"

I saw the thunder unicorn, lion head, antlers, tiger eyes, elk body, dragon scales, ox tail, like a living creature, with a whistling like a beast but not a beast, and then the four hoofs moved, volleying at a high speed.

The first person to be injured was Xu Fu. When he used "Wan Jian Gui Zong", he attached his martial arts thoughts to these sharp blades. After encountering Lei Qilin, he was completely destroyed by the power of thunder and lightning attached to his body.

The power of thunder, the power of heaven and earth to the sun, can not only destroy tangible things, but even souls. When Xu Fu's martial arts thoughts were defeated, even his soul was also traumatized. At this time, He didn't dare to hide anything, and "Ascension to the Immortal Step" was fully activated, and he retreated behind everyone in a flash.

As soon as Xu Fu retired, the people behind him, Ning Daoqi, Wuming, the Four Great Sages and others, were unlucky!

Venerable Emperor Di Xin roared, and the Zen staff instantly shot out, slashing towards Lei Qilin.

The heavy Zen staff, with its incomparable power, slashed heavily on Lei Qilin, but unfortunately Lei Qilin was not a living creature.


Venerable Emperor Dixin screamed, and the power of thunder shot out from Lei Qilin's body was electrocuted into a pile of coke.

All this seems to be a long time, but in fact it is only two breaths of time.

In two breaths of time, the Venerable Emperor Heart is dead!

In two breaths of time, the Venerable Emperor Heart is dead!

Before the other three holy monks could come to the rescue, they saw Venerable Emperor Xin die tragically on the spot, and they were furious, but Lei Qilin did not give them time to think about it. .

"Only from the heart!" Master Jiaxiang shouted loudly, gathering his life's skills to condense "One Finger Zen", and a terrifying finger force shot at Lei Qilin.

"Dharma Hand!" Master Daoxin looked solemn, and a monstrous Buddha hand slammed into Lei Qilin.

"Heart Buddha Palm!" Master Wisdom used a "treasure bottle mark" and smashed it hard at Lei Qilin.

However, it was useless. Their attack seemed to tickle Lei Qilin. They couldn't even stop Lei Qilin for a moment, and then Lei Ting attacked him and followed in the footsteps of Venerable Emperor Xin.

In the three breaths time, all the four holy monks were killed!

Fan Qinghui's eyes were about to split. In just a few breaths, the four holy monks died on the spot, which was almost beyond her imagination.

Fan Qinghui shouted angrily: "Don't fight recklessly, everyone spread out!"

In fact, she doesn't need to say, these people are not idiots, they naturally see the situation, and they all use their light skills to dodge.

This trick of "Lei Lin Dawn" is just a new creation, and there are still many flaws. The emphasis is on power and speed. It is straight forward and lacks changes. As long as you judge the direction of Lei Qilin's attack in advance, it is easy to escape. Of course, the premise is that your Faster than lightning!

Lei Qilin rushed into the side of "Cihang Jingzhai", including the four holy monks, and killed hundreds of people. If he rushed all the way to the end, he could kill dozens of people, but a page of the book did not let Lei Kirin rushed over, because this distance was enough!

Fan Qinghui joined Wuming who had just used "Sword Qi Remaining Shape" to evade Lei Qilin's attack, and at this moment, Yi Ying Shu also used "Reverse Demon Source" to block all those scattered attacks.

Seeing Lei Qilin who had rushed into the center, there was an evil and charming smile on his solemn and solemn face.

". "Do you think it's okay to hide? Naive!"

One page of the book thought, and the control of Lei Qilin was revoked. I saw that Lei Qilin's body began to twist and deform, and countless thunderbolts slammed into the eight wastes, and then there was a world-shattering explosion!



Violent electric light flickered, and at that moment, the earth seemed to shake for several miles...

The power of thunder in the blockbuster also erupted with terrifying power (okay), and also burned countless martial arts practitioners who participated in the war to ashes!The entire mountain peak of "Emperor's Step Peak" was shattered in half.

Time seemed to stand still for a moment at this moment, Nie Feng and others who left early all showed expressions of horror, and they couldn't help but secretly rejoice when they looked at the "Emperor's Tread Peak", which was half a hill missing.

At the same time, I thought of what the book "back five miles" meant at the beginning!

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