With this blow, "Cihang Jingzhai" was completely destroyed!

A scorched corpse was scattered all over the mountains and fields, incomplete and beyond recognition, and it was impossible to tell who was who, but in the perception of a page of the book, I could still sense the breath of several living people around.


Thanks to "The Prodigal Son", "huang95x", "Amber", "The Flashy Back then", "oplklm", "Wujun Luohu", "So Boring" and other book friends for their flowers! .

 229 The Emperor Shitian who died [for collection]

Those who can survive in such a situation have good luck and strength, but unfortunately Yiyishu has no habit of returning the tiger to the mountain. After going through countless reincarnation planes, Yiyishu knows the importance of making up the sword.

Since he has committed a deadly revenge, he naturally wants to pull out the root of the disaster. He does not need prisoners, nor does he have a hobby of abusing others. All those who stand in his way, only - kill!

The speed of a page of books was extremely fast, and the explosion just stopped, and a page of books took the "Or Tianji" to make up the knife.

Fan Qinghui, Ning Daoqi, and a few other martial artists who were lucky enough to escape the disaster were all found one by one, and they were killed with a halberd.

The last person is "Heavenly Sword" Wuming. At this time, Wuming can no longer see the "Heavenly Sword" style, his body is in a mess, his hair is in a mess, his breath is weak, and two lines of blood and tears flow from his eyes, he is obviously blind!

It's really embarrassing that a generation of martial arts myths have ended up like this. It's just that he is nosy, but he has insufficient ability.

No words, no hesitation, or the sting of a halberd...

"Yeah! Courting death!" Just as a page of the book was about to end the nameless, he suddenly felt a fierce energy attacking from behind him. Without thinking, he knew that it must be a thousand-year-old monster like Xu Fu, and he was the only one who had the ability to do it at this time. sneak attack.

580 "Reverse the source of magic!"

In a sudden change, when a page of the book has the strongest defense, the two layers of circular defense cover instantly protect the page of the book in the center.

"Heavenly Heart Tribulation!"

Xu Fu is also not easy to be with his generation, especially the "Rebel Devil" who has read a page of the book, he knows its defense ability, and did not choose to fight recklessly, but launched "Sacred Heart Four Tribulations. Heavenly Heart Tribulation" at the critical moment. ", he and Yiyishu are both immortal, this move naturally can't kill a book, but it can make a book's defense flawed.

With heart to heart, Xu Fu and Yi Ye Shu had two hearts shattered at the same time. The pain of heartbreak was stronger than that of a page book, and it was difficult to adapt. There was a gap in the perfect "Rebel Devil".

"Sacred Heart Four Decisions. Ditian Crazy Thunder!"

Xu Fu had a plan for a long time, seized this fleeting opportunity, turned ice into thunder, and attacked the front of a page in an instant.The murderous intent is revealed in his eyes, and the thousand-year-old cultivation base is fully attached to the palm of his hand, in order to kill him with one blow, and smash his bones to ashes!

"Is it that easy?"

"Creation of the gods. The first style. The wind rolls in the sky!"

One page of the book was not enough to wipe the blood from the mouth, and immediately the long (bhbd) halberd danced, taking the world and the world, and then showing off new martial arts.

The two sides handed over, and a page of the book fought against Emperor Shitian again. In an instant, thunder broke the mountains and the wind swept the forest.

"Boom! Crack!!"

The mountain body of "Emperor Peak" collapsed again, sinking three feet into the ground. Numerous cracks were centered on them and spread to the surroundings. Rocks collapsed, trees fell, and countless birds and beasts ran away, just like the end of the day.

After the shock, Xu Fu was injured in one page of the book, Xu Fu had an advantage over his skill, and one page of the book used "Or Tianji" to cut most of the impact, but because of his lack of power, he fell into the disadvantage.

A page of book wiped off the blood on his face, and the scorch marks on his body healed quickly. Looking at Xu Fu, who had also healed the wounds of the wind blade, he said, "Di Shitian, you can't stand it anymore!"

Xu Fu's eyes were half-closed, and he didn't continue to pretend, with a nervous smile on his face: "You already knew my identity! How did you find out?"

"Is it necessary for me to tell you?" Yi Ying Shu talked for a while, while using his spiritual sense to connect Qiluosheng and Kyo Wushang, and let them transfer their power into their bodies, otherwise, with only one-third of their power, At most, they can remain undefeated, but it is very difficult to defeat or even kill Xu Fu.

Qiluosheng, who was thousands of miles away, received a message from a page of books, and immediately put down everything, found a hidden place, crossed the boundaries of space, and gathered most of his skills into a page of books.

Originally, he wanted to solve Di Shitian after "Slaughter the Dragon", but since he couldn't wait to die, there was no reason why a page should not complete him. Mid-Demigod".

Xu Fu also took advantage of the opportunity to speak to adjust his breath. Although he has Phoenix blood, his resilience is not as good as that of the differentiated "magic body".


Luoyang wilderness.

Dozens of demons' bodies fell in a pool of blood.

"Just relying on your rabble, do you really think you can surround and kill me here?" Shi Zhixuan glanced at the people around him who were lying on the ground, his long hair scattered and shawls, and roared arrogantly.

The remaining forty-odd Demon Sect sects were unable to raise funds, and the name "Evil King" was not a hoax. Facing the siege of hundreds of Demon Sect masters, he was still able to kill most of them. At this time, Shi Zhixuan, dressed in Confucianism The robe, but it couldn't hide the arrogant arrogance, and the body exuded a thick evil aura.

"Add me!"

With a whisper, Zhu Yuyan and Wei Fei fell a few meters away from Shi Zhixuan.

Shi Zhixuan set his eyes on Zhu Yuyan and frowned: "Zhu Yuyan, they are all sent by you."

"Yes, now that I have unified the Holy Sect and become the Evil Emperor, you will pay the price for what you have done today!" Zhu Yuyan stared at Shi Zhixuan, her eyes full of strong resentment, mixed with a strange complexity: " Since you made that decision back then, I have vowed to take revenge, and those who abandon me will have to pay the price, if they don't get you, then I will destroy you!"

"You're not my opponent, so why give up your life in vain!" Shi Zhixuan sighed faintly. Although he has suffered some injuries now, he doesn't think Zhu Yuyan will be his opponent, even with the surrounding demons!

"Hahaha! Shi Zhixuan, you are still so self-righteous. It's a pity that I am not what I used to be now. Go to hell to repent!"

Zhu Yuyan smiled mockingly, with a trace of indescribable sadness, her body was filled with a strong black demonic energy, and "Tianmo Dafa" has been driven to the extreme by her.

Wan Wanben, who was beside him, was about to help, but was stopped by Zhu Yuyan!

"This is my grudge with him, you don't have to interfere!"

"Yes, Master."

She knew that Zhu Yuyan had broken through the eighteenth level of "Tianmo Dafa", and she was very confident in her master, so she took the rest of the disciples and stepped aside for the time being.

"Where do you get your confidence! You invite me to fight alone, you are just courting death, and there is no second result." Shi Zhixuan looked at Zhu Yuyan and said with all his might.

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