Zhu Yuyan sneered: "How do you know if you don't try, I can't kill you!"

As soon as the voice fell, Zhu Yuyan's figure rushed out at the same time, and the demonic energy wrapped around her body like a black shadow, exuding an extremely powerful momentum, flying towards Shi Zhixuan. .

 230 Evil King [seeking monthly ticket]

Luoyang wilderness.

"Evil King" Shi Zhixuan was forced to kill by the new "Evil Emperor" Zhu Yuyan.

Zhu Yuyan, who broke through the eighteenth level of "Tianmo Dafa", doubled her skills and activated the magic field. Zhu Yuyan's right hand seemed to cut through the space, and a vortex suddenly appeared in front of Zhu Yuyan. Shi Zhixuan seemed to be aware of it and retreated abruptly. , I saw that the place where he was standing was suddenly twisted, and the grass, soil, and stones suddenly floated up.

From the stance of the demon, Zhu Yuyan has already cultivated to the realm of transformation. This move is to make full use of the suction in the stance of the demon.

"You broke through! How is this possible!-"

Shi Zhixuan looked at the many gravel plants and trees floating in the void in surprise, and felt the strange force around him, and his whole person instantly exuded an incomparable temperament.

Zhu Yuyan sneered, and lifted the debris in the way: "Are you surprised? After many years, I have finally reached this point."

Before she finished speaking, Zhu Yuyan appeared in front of Shi Zhixuan like a ghost.

The Heavenly Demon Ribbon surrounded Shi Zhixuan's all dodging range.

The "Evil King" was born in the Huajian School of the Demon Gate. He is a martial arts master of both the Huajian School and the Butian Pavilion. He even sneaked into the Buddhist school to practice. The Buddhist and Demon practitioners are naturally not easy to match. They use it in an instant. "Magic Body Technique" to avoid attacks.

Shi Zhixuan's body is erratic and fickle, but due to the "Heavenly Magic Field", his speed has dropped a lot.

Zhu Yuyan snorted coldly, "The Sound of the Devil" disturbed Shi Zhixuan's spirit.

Shi Zhixuan's ear suddenly resounded with the howling of Yinfeng Ghost Roar.

The whistling sound of the ghosts expanded like a wave, and in an instant it seemed that the entire space was filled with strange and terrifying terrifying sounds.

The surroundings were quiet as before, and the corner of Shi Zhixuan's eyes swept away the faces of everyone watching the battle, knowing that this must be caused by Zhu Yuyan's magic.

In a blink of an eye, Gui Xiao turned into the murmur of a loved one.

Shi Zhixuan seemed to see Bi Xiu Xinyou standing in front of him and whispered to him.

When she lost her mind, Zhu Yuyan took off her hands, and she was graceful, combining the most beautiful and the most evil.

"You shouldn't appear in front of me in his appearance."

Shi Zhixuan shouted loudly, looked at Zhu Yuyan who was approaching almost instantly, and hurriedly used all his strength to slap his palms forward fiercely. Block Zhu Yuyan.

The Heavenly Demon's True Qi slammed into Shi Zhixuan, and suddenly a swirling airflow was stirred up, and all the fallen leaves and flying sand flew out.

Wanwan on the periphery was also able to resist, blocking her blurred vision.

Shi Zhixuan's figure suddenly retreated, his long hair was dancing wildly, his clothes were also torn a lot, and blood dripped from the corner of his mouth. Obviously, he also suffered a lot of injuries after receiving Zhu Yuyan's attack.

On the other hand, Zhu Yuyan, although her face was flushed and the corners of her mouth benefited from blood, she was still graceful and graceful.

"Shi Zhixuan, you are defeated!"

"Impossible, I am the Evil King, how could I be defeated by you!" Shi Zhixuan's demeanor became even more mad after being severely injured.

The insane Shi Zhixuan had a sudden killing intent, and his majestic palm directly hit Zhu Yuyan, frantic and merciless.


With a faint sigh, Zhu Yuyan saw Shi Zhixuan's crazy appearance, she couldn't help feeling a lot of emotion in her heart, but she was not slow in her hands. A unique phenomenon at its peak.


The strong wind whistled, flying sand and rocks, and in the dust, Zhu Yuyan flew upside down, her whole body was stained red with blood, and blood was constantly spilling from her mouth, her body was shaky, as if it could be blown by a breeze.

The strong wind whistled, flying sand and rocks, and in the dust, Zhu Yuyan flew upside down, her whole body was stained red with blood, and blood was constantly spilling from her mouth, her body was shaky, as if it could be blown by a breeze.


She exclaimed and quickly swept to Zhu Yuyan's side to slowly support her.

"I...cough...it's fine, it's just...cough...with some internal injuries, let's go!"

Zhu Yuyan kept coughing up blood, and with the help of Wei Wei, she managed to stand up.

"Then the "Evil King" he..." She said and looked into the smoke.

I saw Shi Zhixuan, his heart was sunken, his eyes couldn't believe it, blood gushed out from his mouth, and he fell straight to the ground, his eyes slowly disintegrating.

A generation of "Evil Kings" has fallen to the dust. How many grand plans, how many lofty words and far-reaching visions, and now it's just a light explosion and disappears in the wind.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·?????????????

A lifetime of love-hate entanglements, and now it will be over until death!


Emperor stepping on the peak!

In the huge pit full of scorched earth, Xu Fu's eyes flashed fiercely, and his skill recovered eight layers. Without waiting, he turned his hands into claws and grabbed a page of the book.

This move of his is an extremely sinister and sinister move, called "Snow Blood Claw". I saw one claw grabbed, the wind whistled, the blood filled the air, the air was twisted, and the murderous intention lingered.

"Void Extinction!"

A page of dantian is scattered and empty, and the sea is inclusive of all rivers. "Snow Blood Claws" hit a page of the book, and immediately passed through the body, hitting the ground behind the page with several deep marks.

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