"Wan Ren Chuan Yun!"

Seeing that one move failed to achieve success, Xu Fu made another move. Suddenly, countless ice crystals condensed in front of him and turned into ice blades. This is exactly Wan Ren Chuanyun in "Sacred Heart Four Decisions". , rushing straight into the sky, passing through the clouds.

The ice blades were densely packed, and they shot at them quickly. One page of the book moved his palm with one hand and waved his halberd with the other.

"The Scroll of Cracks. The First Form. The Mystery of Crack Universe!"

"The Scroll of Waste. The First Form. Xuanhuang Abolishes the World!"

With one palm to the sky, it cracked thousands of ice blades, slashed furiously with a halberd, and took Xu Fu's life.


With a tragic howl, the broken arm flew off, and the blood flowed like a stream.

Xu Fu didn't expect the two moves at the same time. Although he tried his best to dodge, his arm was still cut off by the domineering "Or Tianji". Xu Fu reluctantly froze the wound in an instant to prevent excessive bleeding. Arm, but how could a page book make his wish come true?

"Waste, heaven, god, annihilation, bleed and kill! 'Eight dragons go against the road. The world is ruined' drink!"

Taking advantage of his illness and killing him, one page of the book did not stop, and he regained his breath in an instant. The "Bingjia Wujing" was mastered again, and the eight dragon-shaped qi energy circled and fluttered, strangling towards Xu Fu.


Thank you "Amber", "One Page Book", "Wujun Luohu" and other book friends for their monthly flowers tickets and reminder tickets. Thank you for your support.

In addition, about the situation of the next plane, it will be decided according to the voting results, and it will be changed tomorrow and vote again. .

 231 Beheading Xu Fu [Subscribe]

"Waste, heaven, god, annihilation, bleed and kill! 'Eight dragons go against the road. The world is ruined' drink!"

The killing intent was decisive, Yi Ying Shu used the "Magic Essence" in his body for the first time, and the power of endless darkness was injected into it. It became bloodthirsty scarlet, sharp and powerful claws slid in the void, and there were small space cracks at the cut.

Or dance in the sky, the situation is moving!

Eight dragons go against the road, ghosts and gods are shocked!

The eight black dragons were as fast as lightning, and as soon as the shop appeared, they locked Xu Fu. As they roamed, the sky and the earth collapsed, and even one space began to show signs of collapse.

When the deadly murderous intention was approaching, Xu Fu only felt that the surrounding space was blocked, as if he was trapped in a quagmire, and he could hide.

"Xuan Bing Jue!"

In order to avoid the escape, Xu Fu directly burst out all his strength, and the amazing cold spread from him. I saw Xu Fu dancing quickly with one hand, and waves of ice like waves roared out, turning into eight huge ice palms. Charged towards the dragon-shaped energy.

As soon as these ice palms appeared, the entire "Emperor Peak" shook, as if the entire sky was about to collapse. The cracks spread endlessly, step by step toward collapse and disintegration.

Landslides and fissures.

The sky is shaking!

"hold head high!"

The extreme collision, in Xu Fu's terrified eyes, the sound of the dragon's roar roared out, the ice giant palm that seemed to destroy the mountains and the mountains, encountered the dragon-shaped energy transformed by the pure magic essence, just like the egg touching It was like a stone, but it was torn apart by the dragon-shaped Qi Jin in just a moment, and it disappeared into the sky with the cold wind.

"How could this guy's strength grow so fast? Or did he hide his strength originally?" Before Xu Fu's horror was over, the eight black dragons immediately attacked Xu Fu after smashing the giant palm of ice, killing Xu Fu in an instant. Wrapped in it, at the critical moment, Xu Fu used his remaining right hand to support a shield of infuriating energy to resist the violent impact of the black dragon. His face was pale, and cold sweat permeated from his forehead.

The battle of masters is only on the front line, and the one page book of the three souls is stronger than Xu Fu, and Xu Fu broke his arm first, so he is naturally not an opponent!

With all the support, Xu Fu still lost to the strangling power of the eight dragons. With a "click" sound, at the moment when the defensive cover was broken, Xu Fu was stunned by the dragon's energy, and in a tragic howl, it burst into ashes that filled the sky, both physical and spiritual. Extinct, can't die anymore...

everything is over!

Xu Fu, a thousand-year-old hero, died in the hands of a page before he started his grand plan.

A page of the book stood still for a moment, picked up Xu Fu's broken arm and froze it, and threw it into the inner space. Xu Fu's blood contained phoenix blood. Although I don't know if it could be cloned, it was somewhat useful.

He released his divine sense and scanned the surroundings for several miles, but he didn't find any nameless aura, and he didn't know if he was killed by the aftermath, or if he took the opportunity to escape. superior.

The people who fled in the distance looked at the page of the book that Jia Peng left, and at the "Dita Peak" that was almost completely destroyed, only to feel that the whole mind was trembling, fear, worship, surprise, all kinds of emotions. All in one.

Even Bu Jingyun and Nie Feng, who were not afraid of the sky and the earth, couldn't help but think of fear.

"Senior Brother Yun, when will we be able to achieve this level!"

A few miles away, looking at the "Emperor's Tread Peak", which was still collapsed by half of it, Nie Feng said to Bu Jingyun next to him.

Bu Jingyun clenched his fists tightly and said with firm eyes, "I don't know, but we have the divine power bestowed by our master, and one day we will be able to stand at the same level as him! Let's go! We should return to the world to settle our grievances. !"

Bu Jingyun turned around and strode away, his scarlet cloak fluttering in the wind.

Nie Feng nodded silently and followed Bu Jingyun to the distance. Now that he has broken through to the innate realm, he is not yet an opponent of the tyrant in terms of skill, but he may not be able to fight with "Maha Boundless".



In a hidden cave.

Qi Luosheng, who was sitting cross-legged, his breath gradually became stronger, and then he stood up.

"Now that Xu Fu is dead, if you want to find Shenlong Island, it seems that you can only rely on yourself! There are still a few years before the day of shock, so I'm not in a hurry. Let's conquer the forces of 'Tianmen' and 'Phoenix Island', um!" It's time to close the World Association and other clan forces! Besides, I have obtained the "White Frost", "Black Cold", and "Ice Soul" (taken from the Xiawang Mansion) of the four gods. The "Sacred Stone" is still under the West Lake, you can take it out when you have time..." Qi Luosheng shook the "Xuepu Fan" in his hand, thinking about the next few goals...  

quite a while.

After revoking the enchantment at the entrance of the cave, Qi Luosheng returned to the Song Family Mountain City after a little tidying up.

Seven days later.

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